Chapter 764

Name:Female Campus Agent Author:End smoke
After this male voice came, everyone present was a little stunned.

Then he turned his head and saw a figure suddenly appear at the back door of the classroom.

Zhang Shaofeng is holding the door frame of the back door of the classroom at the moment.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Zhang Shaofeng, the whole class was stunned.

As the head teacher said just now, Zhang Shaofeng asked for leave today because of a fever, so he suddenly saw Zhang Shaofeng who should have stayed at home here, and the students in the class were a little stunned.

However, it was not only these that made everyone slightly stunned, but what Zhang Shaofeng said.

Zhang Shaofeng said Yunjian was a senior special forces soldier?

This is not the point. The point is Yunjian. She is the murderer of the King team!?

Are you kidding?

The King team has now become the object and idol of countless teenagers, especially the boys in school!

The reason is very simple, because the King team is a team organized by senior special forces of their age.

And the most important point is that the seven members of the King team have become a member of senior special forces!

Senior special forces! You know, even some veteran special forces soldiers who have been in the army for decades can not become senior special forces soldiers.

And how old are the seven talents of the King team? Now it has become a member of senior special forces!

However, among the seven members of the king's team, the most terrible person is killing God.

Kill God, this is a legend!

It is said that the famous international fire organization, which is second only to the dark soul organization and the ancient mercenary killing regiment, was exterminated by the people of the Zhejiang army led by the God of killing and combined with the dark soul organization and the ancient mercenary killing regiment!

And rumors about killing God emerge one after another.

All the boys here have heard the name of the King team killing God.

Even most people have regarded killing God as their goal and an example of progress.

At the moment, Zhang Shaofeng suddenly said that Yunjian was the murderous God that all the boys had worshipped like idols recently.

How can the people present not be surprised?

"What... What... The killing God of the king's team... Unexpectedly, it was Yunjian?" Zhang Jian first responded. He stuttered and looked at Zhang Shaofeng who suddenly appeared at the back door of the classroom. His fat little eyes were staring hard.

As the strongest fat man in the class, Zhang Jian is undoubtedly the number one fan of the King team.

At the beginning, Zhang Jian collected information about the killing God of the king's team from everywhere. Although he could not specifically know who was killing God, he also found a lot of information about killing God.

At that time, Zhang Jian was still blowing in his class and threatened to be as powerful as killing God.

Just now he ridiculed Yunjian for going to the military academy. Zhang Jian just felt that he knew killing God very well. He even regarded himself as killing God, so he said something to Yunjian with disdain.

However, at the moment, Zhang Shaofeng suddenly told Yunjian that he was the murderer of the legendary King team, the legendary figure.

No one in the class is not surprised!

For a moment, the scene was quiet and even a needle could be heard falling down.

Taking advantage of the surprise of the whole class, Zhang Shaofeng has gone back to his seat.

"Didn't you say you were sick and asked for leave? Why did you come to school again?" Chen Xinyi looked at Zhang Shaofeng in surprise.

"Hey, I can overcome this little fever. I can't lose face for the master!" Zhang Shaofeng was a little sick, and his face was still slightly red because of the fever. However, Zhang Shaofeng was very firm at the moment.