Chapter 100 - Discussing the positions

The next day all of the members plus some other people and dragons entered the meeting hall to discuss the positions.

Needless to say Damian easily got position in the battlefield he wanted making Belserion sighed since he knew that Irene would not change her decision. He also wanted to join the two of them but he knew that some other places need him more and just assigned two of his subordinates on that battlefield to protect Irene.

After the main powerhouses were positioned the army distribution began which was over soon since the ministers had already discussed that earlier amongst themselves and only after a few changes the meeting was done and the preparations started.


A week later in the battlefield Damian and Dragonof army were moving towards the battlefield.

Damian and Irene on top of the dragon were discussing how they will proceed and after a while Damian stood up.

"What happened?" asked Irene curiously.

"Hmm....well I will come back in a bit, so don't worry about me?" said Damian.

"Where are you going?" asked Irene

"Going to check up on a few things that will decide how brutal is it going to be." said Damian with a smile making Irene shiver a bit as she understood what Damian meant.

Damian then transformed into Jetray and flew towards the battlefield at a high speed.

He passed through the whole battlefield just giving it a glance before flying past it and heading towards the areas that were destroyed by the Dragons.

After seeing by his own eyes the brutality with which the dragons destroyed the towns and massacred the humans and animals just for fun made him sure that it was alright to kill those lizards without care.

He soon returned back after checking up on a few more towns and by the time he returned he saw that Irene and the others already reached the battlefield.

Without wasting his time he directly went inside his side of the camp and transformed back into his human form making the Dragons and dragon slayers who were surrounding him sigh in relief, seeing that he was not an enemy.

Damian just apologized for alarming them like that and entered the meeting area.

Seeing him enter the people and dragons inside it gave him a nod while Irene smiled seeing him return.

Before anyone could once again start the discussion Damian said, "I will head forward alone."

Hearing him all of them turned silent and looked at him as if he was some rare creature with their eyes wide open.

"...What do you mean by that Lord Damian?"

Damian took his spot near Irene and looked at the map that was in the middle showing the movements on the battlefield.

"It's just what I said. I will move on in the battle field on my own, and before anyone says anything against that let me tell you my reasons for that. Unlike you all, who are from Dragonof and know each other for a long time, I won't be able to differentiate whether a dragon is from our side or theirs since I don't know all the dragons here or have seen them before. Second reason...any of you would not like to get caught up near me while I would be fighting." said Damian without any change in his expression.

They were speechless once again and were not sure what to say, his first reason seemed to be fine since it was true he won't be able to know which dragon is his ally unlike them, but hearing his second reason most of the dragons and dragon slayer felt that he was mocking them.

They wanted to say something but stopped knowing that he was their queen's husband and it would be disrespectful to him.

Seeing that no one was saying anything, Damian looked at all of them and said, "Listen here, I have no intention of mocking you or something along those lines, I just don't want anyone from Dragonof's side get caught up in my attacks, since here small scale spells are not going to work."

"...Lord Damian, I can understand what you want to say, but be rest assured that we are capable of protecting ourselves while defeating those dragons. So even if you have problems with having dragons near you, we dragon slayers should not be a problem."

Damian looked at the person who said that and thought, 'He is the leader of dragon slayers...well if I try to push it too much, he might start opposing me which would trouble Irene.'

"...Can you and your dragons slayers stand upto the words you just said?" asked Damian seriously.

Seeing the look on his face the man was convinced that Damian had no bad intentions while telling them to not be near them and nodded his head with a serious look as well and said, "Yes, we are confident in our abilities."

Damian nodded his head and accepted to take some dragon slayers with him, Irene was also assigned to be near him since he was not going to leave her safety to someone else, which had him clash with the two dragons that were sent by Belserion.

In the end the after the heated discussion all of them left to prepare to move towards the battlefield.

Damian and Irene were walking together and Irene asked, "You really made quite an announcement just now." and chuckled.

Damian shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's for their own safety....and I did tell them the truth that they would not like to get caught in my large scale attacks."

Irene stared at him for a while before she poked her finger into his arm and said, "Don't get too ahead of yourself, my Dragonof soldiers are great."

Damian looked back at her and said, "I had no intention to say that your subordinates were not's just me who is awesome you know."

Irene lips twitched a bit after hearing that and she light smacked his shoulder and said, "You are too confident in yourself you know...if not for that intervention, I would not have been able to get assigned near you." She said the last part in a low voice and with a pout making Damian hug and comfort his wife.

"Don't worry, I would have just swiped you away from the spot you would have been assigned to if that were to happen. There is no way, I will leave the protection of my precious Irene to someone else." said Damian as he kissed her forehead.

Irene looked up at him with a slight blush on her cheeks as she felt embarrased doing such a thing in public where they might be seen by others.

"Don't worry, no one can see us here, and I have placed a silencing enchantment." saud Damian assuring her.

Irene sighed and placed her head on Damian's chest and said, "If you have done that then the area which was assigned to me would have more dragons to fight against."

"I would have dealt with your share first before stealing you away from there." said Damian with a smile.

"...You know Damian, sometimes you say some scary things."

"...Don't think of them as empty talk, I am always prepared to do those things if I need to. Like how I was prepared to mess up all the kingdoms if my plan to marry you would not have worked." said Damian as he chuckled a bit.

Irene who heard that smacked his chest with her forehead but still felt happy knowing that Damian was ready to take such steps for her.

Damian smiled seeing that Irene had a smile on her face and slowly moved his face towards her before placing his lips on top of hers