The next day before Mao, Du Cao got up to make breakfast, and only made the soup for her and her grandmother. After feeding her with the soup, she slipped out before sun Guixiang and his wife got up.

Before she reached 100 meters away, I heard sun Guixiang's scolding, mostly asking where she had gone and why she hadn't made breakfast.

Du Cao cold ah, from now on, she decided not to do injustice big head, serve them, think beautiful!

When he got to doctor Fei's house, Xiao Wu looked at her in surprise, "Why are you here again? Is that the same patient? "

"I'm not going to see a doctor this time. I'm studying medicine." Du Cao said happily to him that he had changed his face.

"Your master said that you are too naughty to study medicine well. There is no one to inherit his legacy. Let me have a try."

Small five shriveled mouth, "you cheat people, master said I am very clever!"

"So if you don't study hard because you are smart, I will be different. I will work hard."

Du Cao saw that his eyes were full of tears, and he was about to cry soon. He laughed: "only children can use crying to deal with problems. Adults know how to solve problems."

Xiao Wu immediately held back his tears, "I'm not a child! I didn't cry

"You're just a little big, short, thin and small. I thought you were a three-year-old."

"I just didn't eat well. I'm not a three-year-old!" Small five threw a white eye to her, Deng Deng ran to the kitchen, will eat a small half of breakfast again, eat up viciously, "I grow very fast, higher than you!"

Duckweed laughed in his heart. The child was so funny. Why did Mr. Fei find it difficult to take him?

When he saw her saying a few words, he did what he couldn't do for a long time. He exclaimed, "how did you make him obedient?"

Naughty, crying and picky, but Xiao Wu's bad habit, which makes him want to throw him away at any time, can't be corrected no matter how he corrects it. How can he get to her so quickly?

"A child of his age, who boasts himself to be smart, likes to boast of being an adult and is very aggressive. If he feels competition and crisis, he will take action, but he can't do it often, otherwise he will get used to it and become lazy."

Fei Lang Zhong thought that he often threatened him with a ruler. At first, he was afraid. Later, he became obstinate. It was useless to beat him. It seemed that it was a wise decision to study medicine with her.

"Although you are very smart, you have to pass my examination. I don't think everyone is suitable for studying medicine, so we need to see if you have talent in studying medicine." Fei said in a deep voice.

Du Cao laughs. She finally knows where Xiao Wu's spleen comes from. She pretends to be serious, just like him.

As like as two peas, you can open the inside to find the exact same thing in the medicine cabinet, and then use this scale to pack it out, and it will be ready for one hour.

Du Cao looks at the medicine cabinet that occupies the whole wall behind him. There are as many as 200 drawers on it, and there is a ladder beside it, which can climb up to reach the high medicinal materials.

Xiao Wu stares at the scene. Is the master so strict with her? He has never asked himself so much.

If you were yourself, you would not be able to accomplish such a task.

Let's not say that he doesn't know much about these herbs. Even if he knows them, many herbs are very similar in appearance. It's difficult to identify them unless they are familiar with people.

Du Cao opened the package of herbs, and at a glance, there were more than 20 kinds. When she washed her hands and separated each kind of herbs, she found that there were 30 kinds.

"This is the medicine for the boy?" She couldn't help asking.

Fei Lang Zhong is one Zheng, "how to say?"

"I smelled something like that at the cypress house." With that, she picked up the medicine and smelled it, showing such an expression.

Doctor Fei was surprised. Many people heard that traditional Chinese medicine had the same bitter taste, but the bitter taste was also different. He was shocked that there was a certain difference between the medicine that had not been boiled and the medicine that had been boiled. Could she even smell it?

Du Cao did not know how much confusion she had brought to him by her unintentional actions. She first carefully observed the shape of each medicinal material, and then smelled the taste. If she knew the toxicity, maybe she would taste it.

It took only a quarter of an hour to write down all 30 kinds of medicinal materials, including three kinds of roots, two kinds of stems, seven kinds of leaves and ten kinds of fruits. Besides botanical drugs, there are also animal viscera, skins, bones, organs and three kinds of mineral drugs with strange shapes.

Turning to the medicine cabinet, she first looked from the bottom drawer.

Outside the drawer, she wrote down what medicine was inside. She took a look and wrote it down. She mainly spent time on the memory of the shape and taste of the medicine.Doctor Fei used to be working on her account. He looked at her from time to time, but when he looked at her, he put down what he was doing and looked at her every move with Xiao Wu.

They didn't see her looking back at the 30 kinds of herbs on the table, but just kept looking at the herbs in the drawer, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

She had climbed up the ladder, carefully opened the drawer, looked into it, sniffed, and closed it gently.

Doctor Fei didn't understand. It's said that ordinary people, when they find the same medicinal materials, will be happy to compare them immediately.

Even fortunately, you don't need to look through all the drawers to find the 30 kinds of herbs.

But she seems to want to see all 200 kinds of herbs? Fei Lang is aware of her intention. She has such a big appetite that it will make it more difficult for her!

It took more than half an hour to see all the herbs on the wall, and then asked for the brush and ink.

"Can you write?" Doctor Fei almost popped his eyes out.

Du Cao nodded, ancient Du Cao is not, no one has ever taught her to read and write, for this reason has also been despised by the Mu family, but the modern Gu Yi will.

One of her hobbies in modern times is calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting. When she has money, she often visits those masters of traditional Chinese culture to learn from them. As time goes by, she becomes their little friends who praise each other.

She deliberately converged for a while, but the writing still had a natural fluency, as if she had been practicing for many years, writing in regular script, just like the spring breeze, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Fei Lang Zhong finally recovered from her handwriting and was shocked by the content.

What she wrote is a "prescription", but the dosage has not been marked yet. First, she wrote down the names of the 30 kinds of medicinal materials.

Doctor Fei took a look and wrote it according to the order of 30 kinds of herbs on the table. One is right!