Hearing this, Lin Ruo always felt strange, but he also nodded his head cleverly: "it's my concubine who knows. It's not a small matter. My concubine will consider it with your concubine."

Huangfuyue nodded with satisfaction: "I'm relieved."

"By the way, Tao Feiyan has been sent back by the king of Yunnan. It's a pity that you haven't been able to send him back. You've always been friends."

With that, Huangfu Yue stood up and turned to walk outside.

Lin Ruo looked at the back of Huangfu moon and frowned slightly: "Mingyue, what do you mean by the emperor?"

How does Mingyue know what Huangfu moon means?

"I don't know." Mingyue sighed, looking at Lin ruo's worry about gain and loss, she moved her heart to the emperor, but she would die.

"I heard that the emperor often went out of the Palace during this period, but the emperor never mentioned it. I'm really curious. What's good outside?"

Lin Ruo is sitting there in a loss. Huang Fuyue always goes out recently. She is happy every time she comes back. She can't help thinking about it!

Mingyue sighed: "the girl should know that there will only be more people in the palace, so it's inevitable. He is the emperor, you are the queen, and you have nothing in common with the women outside. Before entering the palace, the Marquis told you, you won't forget?"

Of course, it will not be forgotten!

But it was because she had to remember it all the time and didn't dare to forget it for a moment that she felt painful.

He stood up and went to Zhaoyang palace.

Ingenuity has been doing well in the palace all this time, and has been checking all the people in his palace. However, after searching for many times, he didn't find any clues, so he was very angry!

Looking at Lin Ruo come in, stand up to salute: "I see the queen."

"The emperor said that he would release some people. What do you think of your concubine?" Lin Ruo chuckled and took the hand of ingenuity and sat down together.

Although these two people can't go back to the past for a long time, if Lin is the queen, he still has to do all the things on the scene.

The craftsman frowned: "it's going to be new year's day soon. It's a good thing to Amnesty the world at this time. What does the queen think?"

"The imperial concubine and the emperor really have a heart to heart, and the emperor thinks it's very good." Lin Ruo smiles, but his words are sour.

Since the two people had a close relationship, ingenuity can clearly feel that Lin ruo's attitude is not the same. Today, it is even more obvious that ingenuity has endured for so long, and finally it is unbearable: "what does empress mean? Can't you, as the emperor's concubine, go with the emperor? "

"This palace has no other meaning. It's just happy. I'm glad to have more people with the emperor." Lin Ruo snorted coldly. Although he said something comforting, the tone was not comforting.

Ingenuity looking at Lin if this appearance, slightly frown, sighed.

Finally, the most worried thing and the least expected thing of ingenuity finally came.

She didn't like to fight, and she didn't want to cause a fight, but now it's obvious that even if she didn't want to, the fight is going on.

"The emperor and the queen are husband and wife. The queen is the head of the harem. All the ministers and concubines listen to the queen," he said

Lin Ruo looked at the ingenuity, a burst of anger, but still hummed: "then do it according to the emperor's will!"

Ingenuity thinks that in such a repressive atmosphere, she is going crazy!

Hesitated for a moment, sent a letter to Du Cao, wanted to let Du Cao come in to discuss, otherwise if it goes on like this, life will not be able to pass.

Du Cao is really busy today. He went to the Ziyi Marquis's house, went to the bamboo forest, and now he has to enter the palace!

"I said ingenuity, what do you want me to do?" Du Cao is sitting on the couch of Zhaoyang palace. His lazy appearance makes people hate his teeth.

The ingenuity gave Du Cao a white eye directly, then said stiffly: "the Queen started."

Here we go? What started?

Du Cao Teng sat up and looked straight at the ingenuity of the stomach: "do you have it?"

"To die!" The ingenuity blushed: "you can't count?"

Oh, yes!

Du grass carefully calculated, if it really has, then now the stomach should be very big.

Since there are no children, why be angry?

Du Cao frowned at the ingenuity: "is she jealous? Because you have a close relationship with the emperor? ""I don't know if it's because of this, but everything starts after this. Xiaocao, I don't want to participate in the struggle in the palace. Can you help me?" The ingenuity frowns and pulls the hand of Du Cao, looking a little pitiful.

What should we do about this kind of thing?

Du Cao blinked, looked at the ingenuity, and said sympathetically: "you are in it, and you can't get rid of it at all. I know you don't like it, or I'll find a time for you to go out of the palace?"

"Out of the palace? No, I can't feign death. My father is too old for him Ingenuity shook her head. She is not a child now. She can't just think about herself.

Hearing this, Du Cao laughed: "of course, it's not feign death. Do you know that some concubines will go out of the palace to practice? To pray for our country is to bring home. "

"Do you want me to go to the Huguo temple to pray for my country?" The ingenuity frowns at Du grass: "the emperor won't agree?"

Du Cao laughed: "what matters now is, do you agree? If you promise me that you can go home and practice, you can't marry anyone else, but you can stay by the side of the Lord. Isn't that good? "

"I'm afraid my father won't." Ingenuity lowered his head and murmured to himself.

Huh? Something's wrong.

Du Cao frowned and looked at the ingenuity: "you've never been like this. What's the matter today? You don't want to, do you? Don't you like Huangfu moon? "

"I like it a little bit." Ingenuity lowered his head and said a word stiffly.

It's a long time, isn't it?

But it's only once a day. How can we have love?

Du Cao looked at the ingenuity incredulously: "are you serious?"

"I don't know, but I always want to live. I want to be with the emperor. I control myself, but I can't control my mind. I just miss him." The ingenuity bowed his head, a little ashamed.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Du Cao couldn't tell for a moment, but he looked at his ingenuity helplessly: "you don't want to leave the palace, and you don't like fighting, so what do you want me to do? I can't help it

"I'd better go out of the palace," he said