Then he ignores the duckweed in his mind. Ji Shumo turns back to the house. He is depressed. He doesn't want this girl to mention anything about cypress. Does she like cypress so much?

What's the matter with him? It's said that a woman's heart is a seafloor needle, but how can she feel that the young man's mind is more difficult to figure out?

Shaking his head, but into the room, two people did not speak, directly put the medicine found in the small basket into the wardrobe, hide.

Waiting for the next time on the street, a good price! Think of here, Du grass can't help laughing, Ji Lyric ink skimmed a smile heartless girl, eyes a deep color.

The sun shines into the room through the small window, and the beautiful men and women coexist in a harmonious way.

Day after day, the life of duckweed is always the same.

As usual, she gets up before dawn and prepares breakfast for the whole family.

But these two days are different. A few days ago, she and Ji Shumo used the money to sell herbs to pull two pieces of cloth, so they stayed up late every night to sew clothes, trying to put them on before the new year.

In order to make these two people whom she cares about put on new clothes in the new year as soon as possible, since last night, ducao has entered the rush stage.

The next morning, she was called by the crowing of chickens in her yard. Because of a serious lack of sleep, she got out of bed in a dazed state. There was a small piece of dark green under her bright eyes, and the dusky grass was dressed neatly. Then she got out of bed over the teenagers who had opened their eyes and wanted to get up.

He stretched himself in his cotton boots, then rubbed his sleepy eyes, thinking of pouring a glass of water to moisten his throat.


"Hiss... It hurts."

An object collision sound came, Du Cao fiercely covered his willow waist.

Little face is full of pain, looked back, this time can be miserable, knock on the corner of the table.

Ji Shumo, who was just dressed on the bed, heard that Du Cao accidentally hit the table and followed her to get up from the bed.

"Are you all right? Why don't you watch it. " Ji xumo quickly steps forward and looks at the place covered by Du Cao's little hand. His sword eyebrows wrinkle and he asks.

This girl is too careless. It's easy to knock bones in winter. Don't you know?

Little face some funeral Du grass, only feel a burst of pain in his waist, with his hand rubbing while answering: "I'm ok, just too sleepy, some brain is not clear."

After that, she came to wash her face in front of the water basin, and her spirit was a little better.

Ji Shumo saw that she was busy sewing clothes at night and had to get up early to make breakfast. She was distressed but could do nothing about it.

"Go to bed early tonight. I'm not in a hurry because I have clothes to wear. And you can teach me how to sew them, or I'll have nothing to do when I stay in the room every day." Ji Shumo sat on some cool bench, looking at the girl who was wiping her face, said calmly.

It's true that it's a bit uncomfortable to hold it in the room. Besides, you can't rely on giving everything to a girl, can you?

Smell speech, shrugged Du grass to smile slightly, bright in the eye son again had usual facial expression.

"It doesn't matter. I'll sew it in two nights at most. If you have nothing to do, you can read the medical book that doctor Fei sent me." Looking at the young man's shrunken eyebrow, Du Cao felt funny.

The new year is approaching. How can we not hurry up? Although a little tired, but also very substantial.

"Well, come back and have a rest after breakfast." Looking at the girl's smile, Ji Shumo couldn't tell what he felt in his heart. He wriggled his thin lips and didn't know what to say, so he had to ask.

"I see!" Du Cao, who came back to his mind, always showed strong in front of him. When he heard these thoughtful words, his heart was naturally warm.

Besides grandma and brother cypress, the boy was the first one to care about himself.

I saw her smile was bright and her body was full of vitality. After finishing her hair, she turned and left the hut.

It's just that Du Cao hasn't slept well for two or three nights in a row, so even if he washed his face with cold water, he soon felt sleepy again: "how sleepy!"

Du Cao can't help but cover her mouth and yawn. The fire burning on the stove sets off the girl's cheek.

It's just that millet porridge is still cooking in the pot. Next, she should have made radish cake, but she leans on the side and dozes while waiting.

I can't hold on

In her dream, Du Cao dreams that she has sewn her new clothes. Ji Shumo is very handsome on her body, and her eyes are full of thanks to her.I also dream about grandma and brother cypress. She takes grandma's warm hand and walks in the field not far from home. But she goes farther and farther, until she can't see the familiar and shabby hut again.

However, the beautiful scene of freedom is fleeting. Just when Du Cao and Ji Shumo are going to take a carriage to a farther place, he suddenly steps on the air and feels like he is in a trap.

"Ah! Grandma! Brother cypress

Duckweed screamed in panic, and then found that the black trap was filled with water, and her body was completely immersed in the cold water.

The dream suddenly stopped, she suddenly opened her eyes and saw the ugly face in front of her in a trance.

But before she had time to think about it, duckweed arrived at the cold and wet place.

"It's so cold!" A cold wind came from the kitchen door. She could not help holding her arms tightly and shivering uncontrollably.

She realized that she was dreaming just now. When she woke up, she saw that the person in front of her was Sun Guixiang.

At this time, sun Guixiang looked angry, with a wooden basin under one side of his armpit. He was staring at Du Cao with gnashing teeth.

In an instant, Du Cao understood what was going on. No wonder that the dream just ended quickly. It turned out that sun Guixiang intentionally poured a basin of cold water on himself.


She called weakly and reluctantly, raised her hand to wipe the water drops on her hair, and tried to stand up on the stove.

Next to sun Guixiang saw Du Cao wake up, there is no pity in his eyes, immediately began to scold.

"What did you say in your dream just now, you little wave hoof?" Sun Guixiang glared at her angrily and pointed to the tip of Du Cao's nose.

Stupefied for a few seconds, Du Cao responded, should not say anything? She remembered that she didn't have the habit of talking in her sleep. Although she was disgusted with sun Guixiang, she still had to pretend to be clever.

"I'm sorry, mother. I was too sleepy just now. I just had a dream..." Du Cao moved back, pretending to be cowardly, and invisibly pulled away some distance from sun Guixiang to ensure that she was in the safe range.

This smelly woman is really cruel enough to pour cold water on her! Du Cao's thin body was shaking, but he couldn't show it.

For a time, sun Guixiang felt that there was too little water in her basin to pour through the clothes of Du Cao.

Looking at Du Cao, even her hair was dripping. Although it was visible, it was enough to arouse her anger. She pointed to Du Cao's cheek and sneered.

The spittle stars are flying in front of the tip of the grass.