The weather in Southern Hebei is overcast to light rain tonight, but over the Taklimakan Desert in the northwest, there are stars. The dark blue sky is like a mirror, reflecting the black and yellow desert below, reflecting any wind and grass on it.

In the evening, it becomes a yellow desert. Except for the passing night wind and the sand grains mixed with the wind, there is no human figure and no animal. Only on the side of Loulan site, which is officially recognized, there are dozens of tents.

This is the traveler's tent, in the outermost tent door, hanging a steam lamp, guide old Harry in this tent.

In the desert, there is a great contrast between the temperature during the day and at night. It is extremely hot during the day, but it is frightfully cold at night. The strong contrast of the temperature makes the travelers from the mainland more unadaptable, so they go to bed early.

In all the tents, there was no movement except a slight snore.

A lizard, not much bigger than his thumb, slowly came out of the sand, looked around for a moment, and then took a walk after dinner, like walking through the light and heading northwest.

After breaking away from the light circle, the lizard sped up and ran to the ghost sand area like a skater.

There are black snakes and other things that humans fear in the ghost sand, but it's a paradise for animals.

In fact, where human beings do not set foot, they are animal paradise.

The little lizard quickly entered the ghost sand area, and then found a humble place, slowly got into the sand, only showing two eyes, waiting for the arrival of the prey.

The night wind is still blowing slowly, blowing sand, as if also blowing a human voice.

Of course, the little lizard can't understand the human language, but it feels the danger. As it darts out of the sand, a black snake bites it.

Before the little lizard was swallowed into the belly of the snake, it seemed that there was a human voice speaking, as if it was clearer. It came from the underground, very deep place.

"You say, if we have children in the future, will we be more beautiful than Shen Yinbing?"

Moye Zhengdong sat on the steps and watched the stars with Gao Fei.

Sitting on the steps, watching the stars and the sun has become the main way to fly high to pass the time.

Goofy looked at the northwest star and asked casually, "will we have children?"

Moye Zhengdong gently shrugged his shoulders, sighed and said, "now all the subjects in the country know that you are my son-in-law. What's so strange about having a child?"

Gao Fei asked again: "well, if we have children, is he Shura? Or humans? "

"Half Shura, half human?"

Moye Zhengdong thought about it and said, "just like Shen Yinbing, he has Shura's physique, beauty and intelligence. At the same time, he has the life span that human beings should have. As long as he can live in peace, he can live to 80 years old without any problem."

Gao Fei light smile, body slowly back, lying down.

In the process of lying down, moxie Zhengdong put the futon he was sitting on behind his head in time.

Gao Fei is very comfortable pillow putuan, said: "specifically speaking, what is semi Shura constitution. That is to say, what is the obvious difference between our probable child and ordinary people? "

"It's hard to say the internal difference. After all, I can't see it. At most, I like warm food and seldom drink cold drinks."

Moxie Zhengdong said: "Shura is Yin cold constitution, blood flow is much slower than you human beings, so is the beating of the heart, and so on. All these are internal and not noticed. However, the external constitution can be seen at a glance. "

Gao Fei looked at her sideways: "how do you say that?"

Moxie Zhengdong did not say, but untied the Black Dragon Robe, revealing a small piece of crystal clear skin under the left rib.

That small piece may not be as white as snow, but it certainly looks more beautiful than snow, just like white jade with a trace of smoke.

On the white jade like skin, there is a red birthmark larger than a dollar coin.

This is not an ordinary birthmark, because there is a pattern on it, like a beautiful face.

When moxie Zhengdong was punished by ice and fire in the ice cave, Gao Fei noticed this strange birthmark under her left rib.

In fact, when he first met Loulan Wang, he had already seen this birthmark, but now he has forgotten it.

"The birthmark of this beautiful woman's face is the superficial constitution of Shura."

After giving Gao Fei a look at the birthmark on the beautiful woman's face, moxie Zhengdong put down his black dragon robe and looked at the starry sky in the distance and said, "before some families got married without close relatives, because of their Yin cold constitution, people in the family had to absorb human Yang Qi to resist the Yin cold constitution. The specific way is that an adult would know - in fact, even if they didn't rely on those evil families to get Yang Qi, Shura can also unconsciously absorb people's Yang Qi in the process of talking with people. "

Looking down at Gao Fei, moxie Zhengdong said: "just like us sitting face to face, I can absorb the Yang in your body, but you can't notice it. As long as you don't sit face to face for a long time, your body won't have obvious loss."

Goofy nodded: "well, I understand why you stay with me for a short time, just for fear of damaging my body."

"You are my son-in-law. I don't want you to be hurt at all."

Moye Zhengdong said, "I won't have a relationship with you until I find a complete solution. Now, you know what's left and right of this beautiful woman's face birthmark? "

Gao Fei's eyes are full of wonder: "do you mean that this beautiful woman's face birthmark can absorb my Yang unconsciously?"

Mo said, nodding in the East, "yes, I can't explain why this is what I can only use as an absorber for absorbing Yang Qi and sun and moon essence."

Gao Fei couldn't help asking: "if I have that kind of relationship with you now, and we can live for decades, then what kind of injury will I get?"

Moye Zhengdong laughed, some evil smile: "you will - become a eunuch."

Gao Fei is stunned: "what?"

"You will become a eunuch."

Moxie Zhengdong repeated a sentence and explained: "any man who has a relationship with a Shura will become a eunuch within a few decades, at most in a few years, because his Yang Qi is consumed by Shura's Yin Qi, and he will gradually lose that function, and his body will become weaker and weaker, and his whole body will be in abnormal pain before he finally dies."

"Fortunately, I'm not fit now, otherwise..."

Gao Fei shivered with lingering fear, and suddenly said, "well, Shen ruoxuan, who left Loulan more than 20 years ago, has made Su Beishan a eunuch?"

"Yes, he can only become a eunuch, which is necessary."

Moye Zhengdong's affirmative answer.

In fact, Gao Fei knew why Subei mountain became a eunuch for a long time, but he just forgot now.

"That Northern Jiangsu mountain is really poor, but it doesn't matter. After all, he married a Shura."

Gao Fei sucked his nose and suddenly asked, "well, what about Shen Yinbing, the daughter of Subei mountain? It's the girl in your mouth that I treat her very well. She's a mixture of Shura and human beings. If I marry her, will I become a person like that in Subei mountain? "

"Almost. As long as she has the birthmark of that Shura beauty's face, it proves that her constitution still retains half of Shura."

Moye Zhengdong said: "however, her father is human after all, and his blood relationship is not pure Shura, so even if you become a eunuch, it will take a longer time, maybe decades. When you have a child, the child's Shura constitution will be further weakened, almost like normal people, so it's not worth worrying about

"It's terrible."

Gao Fei sat up, subconsciously a little far away from moxie Zheng, and said with a smile: "in this case, don't give me an idea before you find a solution. I don't want to become a eunuch."

Don't see moxie Zhengdong hold what action, the body flat fly to Gaofei side, left hand embrace his waist, whine smile way: "want to run? There is no door. You are my man all your life, even if you become a eunuch! "

"Then I won't run, even if I become a eunuch."

Gao Fei put his backhand around moxie Zhengdong, sniffed her hair and said, "can you tell me the final result of quemoola's prediction?"

Moxie Zhengdong's smile on his face coagulated, holding his left hand around his waist. Gaofei yawned, collapsed in her arms, and soon fell asleep.

"Son in law, there are some things you'd better not know. If you know, you'll get upset."

Moye Zhengdong hugged Gao Fei, staring at the stars in the sky. After a meeting, he murmured this sentence, but heard him say: "Shen Yinbing, are you beautiful?"

Moye Zhengdong was surprised and thought that he didn't hit his sleeping acupoint. When he raised his hand and was about to point it again, he found that his eyes were still closed. It turned out that he was talking in his sleep.

Then she put down her heart, bent her knees, and quickly walked into the hall with Gao Fei in her arms. However, she flashed a sentence floating in the night sky: "don't say that she is not as beautiful as me. Even if she is more beautiful than me, I won't allow you to make friends with her again, because I don't want her to destroy you."


"Because I don't want you to destroy my son, that's why I broke you up."

Fang Xiaochuan explained the reason why she had seen that Shen Yinbing was a Shura and split them up for the safety of Gaofei. At last, she sneered: "Shen Yinbing, if you think I'm talking nonsense, then you can have a look. Is there a birthmark with a beautiful face under your left rib?"

When Fang Xiaochuan asked Shen Yinbing what Shura was, she said with disdain that it was just a legendary character, just like a ghost that didn't exist in reality.

But when Fang Xiaochuan later said that she was a Shura, and went to baiyun temple specially for this purpose, and consulted the master about the legend of Shura and the most important physical characteristics of Shura. People were afraid that she would harm Gao Fei and break them up, she was completely stupid.

Would I be Shura?

What are you doing, Fang Xiaozhou? Are you crazy? I'm Shura!

Shen Yinbing stared for a long time and didn't speak.

Even if she was killed, she didn't believe that she was a spirit with Shura constitution and could absorb men's masculinity!

But the side face of Yan Hong, but more and more pale.

Yan Hong thinks of Shen ruoxuan, Shen Yinbing's mother.

A few days ago, she once went to a secret cold storage with the snake repeller, where she found Shen ruoxuan's mutated body, took samples from the body, and was sent to the United States by her.

Yan Hong doesn't know what can be made of Shen ruoxuan's body slice, but she knows that normal people will never be like that after death!

Crystal clear, transparent, weird!