This is

This is the descendant of the ancient Protoss?!

Lu Qingshan was shocked. His eyes stared at Zhong Qing, and his mouth was cold.

If it were not for his obsession with ancient books and his love of studying historical forgotten stories, I am afraid he would not recognize this super meridians.

It is said that when Xianjiang mainland just opened the world, there were thousands of ethnic groups. In order to compete for the voice of the mainland, various ethnic groups launched a war for millions of years.

At that time, life was ruined.

Compared with the ten thousand races, the Terrans have no skills at all except reproduction. They are going to be extinct at the most depressed time.

But at this time, a group of people suddenly appeared in mankind.

They have great strength, have completely different meridians in their bodies, lead mankind to launch a counterattack, and dominate the whole continent in less than ten thousand years, and make mankind the master of ten thousand nationalities.

It can be said that without them, there would be no human today.

In order to praise them, the world calls them the divine family.

But maybe it's the reason of heaven's jealousy. The protoss didn't multiply for a long time, and had long disappeared in the long river of history.

Later, in the five million year history of the mainland, several Protoss descendants were also found. Without exception, they all became trembling figures on the mainland, but even the most recent one was two million years ago.

By now, such meridians have long disappeared.

Even if there is, it is impossible to be found, because after five million years of various genetics and blood, even if you have Protoss meridians, it is completely invisible and even less exciting.

If you want to stimulate this kind of blood, you can only let people rush it with peerless drugs when they are on the verge of death. There is a chance of one or two out of ten!

At this point, Lu Qingshan looked at Yi Feng with shocked eyes and full of admiration.

No wonder!

No wonder!

Zhong Qing, a waste material, can be accepted by Mr. as a disciple. It turns out that he is a Protoss descendant, and Mr. Zhong Qing must have seen through the identity of Zhong Qing's Protoss descendant.

I'm afraid everything that happened in Pingjiang city was arranged by Mr.

Otherwise, how could the little mortal chamber of Commerce hurt Zhong Qing under his husband's eyes? Fortunately, it happened that he was seriously injured?

Everything that I couldn't think of at the beginning is suddenly bright now.

It turned out that all this was acquiesced by Mr. Zhong Qing in order to stimulate Zhong Qing's Protoss blood!

This layout is so terrible!

Lu Qingshan took a breath and felt honored. He was not only lucky to become a chess piece in the previous game, but also lucky to witness the awakening of a Protoss descendant.

He couldn't help looking at Yi Feng and said with admiration: "Sir, it's great!"

"It's just a small thing, expected."

Yi Feng said with a smile that it took so much time to enter the mountain this time. How can he not be sure to wake Zhong Qing up.

"Small things, expected!?"

The ancestor of Qingshan couldn't help smacking his mouth again.

I don't know how far Mr. Zhang has counted this secret, so that he can say such sworn words.

After all, the probability of awakening in this way is only 12%. I'm afraid Yi Feng arranged many games he couldn't see before!

Lu Qingshan was filled with emotion.

He found that Yi Feng really refreshed his upper limit again and again.

I thought his vision was wide enough now, but until today, when he witnessed the awakening of the protoss, he found that what he had seen before was only the tip of the iceberg. I really don't know what kind of incredible things I will witness in this one.

What will happen, refreshing other people's cognition.

"Well, let my precious apprentice rest!" Yi Feng looked at the medicine jar in his hand and found that there was still less than half of the medicine. He hesitated for a moment and said to Qingshan's ancestor, "it's medicine. Since the disciple has woken up, it's not suitable to drink any more. Otherwise, you can drink it. This medicine has many effects. It's good for you, an old man."


Seeing the medicine can handed over, the excited heart of Old Castle Peak almost jumped out, trembled his hands and said, "Sir, sir, really give it to me?"

"Can I say false?" As Zhong Qing woke up, Yi Feng was in a good mood and joked, "just take it as a reward for you to help me!"


The body of the green mountain ancestor trembled slightly.

Apart from destroying the Pingjiang chamber of Commerce, he didn't do anything else. He didn't even play a key role, but he was given such a blessing

"Thank you, sir!"

Qingshan father solemnly took the medicine can and bowed deeply to Yi Feng before leaving.

After walking out of the martial arts school, the ancestor of Castle Peak did not forget to worship in the direction of the martial arts school, and then flew to the Castle Peak gate with a medicine can.

"Master, what happened to the disciples just now?"

Back to the Castle Peak gate, luolanxue asked quickly.

Hearing the speech, the ancestor of Qingshan took a deep breath and looked solemnly at Luolan snow.

"Xueer, Congratulations, you have become the only lucky person in the whole Xianjiang continent for nearly two million years!"