Chapter 82 - Talk in the tavern

Currently sitting in one of the private rooms of the tavern both Damian and Irene were still in their disguise and were waiting for their food to arrive.

It seemed like this place was run by one of the castle's previous workers and since they knew Irene it was not that big of a deal for them to stay here and dine compared to other places which would create a great amount of fuss if they were to get recognised there. Also this place was comparatively safer than others.

Damian who was leaning back on his chair glanced around to see if anyone was there or not and asked, "So Irene.....when are you going to discuss about the marriage part of the deal with the king of Adroelia?" and looked towards Irene.

Irene who heard his question was slightly surprised seeing him talking about that in such an open space but soon she realised that there were a lot of silencing enchantments around the room and concluded that they were made by Damian.

"Umm...about that, I have already sent a letter to the king, the day you went out with Maka." said Irene and got slightly embarrassed.

Damian's eyes widened in surprise as he sat straight in his seat and looked at Irene in disbelief and asked, "You were hiding that from me?"

Irene lowered her head in shame and said in a very low voice, "I-I just wanted to surprise you, you know." and pouted a bit.

Damian who saw her like that felt conflicted as he wanted to be the one who would propose this to the king and give the good news to him on his own as he both of them had a good relationship for the whole time he was there in Adroelia. But seeing that Irene just wanted to surprise him he sighed and said, "...Alright, I will just contact him through a lacrima are not forgiven though, be prepared for 'punishment'."

Irene who heard what Damian said felt relieved at first but then tensed up and blushed a bit at the end realising what Damian meant.

Decided that she would not allow the man in front of her to embarrass here even more Irene immediately changed the topic and asked, "By the way, is it going to be alright? I mean I don't think that the king would let someone like you go out of his hands."

Damian stared at the red head for a while knowing fully well that she was trying to change the topic, but still decided to go with the flow and said, "No need to worry, we already had such kind of discussion earlier, he will fulfil his part of the deal since I have fulfilled my part of the deal. And he is not the kind of person to go back on his words."

Damian smiled as he thought how great of a person the king of Adroelia was and was seriously wondering from which gutter did he picked up that prince of shit.

Seeing Damian smiling with a calm expression on her face Irene placed both her arms on the table and then placed her head on the top of her palms and looked towards her lover with a loving smile on her face.

But then she noticed Damian having a slightly uncomfortable expression on his face and asked, "What's wrong? Is there really going to be some problems?"

Damian who heard that question didn't think much about it and answered absentmindedly, "Hmm, not that big of a deal, just that the princess would be upset hearing this ne-"

But before he was able to finish the air around the room suddenly became tense and he immediately turned towards the source of the problem and saw Irene looking at him with a 'smile' on her face and a faint aura of her magical power surrounding her.

"Hmm, princess? Now that's some news to me? Mind telling me about your relationship with her and why would she be upset? DA.MI.AN."

Seeing her smile Damian flet that something dangerous was about to happen....not to him but to the kingdom of Adroelia.

But Damian remained composed under Irene's 'smile' and the slight blood thirst leaking out of her, which was greatly enhanced by her draconic nature. He then took a deep breath and said, " could be said that the Prince's might or might not have developed a crush on me.....But I don't have any kind of feelings for her. I am making it clear before you misunderstan anything."

"Haha what are you talking about Damain. I am a very sensible and a very reasonable person, you know." said Irene as the blood l.u.s.t intensified slightly.

Damian sighed seeing that simple words were not going to get through Irene and said, "Listen here Irene, it's not the kid's fault, you know. I just saved hed at a time of danger which made her fall for me. And I have done the the same if not better things for you."

Hearing his answer Irene was not that satisfied but still decided to let him explain and asked, "So what did the great Damian did to make a girl fall head over heels for you."

Damian thought about it for a while and then asked, "You promise to keep it to yourself I say otherwise. Promise."

Irene nodded and approval.

Damian sighed and said, "Well then let's begin the interesting story.: