Chapter 1744

Name:Female Campus Agent Author:End smoke
"You are 006!"

Shenji exclaimed at Yunjian in front of everyone.

Seeing this, everyone around was stunned, but she saw the cloud paper standing in front of Shenji raising the red arc. She drew a cold smile and spoke to Shenji Lenglie:

"Do you remember yelling at me after you lost to me for the 409th time, 'I can remember you when you turn into ash', 095, I didn't expect that it was only a long time before you could recognize me."

When Yunjian and Shenji were in the dark soul organization, they were always matched by numbers.

Because in the dark soul organization, everyone had only numbers, no codes.

So that when Yunjian and Shenji met, the most words they said were their respective numbers.

095 is the number of Shenji in that year.

Yunjian has an unspeakable feeling for Shenji.

This feeling is different from hatred of the enemy and shielding one's own people.

Or to put it another way, in the subconscious of Yunjian and Shenji, they have turned each other from a sworn enemy into an opponent.

In the early years, the children caught in the dark soul organization were in a state of killing each other, but only a few survived.

And there are only one or two excellent people.

There is no doubt that Yunjian and Shenji are the best candidates in the same group of children.

In the inhuman world at that time, Yunjian and Shenji were better and more powerful than others because they regarded each other as opponents, wanted to surpass each other, or stood in a position where each other could not touch themselves.

If a person can meet a competitor, it is undoubtedly a very lucky thing.

Because when you regard a person with similar strength as your opponent, you will try hard to climb up.

When you stand at the highest point, you will suddenly look back and find that you have stood where ordinary people can never touch you.

Yunjian and Shenji encouraged each other in the dark soul organization, but no one would break this relationship.

So Yunjian and Shenji are clearly female, but they can step on the so-called strong and powerful men under their feet and become one of the three people who come out of the dark soul organization alive!

Therefore, just seeing Shenji, Yunjian revealed his identity to Shenji.

Yunjian's dialogue with Shenji attracted the attention of the people around him.

Especially Xiang Jiayi and Hu Yirou. Just now they said how strong Yunjian was, and how ugly their faces are now.

Xiang Jiayi knows that Yunjian is a guest at Luobei's house. Although she knows that Yunjian is the young lady of the dark soul organization, she doesn't know what the dark soul organization is, let alone how powerful Yunjian is.

Isn't it a wallflower who depends on men!

But after listening to the conversation between Yunjian and Shenji, Xiang Jiayi was stunned. She looked at Yunjian and Shenji stupidly and exclaimed: "do you really know each other? Don't you just know each other!"

Didn't Shenji know Yunjian just now!

How is that possible!

Yunjian really knows the head of soul eating organization!

Naturally, no one paid attention to Xiang Jiayi's surprised voice. Shenji didn't treat Xiang Jiayi as a person at all. After she met Yunjian, Shenji looked at Yunjian before and after, then "tut tut" twice, and continued:

"You changed your face and blame me for not recognizing you! 006, our gratitude and resentment will not end in this life!"

Shenji's gratitude and resentment means that Shenji swore earlier that she would defeat Yunjian one day.

"I'll wait." after Yunjian curled an arc and smiled silently, she looked at Shenji indifferently: "what do you want to do to train puppets?"

Training puppets? Yunjian just met Shenji, right? How did she know that Shenji was going to train puppets? Is it bullshit?

The people in the distance were surprised again, but they didn't know that Yunjian had guessed it long ago.

"Some people buy puppets. A puppet can sell for a million dollars." Shenji simply went to a bench and sat down and looked at Yunjian calmly.

"You'll still be short of this money if you go to the bottom of $50 million?" Yun Jian also lazily stood in place and talked about common things to Shenji in front of the silly people around him. This surprised the people.

But what made Xiang Jiayi, Hu Yirou and others in the distance stunned was what Shenji said next.

But after hearing what Yunjian said, Shenji immediately stood up from her seat. In front of everyone, she glared at Yunjian with her unyielding eyes and said:

"006, you have no intention to mention this to me! You sent out a mission to lay the foundation for 100 million US dollars, which is twice as much as me! I don't accept it!"