Chapter 135 - Don't think much

Damian who just barged into the room and was shocked by the scene that he witnessed blinked his eyes for a bit and even rubbed them once, not able to believe what he saw.

The three ladies, Irene, Stella and Zena looked back at the man as they too were totally silent not think of a way to explain what was happening there.

Damian looked at Irene who had a pale face and tears in her eyes and asked, "A-Are t-those dragon scales?" asked Damian as he saw Irene's bare back which were covered with draconic scales instead of her skin.

"D-Damian..." said Irene in a trembling voice not able to think what should she do in a situation like that, her emotions were still a huge mess and that coupled with the recent change in her body made her unable to calm her emotions down.

Damian walked towards his wife and touched her back trying to observe her scales and caressed them carefully.

"Are you able to fell the touch with these scales?" asked Damian with a worried but serious look on his face.

Irene who heard Damian question held back her tears and nodded her head.

"...Then these scales does became a part of you.....looks like you are becoming, a dragon girl..." said Damian as he looked at the scales on her wife's back.

He then looked at Zena and asked, "Have you checked her whole body?"

Zena snapped out of her trance and shook her head in denial, she was too shocked to see Irene having those scales on her back that she even forgot to check if her body was alright or not.

Damian nodded and said, "Alright then, Zena-san please have all the servants and soldiers away from Irene's quarters, have only the maids directly under you in front of her room in case she needs help."

Zena who heard the orders nodded her head and then went outside the room.

Damian then looked at Stella and said, "I know that you too must be tired after all the ordeal we have been through but can you do one more task for me?"

Stella looked at Damian with a smile and said, "Don't worry just say it."

Stella who knew that the man in front of h was very worried right now couldn't help but feel happy that he was relying on her. Also the fact that her friend, Irene, was currently in not a good state and probably needed Damian's attention made her take it upon herself to help Damian in his work so that he can stay with the red head.

Damian gave a grateful nod to Stella and said, "I believe that the nobles have hidden the reports from the battlefields from us, gather people who are in charge of those reports and find them and bring them to me. The dragon slayers must be a mess as well if something like this happened to Irene, who have not used her dragon slayer powers in a while."

Stella nodded her head and then patted Irene's shoulder and told her to be fine and left the couple alone in the room, while making sure that the door was closed.


Getting out of the room Stella leaned against the door and remained silent and stared at the ceiling. After a while she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening her eyes once again and said, "No time to think about depressing stuff. The two idiots need my help." and then walked towards the room where the doc.u.ments are kept.


Back in the room where Damian and Irene were left alone Damian slowly moved Irene towards the bed and then stripped her inorder to check her body's condition.

Gladly there was no other physical changes that were visible to him making him sigh in relief but still feel a bit troubled.

'...She will turn into a full dragon if what Lex told me was true, which by the looks of it is definitely going to be.' thought Damian as he looked at Irene who was wearing her clothes back.

"...Do I look disgusting?" asked Irene as she looked down towards the ground.

"This must be the punishment for all the things that I did." said Irene in a sad tone.

Hearing that Damian gave her a head chop with some force behind his attack and said, "Now that was your punishment for saying bullshit like that."

Irene rubbed her head and groaned from pain and looked at her husband who ruthlessly gave her a head chop.

"Wanna say something like that again?" asked Damian as he showed his hand ready to gave her a head chop once again.

Irene just glared at him making Damian snort and say, "Punishment for what you did. Like I would let anyone other than me punish you for that."

"And about that disgusting part.....well you certainly look different but definitely not me that is, I don't know about others." said Damian as he patted her head making Irene pout but still feel relieved at what Damian said.

"You don't need to lie Damian, I know that you were shocked to see me like that. You even had your mouth open wide when you came in and say my back." said Irene.

"Well I mean, you just enter a room and see someone you see at regular basis looking slightly different than his/her usual appearance will surprise you a bit....and it was my wife with dragon scales for fu*ks sake you know." said Damian as he shrugged his shoulders.

"And if we go by that logic, I change my appearance at a regular basis when using my magic, and you look surprised by a lot of them.....I must be very disgusting person in your books then." said Damian as he looked at Irene with a smirk.

"...You have a point." said Irene as she looked at her husband with a deadpan look thinking what kind of thing can shake the man in front of him.

"You and your thinking are something totally out of norm." said Irene as she laid her head on Damian's lap.

"Really? I think I am pretty normal." said Damian as he caressed Irene's head while also thinking about how the others will think of Irene and how was the condition of the other dragon slayers.

Irene looked at Damian and knew that he was thinking something and got a bit dejected knowing that she just increased his troubles.

She looked at the hand that was caressing her and then held it with her own and said, "Damian I know that I may not be able to ease your worries, specially about things like this that I don't even know about. But please rely on me, share those worries with me as well."

Damian smiled at her and said, "Irene..."

"Yeah?" asked the red head.

"I left all the work about the kingdom and am not planning to picking it up you don't need to worry about me having a burden. I don't give a f.u.c.k about things that doesn't matter to me. So the only worry right now is your dragonification....which I am pretty sure you would not be able to help about." said Damian with a charming smile which made Irene look at him with a deadpan look on her face.

"...And about the reports that you sent Stella to loon for?"

"Just want to see how f.u.c.k.i.e.d up are the other dragon slayers."

"What about the orders to the ministers and other authorities?"

"Umm...I just executed those said authorities....and the ministers were killed by those authorities." said Damian.

All the worries that Irene had for Damian immediately changed to the worries for her kingdom as she started thinking how will Dragonof survive.

"Don't think much Irene, it really helps. I am telling you this from experience." said Damian as he patted his wife while using his magic on her to enhance her sleepiness making the red headed queen slip to the land of dreams.