Chapter 1 - 'Lucky' reincarnation

In an endless void where in every direction, there is a mix of iridescent colours a person whose body can be considered see through is floating aimlessly.

The person seems to be like a teenager who is currently unconcious and is freely floating around.

Suddenly the eyes of the person started twitching and soon he opened his eyes looking up and seeing the void. He looked at the void for a while and then as if a sudden realisation hit him he blinked in surprise and then started looking around only to find the same scenery everywhere.

He remained silent for a while and then began thinking about his current situation. After thinking for a couple of minutes he opened his eyes and said, "I don't know what is happening, let's just sleep." and again lied down and closed his eyes preparing to go back to his sleep.

"Don't you think that you have already slept enough?"

Suddenly the boy heard a calm voice making him open his eyes and sit up only to see an middle aged man standing in front of him wearing a business suit.

The boy looked at the person with a confused expression and said, "Who are you?"

The man looked at the boy and his eyes started glowing but the boy didn't react to that making the man slightly surprised.

The man's eyes stopped glowing after a while and he looked at the boy with a small smile on his face and said, "Anyway for the answer to your question you can call me anything you want because my name can't be comprehended by you."

The boy still looked at him with a confused expression and said, "Well then.... Mr. where are we right now?"

The man just chuckled and said, "Well we are in the void, my home."

"Then what am I doing in your home?"

The man just chuckled and said, "Well not everyone can come here only those who have died can come here." and he looked at the boy to see his expression, but to his surprise the boy still continued to stare at him without any change in his expression.

The man then gave a cough and said, "Well, even though only those who have died can come here but still you are a bit special since even after coming here you still have your body though it's only the outline of your body but still you are a bit special."

The man then looked at the boy and asked, "Aren't you a scared or atleast confused about all this?"

The boy shrugged his shoulder and said, "If I am here then I am dead but since you are saying that I am special then it seems that I am lucky. So why am I special."

The man looked at him with a sweat drop and said, "The way you died made you special."

At this the boy's eyes widened and he said, "The way I died? Then how did I die, did I die saving someone who is very important or will do a good deed in future or was it that I did a lot of good things in my world. Can you tell me because I can't remember anything that noteworthy."

The man just waved his hand and said in a carefree tone, "Oh Nothing that serious, I was jerking off a bit and by mistake a drop fell on you killing you in the process."

After he said that there was complete silence for a while and the boy asked, "By drop, do you mean 'that'"

The man just looked at him with a carefree expression and said, "Yeah yeah, white thingy, d.i.c.k milk, call it whatever you want."

The place fell silent once again and soon the boy said, "I am already doubting my luck."

He then looked at the man and asked, "Anyway so what will happen to me now?"

The man looked at him and said, "Those souls that come here after their death gets purified here and are then sent back to the realm they came from as a new life. But you who have been hit by the seed of life a.k.a my c.u.m will not be able to go through that process."

The boy looked at him for a while and then said, "Well whatever looks like I will be in your company for a long time, so take care of me from now on. Good night." and then lied down so as to sleep.

The man looked at the boy in front of him with a sweat drop and thought, 'The last one that was sent here by Truck-kun was overly excited to go to another world or something and the one before that as well, why is this one not asking anything about that.'

Suddenly a realisation hit him and he said, "Boy, can I ask you something?"

The boy woke up and looked at the man and said, "What?"

The man looked at him with a smile and said, "Do you know what is isekai?"

The boy looked at him and shook his head and said, "No" making the middle aged man widen his eyes.




"Well my sister used to watch it but I have never seen one."


"Well yeah, I have watched a couple of them."

The man looked at the boy with a surprised expression and his thoughts were, 'Well this made things a bit more interesting.'

The man then smiled and said, "My friend you know that you cannot stay here."

The boy looked at him with a confused expression and said, "Then where should I go?"

The man smiled and said, "Well you will get a chance to live in a different world other than yours."

Hearing that the boy got a bit surprised and said, "There are world other than mine?"

The man just nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Yeah there are world other than yours, infact some of them may even be like fantasy worlds, with magic, dungeons, different races other than humans etc. or advanced with cool technologies. Though some of them might be a bit dangerous but danger is there in every world just the level of danger is different."

The boy looked at the man intently and listened everything that he was saying with full attention as this was something new to him.

The boy then nodded his head and said, "Then which world would I go to if there are a lot of different worlds out there?"

The man smiled and said, "For that-" the man then snapped his finger and a huge wheel with a lot of names written on it appeared.

He looked at the boy and said, "We will use this." 'Phew if it was one of those people who knew about reincarnation stuff then they would have directly asked me to send them to the world of their choice, that take a lot of energy. With this I can save a lot of my energy.'

"Spin the wheel and where it stops, that's where you go."

The boy nodded and floated towards the shell and with all the strength that he could muster he spinned it making it rotate at a very high speed.

The wheel kept on rotating for quite a while and finally stopped and revealed the location of the boy's new world.

"Hmm, earthland well I have to say that you are quite lucky, that is a very beautiful world if I have to say it myself."

The boy then looked at man and asked, "Is it one of those fantasy worlds that you talked about?"

The man nodded and said, "Yeah, it is. In this world there are people who are able to use magic and are called mages. Don't worry I will not send you there empty handed, I will give you a magic to practice and an equipment to use but what will you get depends on you luck. Also you can use the Karma points to get something you want before going to your be world. Afterall it is what you earned your whole life so you have the right to spend it."

The man once again snapped his fingers and then two screens appeared in front of the boy.

The man then looked at the boy and said, "You see the one on your left is the one which will allow you to draw the magic that you get and the one on the right will let you buy anything that you want through your karma points as long as you can afford it of course."

The boy nodded and said, "Then I would like to draw my magic first."

The man nodded and then the screen in front of him changed and a button saying 'push' appeared on it.

The boy gulped his saliva and pressed the button and the screen in front of him started glowing in different colours and finally turned to white colour before it stopped changing and started to fir down.

The boy then opened the eyes and saw the man wearing sunglasses. The man looked at him and asked, "You get a normal magic huh, well looks like you used up all your luck in selecting the world. So what did you get?"

The boy looked at the screen and said, "Enhancement magic."

Hearing that the man lost intrest and said, "Oh that magic, it is good but it all depends on how you use it and how much you are able to use it. It can be be either good or bad depending upon the user. I hope that you make good use of it." Though he explained it the man was still unintrested with the result and the boy clearly noticed it.

The man then said, "Well I will send the information of how to use it directly to your head." He then thought, 'Well it is a good magic but I thought that he would get something better well whatever it just saves my energy if he gets something of low rank.'

He then placed his hand on the boy's head and then the information about his magic was sent to the boy's brain.

The man then said, "So shall we start with the equipment now?"

The man then snapped his fingers and then screen once again changed and showed the similar 'push' button.

The boy looked at the screen for a while and said, "Can I first look at this shop?"

The man shrugged and said, "Go ahead." he then thought, 'Not like you can get some op power there because first you don't have points and second you don't have knowledge about different worlds.'

The boy then turned his attention towards the other screen and started browsing through the list which only made him confused on what to buy. He thought for a while but then shook his head not able to decide whether the things he will choose will be useful or not.

Suddenly an idea came in his mind and he clicked on the search bar and typed the thing which he want. After going through the window for a while he chose the thing that he thought would be useful and nodded his head.

He then looked at the man and said, "I am ready."

The man looked at the boy and said, "So you bought what you wanted. Well then let's do it."

The boy nodded and took out a golden pill from his pocket and ate it making the man a bit confused but he shrugged it off. The boy then pushed the button and the screen once again started glowing in different colours but this time it stopped at purple before it stopped changing making the man shocked.


The light then died down and the boy saw the man who had a surprised expression on his face. The boy then smiled thinking what he got must be good and said, "I spent all my points to get the maximum luck boost I can."

The man looked at the boy with a surprised expression for a while before a smile appeared on his face and he said, "So you overcome your lack of knowledge the only thing that could have caused you some problems. Well what to say, I am impressed. So what do you get?"

The boy nodded and looked at the screen and said, "It says something called Omnitrix ++"

After he said that the man was completely shocked and thought, 'A simple luck boost gave him the power that can even destroy that world!!!'

The screen then disappeared and then a watch with steel gray strap and an hour glass watch face with a circular rim around it appeared around his wrist.(Alien force onmnitrix, just the colours are different, the strap being steel grey and the Omnitrix symbol being light blue.)

The boy looked at the watch for a while and then said, "It does not show time."

He then looked at the man and asked, "So what does it do?"

The man didn't say anything and placed a hand on his head and sent the information to his head.

Once it was done both the man and the boy were left completely speechless and the boy said, ""

The man nodded and said, "Yeah, wow and not only that it will improve in future along with you those ++ after its name are not for nothing. Also it will work a bit differently than the one you have knowledge about?"

The boy looked at the man and asked, "Why?"

The man shrugged his shoulders and said, "Rules of the world where you are going."

The boy just nodded and said, "Well we will see that later."

The man nodded and said, "With that done it's now time for you to leave."

The boy looked at the man and then bowed his head and said, "Thank you for all this help."

The man waved his hand and said, "Mention not." and snapped his finger and a portal appeared behind him.

"Go through it, it will randomly transport you to any part of the world."

The boy sighed and said, "This too depends on my luck."

The man nodded and said, "Don't be like that it was because of your luck that were hit with my 'seed of life.' Oh and one more thing you will occupy the body that will resonate with your soul so there might be a chance that you can be an old man, a girl or even a baby, but don't worry you will be a human, that I can promise."

The boy shrugged his shoulder and said, "Whatever let's get going." and stepped through the portal.