"Some things should not be done according to your logic!"

My words aroused Ouyang Kai's strong dissatisfaction.

"Leisurely. I don't mean to force you. I just want you to understand me a little bit and think about things from my point of view. This reckless man doesn't know what you want from the bottom of your heart, and what can occupy your heart? "

Fu Nanshan blocked me and walked forward calmly, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"I do it from my heart. Ouyang Kai, don't think that money can decide everything. There is no shortage of people who can make money in this world. The difficulty is whether one can treat the people around him with sincerity. "

"All right!"

Ouyang Kai impatiently interrupted Fu Nanshan's words, with a trace of disgust in his eyes.

"How can you teach me? When I help Qu leisurely finish several cases, you don't know where it is! "

Fu Nanshan clenched his fist a little while listening to his boasting here.

I was afraid that the two of them would fight on this point, so I took the initiative to open my mouth.

"Don't make any noise. How to get along with my feelings is a question I have to consider. It's not that you two can make me obey you just by saying a word. You have to make it clear! "

Fu Nanshan and Ou Yangkai's expressions were somewhat complicated. Neither of them would let go of my hand and stare at each other.

"Chairman, someone is looking for you!"

Simon's involvement gradually let two people down.

They looked at each other, turned and left.

In fact, in many cases, people are not able to live according to their own mind, especially the more noble the status is, the more unable to fully control their future days.

Simon came up and took my hand, with a little fidgety in his eyes.

"Don't contact that Ouyang Kai in the future. That guy is not a good man!"

I felt a little unhappy about Simon's proposal and frowned.

"Why are you aiming at Ouyang Kai like this? Although some of his words are really not pleasant to hear and make people feel very uncomfortable, I think that this human nature is not bad and there is still the possibility of transformation! "


Simon's face sank slightly, which was funny.

"Do you think it can be done in a short time? For that kind of person, I don't think I can change my nature! Although it's a bit too much to say, please remember that people with distorted hearts will always see the world distorted and can't change suddenly! "

Although he is for my good, but such a one-sided speech, I really feel a little dissatisfied.

"Simon. I know you and Dai Lin both think that I should be with Nanshan, but Ouyang Kai is just my ordinary friend. He gave me his strong support when I was able to set up the company

Simon waved his hand to me and told me clearly that the reason why he wanted to oppose Ouyang Kai's approach to me was because the Euclidean group was going to carry out a project during this period. I think that his sudden confession might be because he wanted to sell people from you! "

Although the possibility of this kind of thing is not without, I really don't want to think so bad about human nature.

I frowned slightly. After a while of thinking, I told Simon how it was going to be. We still need to discuss it carefully to know the truth. At present, all we can do is wait.

Simon sighed and held me on the shoulder. "You always say you have to wait, but do you know how urgent it is? If Ouyang Kai succeeds, won't it affect several people's future? "

I hesitated for a moment and looked up again.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can leave this matter to me and let me deal with it by myself. Do you think it can satisfy you?"

Simon frowned at me as if stimulated by my words.

After a stalemate, he put forward that I should handle this matter by myself. As for him and Darlene, they will not continue to say anything about this matter, as long as I think it is good.

Simon's departure made me more defensive to Ouyang Kai.

I think that if you follow Ouyang Kai's mind, it should not be so easy to tell people. After all, when I cooperated in business, I was very cautious, so I didn't make any mistakes.

Now, Simon's findings are somewhat unacceptable, but I can't just ignore them and let everything go.

In order to know Ouyang Kai's purpose more clearly, I deliberately called him and asked him to have dinner together in the evening. But at the same time, I also left a message for Nanshan to let him follow me at any time.

When I was ready, I received a text message from Nanshan on my mobile phone. He said that he was willing to help. Moreover, this kind of cooperation with me to find out the truth is what he is most looking forward to.

I didn't want to send messages back, because I don't know how proud Nanshan is.However, thinking of the pain Nanshan has suffered, I still feel a little nervous, so I chose to send a concerned message to Nanshan.

In the evening, when I saw Ouyang Kai's car parked in front of my company, I felt a little nervous.

I wonder if this man is as mean as Simon and I think? It would be too despicable for him to come to me just for work.

After taking a deep breath, I stabilized my mood and walked forward slowly. Ouyang Kai just opened the door and grinned at me.

"Leisurely, how are you!"

Looking at his harmless smile, I also smile, but people with clear eyes can see how far fetched my smile is.

Ouyang Kai grabbed my hand, with some worry in his eyes.

"You look a little absent-minded. Is there any trouble to deal with? It doesn't matter. If we are busy, we can have this meal another day! "


I waved to him and chuckled.

"Since the locations have been arranged, I won't let you down. Mr. Ouyang has come all the way from the United States. He doesn't just want to see how I run the company, does he?"

Ouyang Kai was slightly stunned, a little more embarrassed.

"Yes, of course I didn't come for that. Leisurely, since you have nothing to do, get on the bus quickly, but don't delay the time! "


When I got on the bus, I caught a glimpse of a car parked on the opposite side of the road. In order not to let Ouyang Kai find my abnormality, I talked with him about some work things with a smile, trying to change Ouyang Kai's eyes.

"Leisurely, I haven't seen you for so long. You've become smart!"