The female killer didn't know until she died. What's going through her neck.

Of course, Gao Fei didn't have time to tell her that it was a Golden Snake sword. After throwing it out as a concealed weapon, he had already tumbled to the ground and rolled into the operating room which was broken open by the male killer.

The professional consciousness of American doctors is still very strong. A chief surgeon, an assistant and two nurses made the most correct response immediately after hearing that the general situation was not good, and together they blocked a cabinet behind the door.

If not for their efforts, no matter how fast Gao Fei's reaction speed is, by the time he rushes in, both killers will have "retired after success". Before a large number of policemen arrive, they will have to rely on sharp guns to escape.

The male killer managed to stamp open the door (during this period, the medical staff worked together behind the cupboard and tried their best to resist the collapsing cupboard being stamped. If the bullet had not penetrated the door and cupboard and injured the doctor's shoulder, they would have been able to hold on for a longer time), so they became angry and put down the assistant and two nurses with a few shots.

Of course, the professional quality of killers is also good. They will never shoot indiscriminately without reward or injury.

These shots of the male killer are all in the leg, so that these medical staff can not form a threat to him.

As for the chief surgeon, he covered his shoulder and fell on the operating table. He was still stubborn and righteous. He hoped that he could be reasonable and emotional to the killer and persuade him to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha

Naturally, the male killer will not be bewitched by his "evil words". In the past, he was kicked to one side and raised his gun to shoot the child under the white sheet.

Here, I want to thank the child for being too young to take up much space under the white sheet. The killer shot the sheet but didn't hurt the child.

After the child was given an anesthetic injection, he was already asleep and motionless. After the killer's second bullet hit his left arm, he didn't feel a bit.

The killer grabbed the sheet and threw it aside, exposing the baby's body to the muzzle of his gun.

The male killer looked at the child, his eyes flashed with a touch of impatience.

In fact, he didn't want to kill children in such a close distance. No matter how cruel a person is, he would be affected by the psychological influence of "life is beautiful" in front of children.

But he had to kill. This was his job, just like a butcher would never put down his butcher's knife just because an old cow shed tears in his eyes.

"I hope you can go to heaven after you die, accept the Lord's protection, and no longer be hurt by adults."

The male killer prayed in his heart, and when he was about to pull the trigger of the pistol, he suddenly noticed the sound of the sharp weapon breaking behind him.

The premise for a killer to kill is to protect himself.

Otherwise, even if you earn all the money in the world, your life will be an egg.

Gao Fei understood this very well, so when he threw out the scalpel he picked up from the ground, he was basically sure that he had successfully ended the male killer's mission.

The male killer's reaction was not slow either. After noticing the sound of a sharp weapon breaking the air behind him, he didn't turn around to look at it. Instead, he threw himself forward and directly fell on the operating table. He reached out and grabbed the child. He rolled down the window and jumped in front of the window, blocking the child in front of him. The pistol of his right hand aimed at his head.

After finishing all this, the male killer has a smile in his eyes.

He dares to say that if this is a movie, his series of actions just now can definitely be called a classic shot, which fully explains how fast he reacts when danger is approaching, and even goes beyond the scope that human beings can make.

It has to be said that the narcissistic male killer did all these things, which really greatly surprised Gao Fei.

After someone held a gun against the child, Gao Fei's right hand was stiff in the air. He did not dare to move any more. He said in a deep voice: "put down the child, I will not kill you."

The male killer wearing a big mask, staring at Gao Fei's eyes, flashed a touch of sarcasm: "Sir, are you too self righteous? It's up to me to say that. Get out now, or I'll kill you for free. You dare not do anything to me anyway. "

The male killer is right. When he takes the child as a hostage and threatens Gao Fei not to move rashly, he can shoot first and reward Gao Fei with a bullet. Then he can kill the child calmly and escape naturally.

Sure enough, Gao Fei's scalpel fell to the ground, raised his hands and retreated to the door: "OK, I'll go out first, you put down the child, we have something to say."

"I'm sorry, sir. I may have to disappoint you, because it's my job to kill this child."

The killer's eyes were surprisingly calm. When he said this, he suddenly felt that his left waist eye was very painful. Subconsciously, he looked down and found that there was a scalpel inserted in his waist eye. It was deep to the handle, and blood slowly seeped out along the bright blade.

It turns out that just now, when the male killer noticed that there was a sharp weapon breaking through the air behind him, he made a forward move in time. He thought he had dodged the sharp weapon. Under the tension, he didn't realize that the scalpel had been stabbed into his waist and eye.

It's all because the scalpel is too fast and too thin. For a moment and a half, people can't feel the pain.

The waist and eye, like the heart and brain, are the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Although they can't die temporarily after being stabbed, if they don't rescue them in time, there is little hope of survival.

The male killer stares at the scalpel for 0.7 seconds. He looks up at Gao Fei. His eyes are full of disbelief: "did you do this?"

Mr. Gao, who has the courage to take responsibility, nodded and said in a slow voice: "put down the child and let the doctor do the operation for you. You can still live."

"Can I live? Ha, ha, ha, ha

The male killer suddenly laughed wildly, but the pistol in his right hand, like cast iron, motionless pointed to the child's head: "you don't understand the life of the killer, don't understand their task, failure can only be a death! But you advised me to let go of the child, ha ha, you don't understand

"I understand."

Gao Fei took a step forward, raised his right heel slightly, and said in a deep voice: "because I am also a killer, I know your mood at this time. As long as you can let go of the child, I swear I will guarantee you to live!"

"You're a killer, too? Ho ho, Ho Ho, I didn't expect to meet my colleagues today. "

The male killer screamed a few times, and his voice was full of madness: "but you are you, I am me, you can't think I can be like you - er!"

The male assassin, who felt his life was passing, was about to prove to Gao Fei that the real assassin couldn't be tied up after the mission failed. When a shining scalpel jumped up from the ground like a snake, flashed out a cold light, and stabbed into his throat.

When Gao Fei takes advantage of the male killer's chirp and relaxation, he kicks the tip of his right foot on the scalpel and hits the most crucial place.

As soon as the knife came into his throat, Gao Fei jumped forward.

The male killer whose life stops abruptly in the next moment has reached the highest state of mind before he dies. Seeing Gao Fei coming, he has smashed the child to the glass with a silent smile and a mouthful of blood!


Gao Fei jumps in front of the male killer, reaches out his right hand to catch the child, and puts his left hand on the neck of the male killer... The neck of the male killer is cut with a sharp scalpel, and he can't die any more.

But the child, Gao Fei's finger has touched the child's arm, but the child is still thrown by the male killer before he died, smashing the window glass and flying out of the window.

Goofy only needs to stretch his right hand three inches longer to grasp the child's arm and drag him back.

Unfortunately, Gao Fei is not a transformer. He can't make his right hand grow three inches suddenly when he's exhausted, so he can only touch the child with his fingertips and watch him fly out of the window and fly to the ground like a kite.

This is the fourth floor. It is fifteen or six meters away from the ground. Below it is a solid concrete floor. Let alone a child falling from this height, even if an iron basin falls, it will have to be transformed under the strong attraction of the earth.

The child is dead.

Unless there's a safety air cushion underneath.

But who can calculate that the child will be thrown out of the window?

Gao Fei is hopelessly lying on the windowsill, looking at the child seven or eight meters away, falling down to the cement ground.

He made so many efforts, so many people to help the child, but the result is still unable to avoid his premature death.

Maybe this is the fate of children?

A withered leaf, which I don't know where, floats past the window with nostalgia for life.


The overcast day finally cleared up, a ray of sunlight through the window glass, reflected in the face of Little Caesar.

After a long time of playing after lunch, Little Caesar reluctantly went to sleep under the care of his nanny Mrs. Winnie. When he opened his eyes again, it was just the time for the weather to clear up.

Little Caesar saw that his mother, Nell, was sitting on the chair in front of his small window, wearing a Black Embroidered nightgown. It seemed that she had just taken a bath and her hair was still wet. She was reading a magazine with her chin on her left hand.

The sun also sprinkles on the tip of Nell's hair, making her golden hair have a layer of light golden light, with snow-white skin, as well as beautiful face, let Caesar this age group of little guys know what is pleasing to the eye, can't help but say: "Mom, you are beautiful."

Nell's long eyelashes flickered, just like a pair of golden butterfly wings. She looked up at Little Caesar, with a favorite smile on her face: "Alas, little guy, you know how to praise girls when you are young. When you grow up, you will certainly do the same harm to girls as your heartless father."

"I'm not lying, mom. You're really beautiful."

Little Caesar turned over and got up from the window. He opened his arms to his mother.

Ni'er really can't understand. She's only two years old. She's not sure how to walk. Why do she speak so fluently?

Don't we all say that boys are born to talk later than girls of the same age?

With a smile, Ni'er held her son in her arms and let him sit on her lap. Without looking at his little head, she said, "My Little Caesar's mother, of course, should be beautiful - Caesar, didn't you play with my grandfather? How did you get sent to me again?"

Little Caesar yawned, shrunk his head and said, "grandfather said he was very busy, and you also said you were very busy. You all have your own work to do. No one is willing to accompany me all day except Mrs. Winnie. Mom, are you getting married? I've heard from Aunt Fanny and grandfather. "

Nell nodded: "yes, Grandpa and aunt Fanny are right. Mom is going to get married tomorrow. Tomorrow, my mother will put on her wedding dress and become the most beautiful bride. "

Little Caesar suddenly asked, "who are you going to marry?"