Chapter 37 - Meeting the people from Dragonof

While Rung and the soldiers were 'discussing' among themselves, Damian gathered the mage unit to surround the whole army and check for any abnormalities and protect them in case of danger while he go and check what the dragons were here for.

Hearing that the mages looked at Damian with a determined expression and nodded their heads and followed his orders to stand around the soldiers in a circle.

Damian checked the surrounding to check whether someone is nearby for espionage or not or is setting a trap or something and after noticing that none of them were nearby he looked up in the sky and said, "Hope, that they are here to become friends otherwise a kingdom might have to be destroyed by my hands."

He then took out his swords from his storage and out them in a scabbard on his waist.

Seeing the swords in his hands the mages who were nearby Damian gulped their saliva and thought at the same time, 'Looks like even lord Ian is a bit tensed by the situation for him to take out his swords.'

Damian looked at the mages once more and gave them a nod and dissappeared from his spot in an instant making the mages surprised by that.

Damian who was running at great speed towards the dragons saw them descending from the sky and increased his pace.

Once he got close enough he jumped on a tree and hid his magic signature and stayed there to look at the group for a while.

Once the dragons descended he noticed a familiar dragon amongst them and thought, 'Belserion is here? Looks like the things does go as I planned.'

He continued to stay on the tree for a while and once he saw nothing suspicious in the group he slowly got down from the tree and acted as if he just came there.

The people and the dragons who suddenly noticed a man coming towards them got surprised and immediately the soldiers came in front with their swords and spears pointed towards him while also protecting the men who looked more like the ones who were used to desk work rather than fighting.

The dragons also stood at the sides and behind the men and growled towards the man while some of them even preparing their attacks.

But before the situation could escalate any further Belserion raised his leg to stop any mishap to happen and looked towards Damian with a neutral look on his face.

Belserion then said, "Judging by the crest on your shoulder, you seem to be from Adroelia, Am I correct?"

Damian just nodded his head and said, "Yeah, and seeing that the dragons and the humans have no hostility with eachother, I presume that you are from Dragonof."

Belserion just nodded his head and said, "You are correct we have come from the kingdom of Dragonof buy could we have a proof that you are indeed from the kingdom of Adroelia and not an imposter."

Damian then thought for a while and then took out a golden emblem from his storage which had the symbol of kingdom of Adroelia on it and then said, "Will this work as my identification Belserion-san."

And immediately all of them got surprised and took a stance and glared T Damian and one of the dragons said, "You, How do you know Belserion-sama's identity?!"

Damian who was still wearing his mask chuckled and said, "Well, you can say I am very knowledgeable and well informed. I do have to a reputation to uphold as the mage head of the kingdom of Adroelia."

All of them continued to glare at him but didn't do anything to cause any trouble with an Adroelian a higher up mage head at that.

Belserion calmed down and said, "Looks like their is no need to introduce myself, but still let me introduce myself I am the sage dragon Belserion and I am here on the behalf of the kingdom of Dragonof to relay you the reply of our queen Irene regarding the alliance that Adroelia talked about."

Damian just chuckled and said, "Ah, so Dragonof decided to act so fast, looks like the situation was very dire for you all."

All the men and dragons groaned in annoyance from Damian's words and even Belserion felt a bit angry about it.

Belserion who was looking at Damian with narrowed eyes said, "Indeed the situation on our side is very dire, Adroelia for sure played it's cards right and waited patiently for this opportunity. Never I would have thought that Dragonof would be seeing such a day."

Damian chuckled and said, "Oh my, thanks for the praise, I too feel a bit pride on seeing that my plan was actually this successful."

Hearing that the situation became more tense as the soldiers and the dragons now knew that the man who planned such an event was standing in front of them and unconciously the soldiers grilled their weapons tighter and the dragons started charging the attacks.

Noticing that Belserion was about to stop them but stopped since he wanted the masked man in front of him to know his place.

But contrary to Belserion's expectations the masked man just remain standing silently for a while and then said, "If you are done with the show of your supremacy, I would advise you all to stop what you all are doing."

Hearing that all of them got surprised but one of them snorted and said, "So, you want us to stop since you are feeling scared."

Damian just stretched his arms and said, "No, it's just that I don't want to kill someone who might be our potential allies."

And immediately the people from Dragonof became pissed and one of the dragons who looked relatively younger than the other dragons said, "You are getting here, to think that you can beat all of us here. Let me show you your place." and opened his mouth and started charging his breath attack.

Seeing that the other dragons wanted to stop him but before they were able to do anything Damian was in the air on top of the dragons making the dragon widen it's eyes on surprise.

Damian then punched the dragon on the head making it immediately crash on the ground and give out a cry of pain. He then stood on Dragon's face and unsheathed his katana and pointed it in front of the dragon's eye and said, "So, where is my place, you were talking about?"

Seeing the sudden action of the masked man all the dragons and men were speechless except for Belserion who was shocked to his core and was panicking.


Hearing that the others snapped out of trance and looked towards the masked man with mixed emotions, anger, respect, fear, apology were mixed in it.

Damian looked at all of them and then back at the dragon and said, "So what do you say when you do something wrong?"

The young dragon glared at Damian seeing which Damian smirked behind his mask and used his magic to enhance his weight causing the Dragon's head to lower into the ground more and more and finally causing a lot of pain. Damian then used his magic again to slowly enhance the pain experienced by the dragon he was standing on making him twitch his eyes and groan.

"I am waiting you know."

The dragon clicked his tongue and said, "I am sorry."

Damian smiled and sheathed his katana and stopped using his magic and jumped off the dragon and said, "As long as you understand."

He then turned towards Belserion and said, "So you want to discuss about the details with everyone here and my side or do you want to talk somewhere more private, Belserion."