Chapter 102 - Unison Raid

Irene and the other dragon slayers who saw the incoming dragon trying to eat them in one go were shocked and were not able to move.

Irene who was quickest out of all of them snap out of her stupor. raised her staff, but realised that she won't be able to attack the dragon on time. She looked back at the surprised dragon slayer and moved her staff towards them and fired a quick blast to send them out of the way of dragons attacks.

She then looked at the dragon whose mouth was just a meter away from her and resolved herself to kill him from the inside since there was no time for her to cast an attack.

But all of a sudden a huge and think golden coloured metallic golem like creature appeared in front of him moving at a very fast speed.(Clockwork)

The golem immediately held her and moved out of the dragon's way who seemed to be moving in slow motion.

She then looked at the golem with a surprised look on her face and was about to ask something but before she could say anything the golem said, "Idiot, save yourself before you save others!!!" with an angry and worried tone.


But instead of an answer the golem put her down on the groun before a blue light enveloped him and it changed another creature with drills on its hand.(Armodrilo)

"And as for this dragon.....he is getting drilled out right this instant." said Damian as the drills in his hand started rotating and he jumped directly into the dragon's mouth and started drilling him inside out.


But before the dragon could finish Damian drilled through its skull and brain and came out of the body covered in dragon blood and saliva.

"Don't you dare eat my Irene." said Damian as he looked at dead and braindrilled dragon.

He then transformed back to his human form and went towards Irene and made a huge barrier around him. He also took in the other dragon slayer but deprecated himself from them by making another barrier.

"Damian I-" Irene tried to say something but Damian immediately smacked her head not giving her a chance to speak.

"Ouch!" yelped Irene on the feeling of pain that she received from Damian.

Damian just glared at her with both anger and concern and smacked her head once again.

"Hey stop that! It hurts!" said Irene as she covered her head with her hands.

"Save yourself first you idiot!" said Damian as flicked her forehead with enhanced strength making the red head groan in pain.

"Do you know how worried I was." and flicked her once again.

"Idiot Irene. Idiot Irene. Idiot Irene." chanted Damian as he continued to flick her forehead making it as red as her hair.




"Ugh- sowwy. I am vewy sowwy." said Irene as she crouched down covering her forehead with her hands and tears in her eyes

Damian hugged his crying wife who was apologising for getting herself in danger like that.

Damian made sure to give the other dragon slayers a piece of his mind...and let's just say they would never think that a dragon is the most scary thing that they know off.

All the dragon slayers were truly ashamed of themselves as it should be them who should protect their queen, not the other way around.

They swore to protect her with their lives on the line, but this time Damian outright rejected their assistance and told them to join the dragons from Dragonof which made all of them lower their heads in shame.

They wanted to apologize to the queen but Damian told them to do so later.....he was not going to show his Irene who was in her cute mode to the low lives who made her risk her life.

Once they were gone Damian comforted the crying mess of an Irene who reportedly apologized to Damian as she too knew that she could have easily dodged the dragon if not for the others behind her.

Once she calmed down She looked at Damian while still being enveloped in his embrace and said, "Damian please forgive me." while still being in her cute mode.

'Ugh- control Damian control.' thought Damian as he resisted the urge to give in to the cute mode Irene.

"Hmph, you better not do that again Irene.....cause as much as I love you, and will save you no matter what, you will still be punished for that.....and if you make a habit out of it I will just take you with me somewhere you cannot do that.....You will still be punished later so don't think you are in the green." said Damian sternly making the red head lower her head with a pout on her face.

"I understand." said a dejected Irene still pouting and looking down.

Damian sighed and hugged her and said, "Don't worry me you idiot...I would have just leveled this entire battlefield along with a few dozen kingdoms if something did happen to you." said Damian with a worried tone.

Irene s.iled as well and returned the hug totally ignoring the dangerous thing that her husband said in the end and felt happy about how much he cared for her.....though she still felt the pain from the flicks and smacks she recieved earlier and Damian didn't heal her.

Damian then stood up and said, "Now make sure to stay near me, I have sent the others back, so now it's just us who will attack the dragons." said Damian seriously.

Irene immediately snapped out of her cute mode and turned to her battle mode and nodded her head and said, "Fine. Let's show them how strong we are."

Damian nodded his head with a smirk and said, "Just like how we fought in the forest together."

"Fufufu, those were good days."basis Irene as a huge magic circle appeared in front of her staff.

"Yeah, let's go there once this war is over...I still want to have s.e.x with you in that house." said Damian as multiple magic circles appeared in front of his sword.

"Wah- Don't say those things out loud!!! Focus on the battle....but it is a good idea." said Irene with the last words in a very low voice though Damian still heard them because his senses were enhanced by his magic.

"UNISON RAID!!!" yelled Irene as the magic circles that the two of them made started overlapping each other.

"...Do we really have to?" asked Damian as he looked at Irene who just now yelled the name of her attack gathering attention from several dragons. The red head then looked at Damian with a curious look, still not sure why he doesn't call out the names of his attacks.

Damian sighed seeing the look that Irene gave him and said, "Alright..... UNISON RAID!!!"

Both of them turned serious as the magic energy started gathering inside the circle.


"Yeah that one." said Damian

Just as they said that a purple beam with its front like a sword's tip fired forwards piercing and killjng all the dragons that came in its path.