Chapter 120 - Adroelia's destruction

After Stella said that the room instantly turned serious as Damian and Irene widened their eyes in shock.

"...What?" said Damian in disbelief.

"... Adroelia is destroyed. I don't know whether father is alive or not, but the kingdom surely is destroyed." said Stella with a serious tone as she lowered her head.

Damian who saw that calmed himself down a bit knowing that it must be hard on the princess in front of him and asked, "...Then why didn't you mention this earlier? I don't think that this is a trivial matter and I also know that you are not irresponsible at all."

Stella looked up at Damian and gave a small smile before it vanished and said, "The moment I met you I was being chased by two beasts, then was sent to the bath along with lady Irene after which I as a person who have been starving for two days straight was given the delicious lunch, amongst all this I didn't get the time to tell what I would like to say."

She then let looked towards Irene and said, "The real reason why I have not mentioned about this till now, is because I was in lady Irene's close proximity...and Adroelia suspects that it is Dragonof who attacked us."

Both Damian and Irene looked at Stella with shocked expression on their faces as she said that and a moment later a large amount of magic energy started coming out of Irene as she asked in a cold tone, "Lady Stella, if you don't give me a good reason for putting the blame on my kingdom, then you better be prepared for consequences."

"Calm down Irene, let her speak...and retract your magic energy." said Damian as he released his magic power as well to prevent Stella from being pressured by Irene's magic.

Irene stared at Damian who was staring back at her and after a while retracted her magic power while clicking her tongue.

Damian stopped releasing his power and then looked at Stella.

"Start explaining in detail so that we can know what exactly is happening here?" said Damian.

Stella nodded as she was sure that Damian will protect her if someone tried to attack her right now.

"We don't know how it happened but a few days ago, in a relatively peaceful town of our kingdom, large number of ethernano fluctuations were found. When the soldiers, mages went to check the site, they found the totally destroyed and devoid of any life, either be humans or animals. Nothing was left."

"Seeing that the mages instantly sent a message to the castle informing us about the situation. Father told them search for the cause and retreat if they found the situation dangerous."

She then looked directly into Damian's eyes and said, "And by the next hour we lost contact from all the soldiers and mages that we sent."

Hearing that Damian frowned, from what he heard from the princess he was now sure that whatever attacked Adroelia was not something ordinary, heck he could not even say that it could be a normal dragon since he knew that the mages and soldiers were trained to fight against the dragons and if they could not defeat the dragon they could still be able to run away from any normal dragon.

"...Hmm, sorry. Please continue." said Damian when he saw Stella waving her hand in front of him and snapped him out of his trance.

"... Starting from where you stopped listening....we lost contact with them. Father and his ministers got tensed about the situation and immediately cleared off the nearby towns and raised the security of the borders. The mages surrounded the whole area with earth walls."

"We thought that the situation was under control because we didn't receive any attacks, but still we kept our guard up incase it was the enemy's strategy. And it was then that what we didn't expect happened...A single man....yes, a single man all alone came towards the walls emitting the same ethernano fluctuations that we received that day."

"All of the guards got tense but seeing that it was just a single enemy a human at that all alone coming towards them, they tried to talk to him asking about his information. The only answer that we got from him was that he called himself the one who will annihilate all the dragons and each and every thing that will come in his way from achieving that goal."

"It was total chaos after that he destroyed the walls without much effort and killed all the soldiers and mages that tried to intercept him. The whole kingdom got threatened and just within a few days all the towns aside from the capital were destroyed by that person. In order to save the citizens father called all the remaining people inside the castle and sheltered them inside, all the remaining mages were deployed to form a barrier around the castle and the king himself too part in that. Though that was still not enough for us to stop that person. He came to attack the castle as well and the dragons that were sent from Dragonof as a part of our treaty were killed even before they could attack..."

Stella had a deep frown on her face as she clenched her fists in anger.

"Once every dragon was killed by that person, he headed for us deciding to kill us all as well, though Father intercepted him for the other citizens to run off to save their lives."

Stella had some tears dripping off from her eyes and Damian got totally speechless as well not willing to believe what happened to them.

"...You said earlier that you don't know whether His majesty is dead or not.....what did you mean by that?" asked Damian.

"Before we could meet our end father along with the vice mage head Loup used their magic, to teleport the citizens to a safer location, once that was done Father looked at me and told me to live before he sent me away as well." said Stella barely able to hold back her tears.

Damian fell silent, not wanting to imagine what would have happened once the princess was teleported away.

'...This the reason why I fu*king hate selfless people!!!' and clenched his fists in anger.

He stared at Stella and asked, "And what part made you think that this attack was planned by Dragonof?"

"...The person was able to use Dragon slayer magic..." said Stella as she glared at Irene and said, "Which can currently only be taught by the queen of Dragonof herself." Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-destruction_51997360703726655">#&apos;s-destruction_51997360703726655</a> for visiting.

Damian too looked at Irene but seeing her shocked expression and knowing what kind of person Irene was he was sure that Irene didn't do it.

"It was you, wasn't it!" said Stella with anger making Irene flinch a bit since she was not able to think how someone else was able to gain dragon slayer magic.

But still she soon calmed down and said, "No, I don't know of any dragon slayer able to harness that much power and I know each and everyone whom I have taught this dragon slayer magic." said Irene making some vein's pop up on Stella's forehead.

She looked down as he shoulders trembled a bit when suddenly she pulled out Damian's sword from his waist and thrusted it towards Irene.