Chapter 84 - Walk around the town

After their usual flirting around was stopped by the arrival of the waitress who came with the food, both of them enjoyed their lunch while chatting with each other.....and flirting with each other.

Once they were done with the food and the bill they stood up and were about to go out, but suddenly Damian stopped Irene and said, "Wait, Irene." and pointed towards a table to which Irene looked in that direction as well and saw some of the commander and mage captains of both Adroelia and Dragonof sitting together along with Ring and Christopher.

But still it was not that surprising to see all of them gathered here as it may be seen as the two generals treating the captains and commanders to some food on their victory in the war. What caught Damian's attention was the fact that amongst all of them there were some butlers of the nobles that came with the prince and the things that they were talking about.

Damian looked towards Irene and saw that her slightly surprised and concluded that there was indeed something going on there which was picked up by Irene's dragon ears. Damian then used his magic to enhance the hearing capability of his ears and nodded his head when he was able to hear what they were talking about.




In the end, once the important talk was over and all of them officially started to party Damian and Irene decided to finally leave as well and continue their date.

"...So the nobles that came here are trying to set me up with your country's general, huh..." said Irene while looking around the street.

"...Hmm, well can't blame them they are not fond of me, and they are not going to let the prince which can be easily manipulated by them to be in another country since all the resources that they have spent in 'nurturing' him to be their puppet will be wasted if he doesn't become the king of Adroelia. So Ring is their best choice, since he is a noble and is technically on their side...." said Damian while pulling Irene's hand towards a stall that caught his eyes.

Irene followed where Damian led her and saw that the stall had different kind of herbs and all. Knowing that Damian was proficient in making potions and other medicines and that most of his supplies were finished because of the recent intake of potions in the war, she decided to arrange some funds for all the resources that Damian used for that and pay him back at a later.

"...But don't worry it's not like that old man is going to listen to their demand if I told him not to. I have much more influence compared to them and not to mention the Queen of Dragonof will herself request to let me be her partner. So their opinions doesn't hold much value." said Damian and took the things that he needed and payed for them.

He then once again started walking along with Irene who looked at Damian and asked, "What were those herbs for? Potions?"

"Hmm, my shampoo is finished so I decided to get the ingredients to make some....I will give you some too, so look forward to it....and something to make 'gifts' for those nobles." said Damian with a 'smile' on his face.

Totally not listening to what he said at the end Irene looked at Damian with sparkling eyes and asked, "That thing that you once gave me as a present which is used to make hair more beautiful?"

"Yup, afterall Zena-san told me that she took some for herself as well because of which it got finished quite soon...not to mention that your hair are pretty long.... I only gave you enough that would sustain me for 4 months,.so it must have lasted for a month at most right?"

"Huh, Zena took some for herself too?!?! No wonder that the bottle got empty so soon. even though I just used it once a week."

Damian looked at Irene who was slightly pissed and patted her head and said, "Don't worry, I can make lots for you.....I will make some for Zena-san as well so that she doesn't take yours. Ah, watch out.."

Damian then held Irene by her waist to stop her from crashing into some kids who were playing with a ball.

"Hmm....I should get some things for Natsu and the others as well." said Damian and then looked at Irene and asked, "You alright?" to which Irene nodded her head.

Damian then let go of her waist but still tickled her sides a bit which made the ticklish Irene tremble a bit because of the surprise and look at Damian with slightly angry expression.

"Don't tease me like that....and who is this Natsu?"

Damian smirked seeing her reaction to his slight tickling and made a mental note to tease her once they get back.

"Hmm, Natsu? Well, he is a kid I met a few days ago, he is a dragon slayer, you know and is super funny as well. There are some other kids there as well.....I will introduce to them some other day.....You will surely be surprised seeing such small dragon slayers."

Irene nodded her head and was slightly surprised hearing that even small kids can be dragon the process was painful for once to get the dragon slayer powers and was now curious to meet those kids.

Damian then bought some toys for the kids, like a ball and short wooden swords for the boys and a doll for Wendy.

After that both of them just continued their date with a wholesome atmosphere around them that even the people who saw them smiled seeing the couple getting along like that while also feeling blissful seeing the two of for those who didn't feel like that and tried to approach them for 'something' mysteriously tripped on nothing(for the women) while the men were hit by something which made them kneel on the ground and groan in pain.