It has been a few days since Stella arrived at Damian's house and was recurpurating from her injuries.

Damian and Irene got busy with the new enemy that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Damian would go out and scout Adroelia from time to time to check for the clues or the enemy itself, but finding something in total ruble for very difficult for him.

Irene was helping him as well by the help of the new spell that she developed that mades scouting easier. That spell allowed her to see anywhere she wanted and was used by her to monitor different areas around the destroyed Adroelia and Dragonof making it very taxing for her body.

She got too tired and fatigued after checking around the two kingdoms that at the end of the day Damian got worried for her health, but being persistent and willing to save her kingdom Irene continued to do that much to Damian's dismay.

And that's how a new problem arose for the two of them.

"...What did you say? Can you repeat it again?" asked Irene with a shocked look on her face.

Damian looked at her for a while before he sighed and said, "....You are pregnant Irene..."

Irene blinked her eyes in surprise and then looked at her belly.

Soon she jumped towards Damian and hugged him tightly with a smile on her face and said, "Really? I am going to be a mother? I don't know how to express myself!!"

Damian hugged her back with a smile on his. face but soon sighed and broke the hug making Irene surprised by that.

He then held Irene by his shoulders and looked directly in her eyes.

"I am very happy Irene. So happy that I too cannot express how glad I am....but now that it has come to this, you need to take it easy and not force yourself. And by that..." said Damian.

"....You want me to stop using that spell to look out for this new enemy..." continued Irene as she stared at Damian who nodded his head.

"...Are you telling me this just so I stop straining my body?"

"...Do you think I will ever lie about something of this importance? Do you not remember how hard we worked every night?" asked Damian hearing which Irene blushed slightly and looked at Damian who was looking straight at her with a serious look on his face.

"...Regardless...the safety of the kingdom takes precedence over this.....I will enchant my body to stop it from maturing for a while." said Irene.

Damian widend his eyes in shock and looked at Irene with a glare and said, "You cannot Irene, we don't know how it will effect the baby. You cannot use magic like that....leave that what will happen to your body if you use a spell like that."

Irene who was being scolded by Damian after such a long time became surprised and didn't know how to respond to Damian.

He was right as she still didn't know how the spell will affect the still unborn baby but she didn't want to give up upon the looking out for the possible threat to her kingdom.

"Follow his advice lady Irene." said Stella who just came inside the room.

Irene and Damian turned around and saw Stella looking at Irene.

"It is good that you are trying the best for your kingdom, but don't do that by forsaking something that is important to you. Your citizens would not like that, you know." said Stella.

"It is not a matter involving you lady Stella. So I would appreciate if you don't try to meddle in this." said Irene.

"Hello? It's your and Damian's kid we are talking about. I am totally involved in this." said Stella.

Both Irene and Damian looked at her thinking what the hell is she talking about and seeing their expression Stella smirked and said, "When the baby is born, I will teach the baby to call me mom and once he grows up and starts understanding things he will become the bridge for me and Damian to get together....see I am totally involved with this."

Damian looked at her with a deadpan look on his face and thought, '...I don't even wanna know how the hell did she think of this?'

"...I am having second thoughts for letting you get close to my future child." said Irene as she stared at Stella.

Stella smiled and then patted Irene's shoulder and said, "Anyway, do as Damian asks you to do, he is worried about you and the child afterall.....or is it that you want to cause Damian trouble and by making him worry about you and the child all the time."

Stella looked at Irene intently making Irene shut up.

Both the ladies stare at eachother for a while but soon Irene raised her hands in submission and said, "Alright, you two won. I give up." and sighed.

Damian and Stella high fives eachother and smiled seeing that Irene agreed.

Stella then wrapped her hands around the couple and said, "Congratulations to the both of you." with a smile on her face.

Irene was surprised seeing Stella acting like that and not making a ruckus about it but soon smiled as well since she knew that the girl was genuinely happy about it.

"...It would be more sincere of you if you don't try to push your b.r.e.a.s.ts on my husband." said Irene as she pulled Stella away from Damian making her pout.

But she then hugged Irene and said, "Well, I can do what you ask me for now. Congratulations once again."

Damian looked at the two girls and sighed.

'... Responsibilities and troubles just keep on increasing day by day.' thought Damian.

'...Let's go and see Natsu and the others, maybe they would know something about this new dragon slayer...' thought Damian as he stood up from the spot and looked at Irene and Stella talking to eachother.

"...I will be going out for sometime. Take care of yourself Irene, and do try to not get your wounds open Lady Stella." said Damian as he walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Stella.

"....To get some milk.....we are out of it." said Damian as he got out of the room.

'Let's not talk about some other dragon slayers right now, or the things might get tense.' thought Damian.

"Gryph, Phen look after the house." said Damian to he gryphons who were playing nearby.

He then transformed into Jetray and then went towards the direction where Igneel and the other dragon kings/queen might be present.

'...Let's get some gift for Irene on my way, I hope it is a daughter.' thought Damian with a smile on his face as he continued flying.