After Irene came out of the bathroom fully dressed and Damian was able to calm down his 'brother' both of them sat opposite to each other with a complete silence.

Damian who thought that the situation was getting very awkward looked at Irene and saw her looking down on the ground with a blush on her face.

Damian looked at her for a while and then sighed and said, "Look here I am very sorry for the embarrasment that you are suffering right now, but both of us know that it is not my fault and I am not going to apologize for something that I haven't done."

Hearing what Damian said Irene's blush intensified on remembering that he saw her n.a.k.e.d. She then looked at him with a blush still evident on her face and said, "So what do you expect me to do, you saw my completely n.a.k.e.d body and instead of looking away you kept on staring at me and when asked to say something about it, the words that came out of your mouth were thank you."

Damian looked at her and said, "What do you expect a s.e.x.u.a.lly healthy man to do when a beautiful lady is standing in front of her completely n.a.k.e.d?"

Irene narrowed her eyes and said, "I don't know, may be turn around immediately?"

Hearing that Damian snorted and said, "Only those who are sissies do that people who are like me never turn around till it is our fault, the only times I will look around in such situation if it was to be caused by me or if I find the body absolutely disgusting. A gentleman never averts his eyes from beauty."

Hearing that Irene started blushing even more and her ears got red as well. She then pointed her finger at Damian and said, "How can you such a thing with a straight face a-a-and what's up with that Thank you?"

Damian remained silent for a while and then looked away and said, "I guess there was a bit of my mistake back there. But what I said that time was also true, so I did not regret saying it."

Irene who heard that looked at him curiously and asked, "What do you mean by that? Do you think that it is just a trivial matter for a woman whose body is seen by someone?"

Damian immediately waved his hands and said, "I didn't mean that, don't you remember that it was I who told you earlier to not show your body to others easily when you took off your cloak. I know how important this matter is, but you should also keep in mind that it is not my fault that I happen to see you n.a.k.e.d."

But Irene remained completely silent after that. Seeing that Damian sighed and said, "Well, if you are feeling insecure around me then the only thing that I can do is stay away from you. I apologize for making you feel that way, but I will still say this the incident is not my fault."

He then stood up and pushed the log he was sitting on further away from the fire while je kept on the pot and the skewers that were being cooked.

Irene just looked at him sitting further away from her and then looked away feeling a bit guilty. She too knew that it was not Damian's fault but the fact that she felt a bit insecure because of the incident with the fact that Damian and her met only today made her unable to 'forgive' him. She just sat there in silence while looking at the sky.

Damian who saw that the food was almost prepared took out some plates, bowls and spoons made out of wood and went towards the fire. He checked the soup and tasted a bit and feeling satisfied with the taste he smiled and took out some soup in two bowls and placed some of the skewers in two plates.

He then walked towards Irene's log and placed her food a bit away from her and said, "Here's the dinner." and started walking back. He picked up his portion and sat back on his place. He looked at Irene and said, "If you want to have seconds just take it from the pot directly." and started eating his food with a smile on his face.

Irene looked at the food intently for a while trying to judge whether their was something mixed in it, but when she heard Damian telling her to take seconds if she wanted, she looked at him and seeing him eating the food with a smile on his face made her a bit relieved.

She then took a spoonful of soup and placed it in her mouth and immediately her eyes widen because of the delicious taste of the soup. She then looked at the soup once again and then turned her head towards the meat skewers. She took one in her hand and looked at it hesitatingly as she knew that the meat belonged to a scorpion. She didn't want to eat it but the aroma it was giving off made it very difficult for her to ignore it. She gulped her saliva and opened her mouth and took a bit out of the skewer and immediately she got shocked because of the tenderness of the meat. She continued to chew it and with each time she did that she felt that it kept on getting better and better.

Seeing her reaction Damian chuckled and said, "Delicious right?"

Hearing his voice Irene looked at Damian and saw him smiling at her. She blushed a bit and said, "Yeah, it certainly is delicious." and showed a beautiful smile on her face.

Seeing the smile Damian once again got enchanted by her and said, "Looks like I was correct a smile suits you a lot."

Hearing that Irene blushed a bit but soon composed herself and said, "Sorry, about earlier."

Damian just waved his hand and said, "Don't worry it is common for such a thing to happen after that incident, I think that you handled yourself much better, normally ladies women would be ready to kill the person if they happen to even catch a glimpse of their underwear."

Hearing that Irene chuckled and said, "Well you are certainly right about that, but don't get ahead of yourself, if you do something inappropriate I will make sure that you will think that those normal woman would look like angels to you."

Damian just chuckled and said, "What do you take me for, I already told you I am a gentleman, I am not going to do anything to you if that will make you uncomfortable."

Irene snorted and said, "We will see about that." but soon a smile appeared on her face. Damian smiled as well and then said, "You should hurry up and eat that before it gets cold."

"Oh" Irene said and then looked at the bowl in her hand immediately started eating her dinner.

After that both of them just continued to have their dinner while chatting a bit with each other from time to time.

Once Damian was done cleaning up everything he looked at Irene sitting in front of the campfire and said, "You should rest now, it's getting late."

Irene looked at Damian and then towards the sky. She then yawned and said, "Well it certainly is getting late."

Damian nodded and said, "You can go in that house and take the bed, I will sleep outside."

Hearing that Irene looked at Damian and said, "No no, I cannot let myself do such a thing it is your house so you should be the one sleeping in there."

Damian looked back at her and said, "Like I told you I am a gentleman and a gentleman cannot let a lady sleep out here alone, and while he himself stays in the house."

Irene was about to protest but Damian cut her speech and said, "Besides you are still feeling a bit insecure of me, right?"

Irene who heard that remained silent and just looked down on the ground.

Damian sighed and said, "Like I said, you should not blame yourself for that, it is completely normal to feel insecure of strangers. So if you are not planning to sleep out as well or feel that I am plotting something then take me up on that offer."

Irene looked at him for a while seeing which Damian grinned and said, "Of course if you want someone to warm your bed then you just have to ask you know."

Hearing that Irene immediately blushed and said, "Huh, who wants someone to warm their bed you idiot. Fine just sleep here outside." and started walking towards the house and after entering it she shut the door with a bang.

Damian just chuckled and said, "Well atleast she is not that wary of me now. But I have to admit, she is very beautiful."

He then looked at the house for a while and then shook his head and said, "Let's go to sleep as well." and took out a bed made of wood from his storage and lied on it, and after closing his eyes, he slowly drifted off to sleep completely ignorant about a blushing red head who heard him calling her beautiful.