Felix put the papers down and started looking around the room and thought, 'There are no maids here? Who the hell am I going to ask to give me directions to the toilet. This place is confusing as hell.'

He then got off his bed with bandages still covering his forehead and then decided to ask someone on the way.




During his adventure to find the way to the bathroom Felix didn't come across any servants or people making him feel very nervous. He even forgot the way he came from making it impossible for him to back to the room he was resting in.

Suddenly as if a god had sent his help for him Felix heard a voice.

"Huh, prince Felix?!?! What are you doing here? You should be resting to recover soon."

Felix who heard this voice turned around and saw a middle aged man coming towards him wearing very fancy and extravagant clothes.

'He must be a noble or someone rich.'

Felix gave a smile seeing which the man froze for a while but soon got out of it.

'Heh, my ikemen smile is no joke y'know.'

"Oh, i was just looking around for bathroom, but couldn't seem to find where it is, umm..."

"Ah, his Highness has lost his memory, after all, I am Bans, the head of a count family from Adroelia who accompanied you here as well."

Felix nodded his head and said, "Ah, Bans is it. Well, can you lead me to where the toilet is?"

Hearing that Bans frowned a bit and thought, 'You brat!!! Asking a noble to do something that is the job of a servant!!!' but still there was a small smile on his face and still led the prince to where the nearest toilet was.

Bans looked at Felix who was going to the toilet with an angry gaze, though Felix himself was not aware of it and decided to humiliate him a bit.

"By the way your highness, are you fine now? I hope that your previous injuries are not hurting you in you normal functioning."

Hearing that Felix stopped and looked at Bans with a confused look on his face and asked, "What previous injuries?" to which Bans raises his brows but soon realised that the boy in front of him has lost his memories. Thinking that it would be rude to say it out loud he just directed his gaze towards the are between his legs and started at it for a while.

Seeing that Bans was not answering Felix was about to ask again but then he saw his gaze shift and followed it as well, only to notice him looking at his crotch.

Felix immediately covered it with his hands and a deep red blush full of embarrasment appeared on his face and he thought, 'I DIDN'T KNEW THAT ME HAVING ONLY ONE BALL DOWN THERE WAS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE?!?! AND WHAT THE HELL DID YOU MEAN BY INJURY?!?! DO YOU KNOW WHICH BASTARD DID THIS TO ME?!?!'

Felix glared at Bans who just averted his eyes from him and said, "It's seems that you are not troubled by it, I will take my leave then." and was about to walk away with a smirk on his face.


But out of no where an enraged voice was heard by him making him stop in his tracks and think, 'Did that brat, dare to tell at me?' and looked towards Felix with cold eyes who on seeing his cold glare instinctively took a few steps back.

"What is it your highness?" said Bans in an emotionless tone, sending a chill down Felix's spine.

'Uwaa! He is scary! He is scary! He is scary! Calm down Calm down.'

"...Umm...by the to e you asked me earlier about my.....'injury' does that mean a lot of people know about it?"

"Not many, only a few people who are close to you in your faction know about that incident."

"Does that mean.....you know who did this to me?"

Bans eyes suddenly widend in realisation and he thought, 'Yeah, this brat doesn't have any memories at all right now, that means we can easily pit him against that mage and the princess faction, without taking blame about it. By the tone he speaks and his behaviour, i dont think that he have much knowledge about his life now, so the better we behave in front of him, the easier it will be to manipulate him.' and he internally smirked.

"I don't know much about it, but I as you told us earlier it seems like the one who did this to you was the Mage head Ian."

"Mage head Ian, huh. Any idea why he did this to me?"

Bans shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, you didn't tell us the reason why he did what he did, and also stopped us from reporting this incident to his majesty the king. But if I have to point out something, it would be that he is a supporter of the princess to hold the throne after his majesty and also being the top candidate to be her husband and the king itself. I think he was just taking some counter measures by this."

Felix who heard that narrowed his eyes and thought, 'Mage head Ian. By his title I guess he is a magician. Top position to become the husband of the princess and then the king, itself....Seems like a troublesome person, who is going to be thorn in my path to live lavishly. Guess, I would have to take care of him. HOW DARE HE CUT OFF MY TESTICLE!!!'

Felix gave a cough to get his thoughts out of the gutter and asked, "By the way, speaking of mages, was I able to use magic as well?"

Bans gave a nod and said, "Yes, His highness was indeed able to use charm and fascination magic, very well. You might not remember it now, but you used your magic to woo a lot women earlier, because of which you were able to gain a lot of supporters since many daughters of the noble houses would favour you over the princess and convinced their parents to support you instead of the princess."

Felix blinked his eyes in surprise and thought, '.....I was a playboy.'

"And? Any other magic besides that?"

"Hmm....well you were also able to use some fire magic as well..."

Felix closed his eyes and thought, 'He stopped there, that means that my fire magic must be pretty bad.' He gave a tired sigh and said, "Well then, thank you for tell ing me all this Mr. Bans." and then walked in the washroom.

Bans who was left behind smirked and said, "Don't mention it your highness, you are going be in spotlight soon so best of luck about it." and then walked away.

A few moments later...

Felix came out of washroom and thought, 'I am still not able to cope up with the fact that I have only one jewel down there.' and then looked around and once again found no one nearby, '.....WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYONE TODAY?!?!'