These mountains
That you
are carrying.
Were only
To climb.
~Najwa Zebian
A\N listen to the song while reading Melia's dream.
"How's my little sister been since I left?" Benjamin is super over protective of me. He thinks I don't notice, but I see the way he looks at Sebastian when he's over.
"I've been perfectly fine. I can take care of myself you know." He rolls his eyes at my comment and rubs my head. I glare at him.
Does he know how long it took me to tame this bird nest growing out of my scalp!?
"Come, let me take your stuff and show you around. I'm positive that you will love it here. Your big bro is here to protect you."
"Here we go again.." I whisper under my breathe.
"What was that?"
He shows me the direction to my dorm room first. Since I am a princess I get to have a room by myself.
Meaning no distractions, and I can do whatever I want without worrying about the opinions of others. Which is great!
I stand at the door of my room, That feel a bit guilty for doing this, but I'm actually very tired. I haven't slept a wink the whole ride here.
"Benji, can we do the tour thing tomorrow? I'm really tired and just want to sleep right now." I bite my lip waiting for his response.
He looks a bit disappointed, I can tell he was looking forward to being my guide.
"That's okay sis, I know you love your beauty sleep. Lord knows you need it."
"Ha ha very funny- " Then I slam the door in his face, "Eat that bitch!" I shout at him from the other side.
I can hear him laughing outside, and unconsciously smile. It feels good to have a sibling. Though, at times, I really want to skin him alive.
Returning my gaze to my room, I examine the place. Mhm, it looks satisfactory.
It is wide, with 4 rooms. A bathroom, kitchen, my room, and a living room. High ceilings to allow room for the double french doors that lead towards a deck. The floor is made from high quality wood, it's so shiny I can see my reflection in it.
So yeah, basically my dream home, except for the library, because there is none. A bitter dissapoint that I will push aside and acknowledge later.
I get to unpacking, taking out all of my cultivation books, shoes, hair accessories, clothes and hair tools. You know, the bȧrė minimum.
That whole process took me 2 hours to conplete......I have a lot of things...
A\N what I picture melia's bedroom to look like. You can picture something else
Tired and sweaty I take a long bath. When I'm done- I change into baggy pajamas and plop onto my fluffy, soft bed. As I gaze up at the ceiling I suddenly remember Baozi. He'd love it in here, so I take him out of my space to let him explore.
"Master! Wuwu, I thought you'd forgotten all about me.
Master I'm hungry, that stinky old fart had me making liquor for him the whole time, and he wouldn't let me rest, threatening me and saying he would eat me for dinner, and save my fluffy cute ȧss for last to hang on the wall.
Wuwuwu master I got bullied."
Oh here we go again. "Who dares to steal baozi's ȧss. I'll have his head for that. OLD MAN!"
Yes your highness. What can I do for you oh fairest one in the land.
"Hmph, it's good that you know your place. I've heard of your wrong doings, and I and Baozi have decided that you are guilty."
Baozi you little snitch, just wait till she sends you back.
"Wuwuw master he's doing it again wuwuwu. He's gonna steal my ȧss."
"Leave my Baozi alone. Because of your actions you will have no alcohol, for a month."
You're kidding me?
Whispers: "of course, but just go along with it, I'm trying to comfort him here."
Girl I am over a thousand years old, I don't have time for your foolish mind games.
"I'll bring you a case of one of my secret beer recipes."
"If you continue to threaten Baozi no more alcohol for you, do you hear me?
Noooo please I am so sorry Baozi. I won't take your ȧss.
"See Baozi, he really means it. Now what do you say to the mean old fart."
"Sniff sniff, I forgive you Mr.Fart."
Now that that's over, I can finally have some peace and quiet.
Baozi wanders off somewhere, his tiny claws click-clacking against the floor boards.
As I drift off to sleep, I'm quickly welcomed into its cozy arms, dancing in dreamland.
I stand in a white space looking around. Almost like the first time I met the god, except theres nothing here.
I move, to see if there's a door anywhere.
My legs feel like they've walked for ages. But theres nothing insight. Just a blank space, like an authors canvas before they apply color to it.
Then, it's as though the room was milky water. Ripples appear
everywhere, until everything is snatched away, and I end up somehwere I never thought I'd be seeing again.
I stand next to myself, all those years ago when the murder happened.
I look so scared hiding in that tiny room.
This time though, it's different. That man, he got to me before the police arrived.
He's laughing. Laughing at my pitiful atrempts to plead at him to let me go.
I feel so helpless. I can't do anything but stare and watch the scene about to take place before me. The hands, scratching at my neck to injure him slowly loose energy.
A look of defeat settling itself in my eyes.
I'm helpless.
Soon the life drains out of my younger self and I just hang there. Limbs stiff and immobile while the killer shakes my dead form.
Then the scene changes.
I'm out on the battlefield, sebastian beside and the two of us along with armies of people in the back fight against the demons.
It is a losing battle. We're outnumbered, I watch as soldiers die on the battlefield-protecting there beloved kingdoms.
I look at myself as she looks at Tian Tian. They both know that they're not gonna make it out alive.
When they're not paying attention, a demon takes the chance to land a sneak attack on me. Tian Tian pushes me out of the way, taking the impact of the blow, while I gaze on helplessly.
I break down and scream. Why is this happening!?
"Make it Stop, Make it Stop!"
Baozi is out in the air. Killing the airborne demons. Seeing me in distress he immediately dives down to get me, but is struck by one of the higher leveled demons.
Everyone's dying. Why!? This isn't suppose to happen.
I see myself weakly stand up on the battlefielf. Amidst all the devestation she goes to fight again. It's a suicide mission, she knows that. Still, she wills herself to anyway.
She has no energy left. Her soulmate's dead, beloved mount dead, everyone else is about die, what's there to protect.
She dies by a spear to the ċhėst. The low leveled demons smell the blood and rush towards her, piling ontop of one another they feast upon her flesh.
I look away from the scene.. It's too much to witness.