
"Yang Xiaoxue has no amnesia?" Wen jinniang is very surprised to say, just feel really inconceivable.

Yang Xiaoxue was so scared and confused that day. Was it all covered up?

But think about it carefully, Yang Xiaoxue has not lost her memory. Can she come forward to testify Zhang Tianjie's evil deeds. This is a happy event!

"Yang Xiaoxue didn't lose her memory. That's a good thing. You are still depressed." Wenjinniang some puzzled to ask Liang Yun, from their own here to see the past Liang Yun is not in a good mood.

Hearing this, Liang Yun nodded helplessly and said, "she didn't lose her memory, but she didn't want to testify against Zhang Tianjie and wanted to run."


"That does not testify, does not let Zhang Tianjie go unpunished?" Wen jinniang couldn't help raising her tone. When she said that, she shook her head and rejected the idea.

"No, I'm going to find Yang Xiaoxue..." Wen jinniang thought for a long time, but she still felt that it was impossible to just sit and wait to die. In a hurry, Wen jinniang wants to see Yang Xiaoxue immediately. She wants to talk to her and persuade her to change her mind.

However, Liang Yun stopped Wen jinniang and said, "lady, it's too late to go today. Yang Xiaoxue's mood is very unstable. We'd better discuss it and persuade her tomorrow. "

Now I'm looking for Yang Xiaoxue blindly. I'm afraid she will be even more afraid. I think Wen jinniang and they are all hurting her.

Wen jinniang thought about it carefully, and thought Liang Yun's words were very reasonable, so she didn't insist any more. After a simple afternoon meal, they went back to their room early to have a rest.

In the room, Wen jinniang began to sew clothes for the baby in her stomach again. Because her stomach was so big, everyone said that she would be twins. Therefore, Wen jinniang sewed double clothes. One by one, small clothes as big as two palms were carefully folded together by Wen jinniang, which made them very lovely. Liang Yun looks at Wen jinniang tenderly with candlelight in his eyes.

When it was late at night, they went to bed and hugged each other. Liang Yun put one hand around Wen jinniang's shoulder and tightly held her in his arms. The other hand dragged Wen jinniang's big belly to make her sleep more comfortable.

Everything is as good as ever.

On the second day, Wen jinniang and her husband and wife, according to Wen jinniang's idea, ordered green bamboo to prepare some Yuanbao paper candles and other things, as well as some food.

When the green bamboo was ready, he set foot on the road to Yang Xiaoxue's room with the basket containing these things.

Along the way, two people walking one after another, Liang Yun seems to be very puzzled why Wen jinniang should prepare such things, so when walking, his eyes can't stop looking into the basket.

Wen jinniang really can't see Liang Yun's curious appearance, so she takes the initiative to talk to Liang Yun. No way. In terms of IQ, Liang Yun's IQ is far higher than that of Wen jinniang. But the only problem is that Liang Yun has received higher education since he was a child. He is full of poetry and books, and has no chance to contact people like Yang Xiaoxue. I don't know what it means to be worldly and save the country by the curve... The whole county government is not far away. In fact, it doesn't even have to walk on the road. It takes a few minutes to get to the destination,

Because of the fear that Liang Yun's reappearance would give Yang Xiaoxue, Wen jinniang thought of this, she shook her basket, handed over the labor to Liang Yun, and said, "I'll knock on the door, and you can help me get some things."

Liang Yun nodded and stood on one side waiting for Wen jinniang.

"Dong, Dong, Dong." Wen jinniang knocked on the door, and soon the door was opened.

Yang Xiaoxue props up her waist and pokes her head out. As soon as she sees Liang Yun and Wen jinniang, they seem to have seen a ghost and want to close the door. Fortunately, Wen jinniang made preparations ahead of time and held the door before Yang Xiaoxue closed the door.

Said, "snow, don't be afraid."

"You see, I'm pregnant, too. I have nothing in my hand, and I won't hurt you. Yesterday, Liang Yun came back and said, "you are secretly mourning your father. I wonder if my husband and I can see him?"

Wen jinniang tried her best to speak more gently. Seeing that Yang Xiaoxue hesitated, she added more strength and said, "in fact, I've met uncle Yang before, so let's go to see him..."



"Well, you, come with me." After about a cup of tea, when Wen jinniang felt that this method was not feasible, Yang Xiaoxue finally spoke. Open the door and welcome Wen jinniang in.

Yang Xiaoxue looks better these days, but she looks sad all day. She is a good girl. She is forced to look like this. How can it not hurt.

"When my father died, I was captured again. I didn't even have my father's grave. I could only set up a memorial tablet. That's all for you. " Yang Xiaoxue took a look at the memorial tablet and said, faintly, her eyes are all slightly red.

Liang Yun and Wen jinniang nodded, then took out the paper money candle in the basket and worshipped Yang Zhen's memorial tablet solemnly.

After a while, Wen jinniang looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Xiaoxue, do you remember when your father died?" Wen jinniang slowly looked at Yang Xiaoxue and said word by word.

When Yang Xiaoxue heard this, she suddenly raised her head. It seemed that a look of pain flashed by, and then disappeared“ Eight months ago, on the streets of Qingcheng county. "

"How did he die?"


Asked here, Yang Xiaoxue has been very depressed, it seems to bear a lot of unbearable things in general.

"Nobody cares?" Wenjinniang see effect, is to seize the opportunity to ask.

"Nobody cares. At that time, I wanted someone to help me, but even on the street, nobody cares about us!" Said, Yang Xiaoxue's mood suddenly becomes very excited, how many days and nights, she is entangled by these nightmares. She always dreams of that day when she was bullied countless times and her father was killed countless times.

She wanted to escape, but when she woke up, she found that there was no way to go.

"If you want someone to take care of you, why do you shrink when we take care of you now?"

"If you want someone to take care of you, why do you want to pretend to be amnesia, or you don't want to testify against Zhang Tianjie?"

"You don't want to help your father revenge, or you are afraid of death!"

Wenjinniang word like machine, word by word to Yang Xiaoxue said, will Yang Xiaoxue forced to the corner inside.

Yang Xiaoxue red eyes, step by step back, shaking her head and said, "no, it's not like this, I..."

"I just..."

"Just what, you say? Don't you want someone to do justice? Don't you want someone to help you? Don't you want to get your humiliation back, and your father will die in vain? "

"And the baby in your stomach, shouldn't you protect him?"

Word by word, just like the weight of a thousand jin, he smashed Yang Xiaoxue. These days, she has been trying to escape the reality, all by wenjinniang a bloody out. Yang Xiaoxue finally can't bear, squatting on the ground, broke into tears.