Chapter 26 - Operation

After Damian took Irene back to the inn not being bothered by the gazes that they got at all, opened the room and placed Irene on the bed.

Irene who was still blushing because of being carried by Damian all the way to the inn got more embarresed when she saw Damian taking off his shirt.


Irene then thought, 'B-But what if he really want s me to do that though, I cannot refuse him if that's the case. It will make him feel that I don't like him.....' She then gulped her saliva and was about to start take off her clothes but before she was able to Damian flicked her forehead and said, "I don't know what is going on inside that perverted mind of yours but I am just changing my clothes as they are all sweaty."

A grin then appeared on his face and he said, "You must be sweaty too right?" He then leaned forward and whispered on her ears, "Want me to change your clothes~?"

An intense blush then appeared on Irene's face as she started imagining the things that could happen to her and then immediately his her face behind her hands.

Seeing her acting like that Damian said, "You really have a 'wild' imagination, don't you?"

Irene then moved her hand a bit so that her face was a bit visible and then said in a low voice with some tears forming at the corner of her eyes, "D-Do you hate that?"

Damian continued to stare at her face for a while and then thought, 'CUTE!!!!!' and clutched his chest near his heart and took deep breaths in order to calm himself a bit.

Irene who saw him not responding felt a bit troubled and then with a slightly dejected expression said, "Do you really don't like it?"

Damian who was once again 'attacked' was not able to control himself this time and immediately pushed Irene on the bed making her voice out a surprised 'Eep' from her mouth.

Damian whose face was only a few centimetres away from Irene stared directly in her eyes and said, "If you continue to act this cute then even I cannot restrain myself." and then moved his forward and placed his lips on Irene's making her surprised by his sudden actions.

Though she felt embarresed at the beginning she slowly started enjoying the kiss and then started to kiss him back.

Damian who noticed that grinned a bit and then slightly tickled her neck making her yelp out in surprise. Seeing the opportunity that he got Damian immediately pushed his tongue in her mouth making her surprised once again because she was not aware of what Damian was trying to do. But feeling more pleasure then before she started to follow his lead and tried to do the same as him.

After a few minutes both of them separated from each other while breathing a bit heavily.

Damian then stared at Irene for a while and then thought, 'I want to eat her up, right now.' But soon calmed himself down and thought, 'I cannot do this the thing that I have to do will make me look like a complete ass hole if I did it.'

He then caressed Irene's cheek and said, "You can be pretty wild too, huh. Looks like our future nights will be a lot more fierce."

Irene immediately blushed at that an turned towards her side and avoided Damian's amused gaze.

Seeing that Damian chuckled and laid by her side and hugged her from behind.

He placed his head near Irene's ear and said, "Won't you face me my beloved Irene. I want to see your lovely face." and started giving her pecks on her cheek and neck making Irene very embarrassed by his actions.

Seeing that Irene was not going to turn around anytime soon Damian grinned and said, "Looks like you are quite stubborn huh." and placed his lips on her neck and kissed that spot a bit strongly making Irene a bit surprised by his actions.

Damian then moved back and looked at Irene's neck and with a satisfied expression on his face said, "Good, now I have marked you."

Hearing that Irene turned around with a confused expression on her face seeing which Damian chuckled and said, "Looks like I can mark you a bit more." and started making some hickeys on her neck which he only stopped doing once Irene realised what he was doing.

"Hey stop it, I have to show myself to the others tomorrow. How can I go like this?"

Damian looked at her with a serious expression on his face and said, "You have to go like this to make them understand that you are already taken."

Irene then retorted and said, "I cannot go like this I have a certain image."

Damian nodded and said, "Yeah, I know that you have an image but I have to change that image a bit so that the others don't have expectations of getting close to you."

Irene then said, "You don't need to do this right? You know that even if someone were to get close to me, I wouldn't think anything special for them."

Damian nodded and said. "I know but I have to make sure somethings on my end as well. You would not like if someone who were to get close to you 'mysteriously' disappear." and a small 'smile'appeared on his face.

Seeing his smile Irene understood what he was meaning to say and a small shiver run down her spine.

Seeing her like that Damian chuckled and said. "Don't worry these marks will be covered by the scarf you usually wear. Only the people that might be helping you getting bathed or dressed will see them."

Hearing that Irene gave a sigh of relief but soon realised something and said, "Wait that's a big problem. If people like those maid were to know about this the whole castle will know about this in no time."

Hearing that Damian 'smiled' and said. "Really. That's 'unfortunate'."

Irene's eyes then widened and said, "You were aiming for that from the beginning, weren't you?" to which Damian just shrugged his shoulders.

Damian then looked at Irene and said, "Rather than worrying about what will happen later. You should rest up a bit. We have travelled for a whole day and I think tomorrow might be very hectic for you."

He then pulled Irene closer to him and said, "Just sleep, alright. I don't want you to be stressed out because of lack of sleep. Though if we were to do 'something' tonight, I won't really mind."

Hearing that Irene immediately blushed and tightly closed her eyes and decided to sleep.

Seeing that Damian chuckled but soon a sad smile appeared on his face.

'So the operation begin huh.'


The next morning when Irene woke up she didn't found Damian anywhere in the room and thought that he might be outside.

She casually stretched her body and stood up from the bed, but soon her gaze fell on the table.

On the table there was a small box there. Seeing which Irene walked towards the table and opened it to find a necklace with a green crystal similar to the one that Damian's katana was made off.

Seeing the necklace Ima smile appeared on Irene's face but then her gaze fell on a piece of paper that was present in the box.

Irene looked at it curiously and after a while tool it in her hand and started reading.

After she was done reading the letter Irene was left expressionless and then after a while of total silence in the room she said, "So this was the thing that have been troubling him for a few days.....DAMN IT DAMIAN WHY THE HELL YOU HAVE TO LEAVE WITHOUT MENTIONING ANYTHING!!!!"

She then continued to curse him for a while and then after a while sighed and said, "Well, it is not like we will not meet again right? He should be feeling lonely as well. Let's just trust him and let him do things his way... He could have atleat told me about his plan."

She then sighed and wore the necklace around her neck and caressed it with a small smile on her face.

"I hope that you will com back soon."

She then walked out of the Inn and told Belserion about Damian who only gave a tired sigh. He then looked at Irene and with a smirk on his face said. "So what would you do if the brat comes back with another girl?"

Irene looked at Belserion and said, "I totally believe that he will not cheat on me and let's just say that for some reason that he will do that.....fufufufu~" and 'smiled' making Belserion sweat drop on seeing her queen like that.