
Ran Mu Xun stared at him.

Pangpang, who is directing the hourly workers to move out the barbecue tools, is also silly.

Her cousin

What are you doing?

Feel... Very good.

Just like he thought.

However, he did not use too much strength, small ginseng doll did not cry.

He was a little disappointed.

Ran Mu Xun stared at him and blinked, as if in doubt.

"What are you... Pinching me for?" She asked.


Yeah, he doesn't know what he's doing

He just suddenly felt that her face must feel very good. Maybe he could make her cry. He wanted to see her cry, so he did it without thinking

But at the moment, Li Jinjue didn't know how to explain. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. Pangpang Pang couldn't help laughing. He came over and pinched Ran's cheek. After getting a stare from ran, she let go laughing and said to Li Jinjue:

"Cousin, do you think her face looks fleshy and feels good? So cute ~! Very elastic, full of collagen... "

Then, she was pinched back by ran Mu Xun. Pangpang was a little silly for a moment. Except when she was a child, no one dared to pinch her face.

Ran murian said with a smile: "the collagen on fat face is not good, and it feels very good!"

Pangpang narrowed his eyes and stared at ran Mu Xun, "Oh, little girl is bad at learning, dare to pinch me... See how I pinch back!"

As she said this, she rushed to ran Mu Xun, scratched his itch, and even had a big heart in the middle. She stared at a full part of Ran Mu Xun's body and stretched out her magic claw

Ran Mu Xun's eyes widened and hid. Because of being scratched, the corner of his eyes even burst into tears.

Seeing that she was about to be caught by Pangpang Pang, Li Jin Jue coughed softly and said, "if you play again, things will not be fresh."

His words are a bit serious. How can the food be stale if it is not eaten for a few minutes?

However, this is useful for a foodie. Pangpang thought that she could eat these delicacies earlier, so she stopped her claws, and ran Mu Xun's full part finally escaped.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was a woman, she still didn't adapt to any intimate contact with women.

The most important thing is

Yu Guangli, someone's eyes

It's getting deeper.

In her mind, she heard a long lost system prompt: "congratulations to the host, the favor value of the target is + 10, and the blackening value is + 10."


Ran Mu Xun was silly.

It's good to increase his liking value, which means that he is less likely to eat her. But why does he increase his liking value and blackening value at the same time?! This painting style is not right??

"Host, according to system analysis, the target of the strategy is just... Jealous."


Ran Mu Xun looked at Pangpang in a mixed mood. Pangpang Pang was humming and baking abalone happily. He was so happy and simple that he didn't know that her cousin wanted to cut off her pig's hooves for a moment

She trembled for a moment, oh, no, Li Jin Jue should not be as terrible as someone in other world.

And isn't this the first time she's been prompted by the system since she came to this world? This proves that someone's blackening value is not high!

Ran Mu Xun asked hopefully, "little madman, what's the blackening value of Li Jin Jue?"


"Well?? How much? " Ran Mu Xun felt that he must have heard wrong.

How could it be ninety? Didn't it just add 10 points?