Chapter 58 - Demon's support

After Damian and the others were prepared he went towards Rung and Christopher who were now covered in their armours.

Both of them looked at Damian who was still in his usual clothes and Christopher asked, "Are you not going to fight in those clothes Lord Ian? It doesn't seem that you are even wearing some sort of light armour in it?"

Damian nodded and said, "Yup, this is my battle attire. But don't worry these clothes are much more durable than any of those metal armours that you must have worn." He then took out his sword and tried to cut his sleeve, but nothing happened to the clothes.

Seeing the display in front of his eyes Christopher was in awe noticing that no harm was done to his clothes but then he realised something and said, "So you are an enchanter as well, Like lady Irene."

Damian just nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Anyway, here takes these with you in case of emergency." and gave two vials with a clear blue liquid in it to both of them.

Rung just gave a smirk and said, "Just like my man, saving extra potions for his friend."

Damian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Whatever, let's go we would be stuck here for the whole day if both of you don't give the command."

Both Rung and Christopher nodded and then walked away to lead their respective armies.

Damian then got back to his tent to get some breakfast and waited for the army to go to the battle field, first. He would be acting solo anyway, and he could reach them fast enough to take care of the Dragon's before they cause any severe damage to the army. His only job here is to take care of the dragons and he will just do only that. Taking away the army's share might leave a bad taste in the mouth of some soldiers who want to show their talents through this war and gain ranks once they go back.

He then went together with the healing squad who were still here taking care of the already wounded soldiers and preparing themselves for any more which might be coming after this battle.

The healing squad members were surprised seeing the mage head still here when the army was preparing to move out but no one questioned him about it. Not only was his rank higher than their but also the fact that Adroelian soldiers knew how he worked made them Shut up.

He then had some light breakfast and once he was done, he immediately took off into the sky ready to take care of the Dragons.

He then flew towards the direction where he could see the armies of both the sides gathered and fighting against each other and noticed their battle from the sky for a while since the Dragons were still not here.

He would also help out the ones who seemed to be in a pinch by firing a beam of magic towards the enemy or get the attention of a distracted ally.

Some of the soldiers who noticed him helping them around gave him a nod of appreciation while the mages from the enemy side tried to attack him but Damian simply dodged their attacks.

He then noticed Rung and his squad getting surrounded by the enemy and just gave an amused smile and looked at the situation.


Rung and his squad got alert when they got surrounded by the enemy squad.

Rung looked at the person who was leading the enemy squad and said, "You there, are you in captain of this squad?"

The person who was in a full metal armour and wielding an axe smirked and said, "Why of course I am. And you by the way of how shiny your armour is, it looks like you must be...a commander or something, right?"

Rung looked at him with a bored expression on his face and said, "Nope, just a normal general from Adroelia. Anyway you wanna surrender or shall we finish it here and now."

Hearing that the captain from the enemy side burst out laughing which was followed by the other soldier who were surrounding them.

Seeing this Rung sighed and looked up in the sky and just as per his expectations he saw Damian up there looking at the situation with an amused expression on his face.

"Hey, gonna help me?!?!"

Damian looked at the general who was asking his help and showed him a middle finger and said, "F.u.c.k off!!!"

Rung sighed and said, "Well, that was expected." He then looked at the mages and knights which were around him and said, "Well, don't die here and...just get done with this already. This getting boring day by day, now."

All of them nodded and Loup and Iris immediately started using their magic to strengthen their bodies and made a magic circle for attacking them. The knights seeing this took out their swords and got in a formation to deal with them.

Rung also got off from his horse and looked towards the ace wielding captain and said, "Why not we have a go between us as well, it has been days since I last had a battle." and unsheathed his sword.

The axe wielder scoffed and said, "Like a general who armour looks brand new even after all this time could defeat me. At least lay down your life trying to save you subordi-"

But before he was able to finish he felt something coming near him and jumped away but still his armour got grazed and a small dent was visible on it.

The captain widend his eyes in shock and looked at Rung who still had a bored expression on his face.

Rung looked back at the captain and said, "Now now, don't be like that, I am confident in my subordinates that they can take care of themselves. Plus we have the support of an ange- *looks up towards Damian* a demon as well should we need it. So why not have a battle amongst us. I expect that you can atleast help me warming up a bit."

The axe man got serious and narrowed his eyes. He then looked around and saw his soldiers already engaging with the Adroelian soldiers and took his axe off his back and said, "I will make sure to warm you up thoroughly." and then fire surrounded the blades of his axe.

Rung looked a bit surprised and said, "A mage, eh. Well whatever." but soon came back to his normal bored expression.

The axe wielder who was clearly pissed by Rung, gripped his axe tightly and slowly moved towards Rung with caution.

Rung who noticed this gave a friendly smile and said, "Oh, come on don't be that afraid of me, I don't bloom that scary." and then rushed towards the axe man and attacked him with his sword which was immediately blocked by the axe.

The axe wielder who blocked the Slash from Rung's sword, felt the power behind the attack and immediately got tensed.

Rung who noticed the hesitation in his opponents eyes smirked and took some distance between them and attacked again which was blocked once again.

But Rung didn't had any change in his expression band continued to attack the axe-man from different directions at a very fast speed making the axe wielder go on total defensive.


Damian who saw how the battle was going on soon got bored as he already knew how this would end and got away from Rung and once again started helping the unfortunate soldiers.