Chapter 22 - I don't want to **** blood

Belserion and Irene looked at the creature in front of them for a while when suddenly Irene asked, "Is that one of your transformations as well Damian."

The creature turned his head and looked at Irene and said, "Yup." He then turned towards Belserion and asked, "So you coming or you are scared now?"

Hearing that Belserion snorted and said, "Huh, just becoming bigger doesn't mean that you are stronger than me and if it does then I am still bigger than you."

Damian just stared at Belserion for a while and suddenly flashed a grin and his body started to get bigger.

Seeing the creature getting bigger and bigger in front of them both Irene and Belserion were completely shocked and were looking at him with widened eyes.

Damian continued to get on bigger and bigger for a while but soon he reached the maximum size. He looked down on the now tiny Belserion and said, "So shall I take a step forward." and raised his leg which easily shadowed Belserion's figure.

Belserion looked at the giant in front of him and gulped his saliva. But once he saw the giant lifting it's leg above him he immediately took the chance and flew in the air.

Seeing the dragon trying to fly away Damian immediately put his leg back down which caused. a shockwave pass through the ground because of which Irene fell down.

Damian then moved his hand and grabbed Belserion.

Seeing that he was caught Belserion started to struggle around trying to free himself, but all his effort was in vain as Damian had already got a pretty tight hold on the dragon's body.

Damian brought the dragon closer to his face and said, "So are you giving up?"

Belserion glared at Damian and said, "Never" and opened his mouth to fire a blast of magical energy towards Damian.

Seeing the blast coming towards him Damian immediately tilted his head to avoid the blast but in the time that he did so, Belserion freed one of his legs and pierced his claws deep in Damian's hands making him shriek out in pain which loosened up the grip on Belserion and he got free.

Damian rubbed his hand but immediately a lot of energy magical orbs were fired at him and seeing them he moved his hands to shield his body.

Seeing him go on the defensive Belserion increased the pace of his attacks while moving around the giant in circles.

Damian who noticed that the attacks were not going to stop any time soon opened his hand wide and then swung them around, and though it didn't hit Belserion the attacks were certainly stopped by it and the gust formed by his arms pushed Belserion back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity Damian clenched his fist and punched Belserion which successfully connected to him and made him go down crashing in the ground.

Belserion who was now stuck in the ground was somehow able to muster up his strength to come out of the ground, but still coughed up a bit of blood from his mouth.

Damian looked at Belserion and with narrowed eyes and said, "I guess we should stop here, or else suffer from a serious injury."

Belserion then stared at Damian for a while but soon he felt one of his legs going numb and thought, 'All it took was one punch, eh' he then closed his eyes and said, "I think that you are right." and slowly sat down on the ground.

Seeing that Belserion had no intention to attack, Damian's body covered in blue light and a moment later he was back in his human form.

He then walked towards the injured dragon but soon saw Irene coming towards him. He then stopped in his path and waited for her, but as soon as she did she moved her hand and bonked his head making Damian face wrinkle in pain.

"Hey what was that for?!?!"

Irene folded her hand and said, "Can't you hold back a bit, was it necessary for you to hurt Belserion this much?"

Damian looked at Irene with an agitated expression on his face and grabbed her shoulders making her flinch and then said, "Of course it was important, if the condition is to marry you then I am ready to take on anything!"

Irene who heard his answer blushed and immediately looked away.

Seeing her like that Damian immediately hugged her and whispered in her ear, "You look very cute like that Irene." Hearing which Irene's whole body shuddered and then she became motionless.

Seeing the couple flirting in front of them Belserion got a bit annoyed and said, "I am still here you know!!"

After which Irene got embarresed and immediately pushed Damian away and hid her face behind her hands.

Damian looked at Belserion with an annoyed expression and then took out his katana and said with a cold expression on his face, "You know Belserion, I was always curious how would a dragon taste like." and slowly started walking towards him.

Seeing the 'dark' Damian coming towards him Belserion felt a shiver run down his spine bit still being a dragon and having a lot of experience he remained calm.

Damian then stabbed his katana in his shoulder but the sword just couldn't penetrate the scales of the dragon, but still Belserion got surprised and looked at Damian with a shocked expression on his face and said, "YOU REALLY STABBED ME!!!!!"

Damian just smiled at him and said, "Ah I just saw a snake and tried to kill him, looks like I was just imagining things."

Seeing the 'smile' on Damian's face Belserion paled a bit and thought, 'This man is dangerous'.

Damian who contributed to smile then asked, "Oh! Are there any injuries that you have?"

Belserion looked at Damian with suspicion for a while and then said, "My rig- left leg is a bit injured."

Damian who clearly noticed his intentions smiled and said, "So your left leg is a bit injured then this means this one must be fine right." and used half of his enhanced strength and punched Belserion's right leg.


Hearing his scream Irene who was covering her face because of embarrasment looked towards them and asked, "What happened?"

Before Belserion could say something Damian looked at her n

and said, "Nothing he just twisted his leg a bit, right B-E-L-S-E-R-I-O-N." and whispered in a low voice, "You know I am curious whether you have the scales covering your rear hole." and raised his katana and wiped it's blade with a 'smile' on his face.

Belserion who heard about Damian's 'curiosity' shuddered and with a wry smile on his face said, "Y-Yeah, it twisted pretty badly." and then thought, 'I am never pissing off this guy. I don't want to shit blood every morning.'