Who can be a manager is not a man of great eloquence and thick skin?

The level of public relations of rabbit is far from being seen by the female manager. She impatiently waved her hand: "Sir, let me say again, no matter how good your Tianya cosmetics are and how loud your brand is, our mall will not sell them on a commission basis. Please go out and don't hinder our business."

The bad attitude of the female manager made the rabbit feel very uncomfortable. If it was put in the deep mountains of Lingnan, he would push her to the ground and tell her in the most manly way: don't think that my grandfather is good tempered. I'll really waste you if she dares to be arrogant in front of him!

But this is a city, which is countless times bigger than Ming City. If you give rabbit two more courage, he doesn't dare to do anything about the female manager. He can only smile more sincerely and even humbly, hoping to persuade her to give him a chance.

The female manager didn't give the rabbit any chance. She waved her hand and called the security guard over. She told him with a cold face that if we let these vagabonds come in to sell their products in the future, they would quickly pack up and leave.

The security guard, who was reprimanded for no reason, was very angry. He would not be as polite as the female manager. When he came over and raised his hand, he pushed the rabbit to a staggering position and said in a low voice: "get out of here, man!"

The female manager's dog's eye was low, and she also angered the rabbit. She stood firm and pointed to her and cried, "OK, you drove me away. It's not bad for me! I wanted to give you a chance to climb higher, but you don't cherish it - don't push, I'll go, I'll go. But I'll put the scandal first. If you ask me again to sell our Tianya cosmetics, you'll have to give no discount according to the market price! "

"What, beautiful you."

After listening to the rabbit, when the female manager sneered, she saw that the general manager of the shopping mall came out in a hurry from behind. She winked at the security guard and signaled him to drive the rabbit away quickly. Don't be found by the general manager, she welcomed him with a smile: "Mr. he, what do you want to do?"

The rabbit blocked the hand pushed by the security guard, still unwilling to yell: "our Tianya cosmetics is one of the important projects in the national five-year plan. If you have long hair and short knowledge, you can't realize it. It's you - don't push me, my Lord will go by himself!"

What is the five-year plan of the country? What is one of the important projects? These words were read by rabbit in the newspaper. He didn't understand them at all. Just because he was angry that he was going to be driven away, he used them to talk about them casually and find some face.

Of course, the female manager understood that she didn't care about him. She just waited for the general manager's orders with a smiling face.

General manager he was about to say something when he heard the rabbit yell like this. First he was stunned, and then he asked, "what does that man do?"

The female manager replied casually, "as soon as I run around the world selling products, I'll let the security guard invite him out."

Mr. He said, "slow down. What did he say just now? Did he say Tianya cosmetics?"


The female manager didn't care. She nodded and said, "he said that he is the sales manager of Tianya group. He sells Tianya's works on the spot. Cut, what Tianya cosmetics, do not know where to match out of the corner, delusion to come to our shopping mall - ah, general he, general he? "

The female manager was about to tell Mr. He a joke about the rabbit and his Tianya cosmetics, but Mr. he pushed her away and walked quickly to the rabbit: "Xiao Li (security guard), wait!"

Xiao Li, who had already pushed the rabbit to the door, saw Mr. he coming, quickly took back his hand and said hello with a flattering smile.

Mr. He ignored him, went to the rabbit and asked politely, "excuse me, Mr. you are selling Tianya cosmetics, but the cosmetics produced by our local Tianya group in Southern Hebei?"


The rabbit nodded and looked up and down at Mr. He: "who are you? Why do you want to ask? Did you open a cosmetics store? "

At this time, the female manager came over in a hurry and said, "this is our general manager he."

"Mr. He? Oh, Mr. He. "

Rabbit was about to show a flattering smile, but he suddenly thought that President he suddenly appeared. He must have thought that he was standing in the way and wanted to drive him away. Then he sneered: "hum, I don't have to do it. I will go by myself. But for the last time, from now on, if you want to sell our Tianya products on your behalf, you must follow the market price and never discount them. Well, without a word, let's go. "

It's a rabbit's way of doing things. Unless president he slaps him in the face like Shangguan Fengling, he will be as honest as he wants.

Naturally, the rabbit knows that he won't meet that kind of person here, so he dares to say so.

After a few words of the scene were dropped, the rabbit turned and left, but he always held him: "Hey, sir, please stay, stay!"

The rabbit was a little puzzled. He turned around and asked, "what's the matter? I can tell you, my Lord, I learned Kung Fu in Tianlong Temple of Dali for several years. What six pulse sword, the one with eighteen dragon subduing palms, has never met an opponent... "

Mr. He didn't care about the rabbit's boasting, but just shook his head with a smile: "how dare you fight with Mr. He? I just want to ask, are you really the sales manager of Tianya group?"

Rabbit finally noticed something, without saying a word, he took out a business card.

In other words, after seeing the business card with his name (Zuo Fugui) and position (Sales Manager), rabbit cried with excitement at that moment. If it wasn't for Liang Ming and others' bad looks (worrying about the products not being sold), he would have to kneel on the ground and shout wildly: I never dreamed that I also had a business card. This is not a gift from my ancestors, It's all a fake corpse on the ancestral grave!

"Ah, it's manager Zuo. Please follow me to the office to talk about it."

After seeing the rabbit's business card, Mr. He's smiling more and his attitude is more polite. He asks him to go to the office to have a detailed talk, regardless of the mud on his shoes.

"What's going on?"

The rabbit, the female manager and the security guard were stunned.

As soon as the rabbit's eyes turned, he was the first to realize something, and then he said politely with a smile. When he left, he did not forget to say: "Mr. He, I have just said that if your mall sells our products on behalf of others, it will never give you a discount according to the market price!"

"I know, I know, at the market price!"

General manager he also saw why the rabbit was so tough at this time. He took advantage of the time to look back at the female manager, and then invited the rabbit to his office with a smile.

"What's the matter?"

The female manager, who was glared at by Mr. He, was a little weak. She sat on the sofa behind the door for customers to rest, with a confused look on her face.

A girl in the afternoon class came in from the outside and saw the female manager sitting behind the door. She didn't notice her look, so she said, "Hey, sister Dong, do you know? We are going to have big brands of cosmetics in Southern Hebei. "

"What big brand?" the woman manager asked weakly

"It's Tianya cosmetics!"


The female manager was excited and sat up straight: "is Tianya cosmetics going to be a big brand? How do you know? "

The girl replied, "Hey, you know the meeting up there? You can find the commercial advertisement of Tianya cosmetics in such a solemn meeting place from your mobile phone. It's not... "

Before the girl finished, the female manager turned on her mobile phone in a hurry. When she found the scene of the meeting and the numerous comments below, her whole body softened and collapsed on the sofa with a cry in her heart.

But then he jumped up and rushed to the general manager's office. She scared the girl: "what's the matter with sister Dong?"


In front of the parking lot of the headquarters building of Beishan group, there is a bus stop sign. You can see many people standing here all the time, their heads tilted to the left as if they were sleeping.

Near the station, there is a newspaper kiosk, a small business kiosk all the year round, and a few hawkers who hide around when the city management comes.

In a word, this is the place where people gather. Even if someone stays in this place from morning to night, it won't make people feel puzzled.

Gao Fei sits on the flower bed in front of the hall and looks at these people, but he can see that there are at least 13 people inside. They are not waiting for the bus. They just mingle in the crowd waiting for the bus and keep looking at everyone who walks into the parking lot and every car.

Around the parking lot, there are also several environmental sanitation workers who are still sweeping the street in the rain. They are working hard around the parking lot.

Gao Fei can see that these people should be greedy for wolves. Their duty is to protect the wolf owners 24 hours a day.

It can be inferred that there must be guards among those waiting to negotiate business in the company hall.

Shen Yinbing took office only a few days ago. Today, there are so many guards. It seems that she has at least successfully controlled part of the power of the greedy wolf.

Gao Fei is a high-level expert in killing people. When he discovers the existence of these people, he begins to have illusions. If he assassinates Shen Yinbing, he will have some success rate.

After several times of silent deduction in his heart, Gao Fei found that if he wanted to assassinate Shen Yinbing in this environment, the success rate was only 3%, even with a sniper rifle, because there were people defending at the top of several high-rise buildings nearby.

It seems that if you want to kill Shen Yinbing, unless you have to send out armed police forces and other forces, otherwise nothing can be said.

"She has so many people available, why hasn't she let me go?"

When Gao Fei took a puff of smoke, the rain fell down again in the sky.

He didn't take shelter from the rain, so he let the cold rain fall on his body, and felt less irritable in his heart.

Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle.

Goofy didn't answer. He's not in the mood right now.

The mobile phone rings all the time, almost constantly, until there is no electricity, he did not answer, still squatting on the flower bed, looking at the distance in a daze.

As Shen Yinbing said, when Mr. Gao was in a daze, he was just pretending to be stupid and let others think he was in a daze.

Who is paying attention to him in a daze?

Zhang Tao saw Gao Fei squatting over there for more than half an hour, motionless, after letting the thin rain water, he began to be out of his mind. Several times he wanted to take an umbrella, but several times he gave up, because she found that her companion was looking at her with strange eyes.

In addition to Zhang Tao, there are others who are paying attention to Gao Fei in a daze.

For example, after waiting for another ten minutes, the little girl, who had no patience to wait, came into the parking lot with a small umbrella.

The little girl was wearing school uniform. She was supposed to be sitting in the classroom at this time, but she suddenly appeared here, proving that she was a naughty child playing truant.

After she walked into the parking lot, at least 20 people noticed her within a kilometer.