Shen Yinbing finally wakes up from the heart death abandoned by Gao Fei and recalls that she appeared in the black house just to keep the appointment.

The invitation of the seven killing and the army breaking departments.

But I didn't see anyone on the Bank of the Yellow River. I only saw countless black king snakes and a few zombies. Then I woke up here.

Now she can be sure that because she killed Su Beishan, she was afraid that she would get revenge one day, so she betrayed her, took refuge in the two departments, and arranged everything by the river.

If it goes on like this, her appearance in the black house must have something to do with those two departments.

Kill the wolf, since ancient times is a grasshopper on the rope, is an ally.

Allies don't kill each other. At a time when unity is more needed, Shen Yinbing is very clear about this. After thinking about it, she calms down. After shouting several times and receiving no response, she smiles at the head of the monitor and says in a loud voice, "is this your way of Hospitality

"It's hard for a furtive person to become a great tool after all. It doesn't make any difference whether they cooperate or not."

Shen Yinbing turned to Heitan: "I'll have a rest first. I hope I can get out of this place when I wake up

There was no movement, no matter what she said, there was no movement, as if the whole world was the black house, and she was the only one left, and finally she could only die alone.

When Shen Yinbing walked to the couch, she glanced at the painting. She was stunned and understood that painting is a prison.

She finally knew what was painted on the silk. It was a prison.

It is said that when Zhou was in power, there was a woodcutter named Wuji. One day, he came to Xiqi city to sell firewood. He was driving by Shangwang's car at the south gate. Because of the narrow market road, when he changed the shoulder of the Chai Dan, he collapsed. When he turned over the shoulder pole, he hit the guard Sergeant Wang Xiang on the ear door, killed him immediately, and was taken to see King Wen.

King Wen said: "since Wu Ji killed Wang Xiang, he should have resisted his life."

So he drew a circle on the ground as a cell, erected a piece of wood as a warder, locked up Wuji, and left until he was beheaded later.

But later, Wu Ji didn't kill him. Instead, he stayed in the circle for three days and was released again. The reason was that his family had an old mother to serve, and he would only pay the sergeant's life after her death.

Later, Wu Ji was accepted as an apprentice by Jiang Ziya, who followed King Wu to overthrow Zhou, and finally established the Western Zhou Dynasty.

This is the earliest record of painting the earth as a prison, praising the ancients for their special integrity. In modern times, let alone painting the earth as a prison, there are always people who want to escape from the prison. No wonder those sour literati always advocate the noble and righteous spirit of the ancient wise kings when they ruled the world.

Looking at the painting, Shen Yinbing smiles disdainfully, because she thinks she understands why there is such a painting hanging here: others hope that she can be in prison here.

Go to a bar to get drunk, chat with a handsome guy, go shopping with three or five girlfriends and so on. These are girls' favorites. No one has ever heard of anyone who likes to be in prison, and Shen Yinbing doesn't like them either. So she thinks those people are very naive.

With a dull shrug, Shen Yinbing takes her eyes away from the portrait and is about to go to the couch to have a good sleep. However, she finds that a door appears on the wall in the direction of the collapse of the tail.

Standing here, you can see a passage outside the door.

Like this black house, the passageway is also black. It is as high and wide as the corridor of a residential building, and the light comes in from the outside. It seems that there are spotlights and other lighting above the passageway.

Under the light, there is a long figure lying on the ground, motionless. This is reflected on the ground by the spotlight. That person should be standing in front of the spotlight.

"Who's over there? Come in."

Shen Yinbing stands in front of the portrait and shouts at the door.

The shadow on the ground at the door gave her an illusion. As soon as she came to the door, someone would jump out to scare her, just like a game often played by children.

Now Shen Yinbing is not interested in playing games, and thinks that the person hiding outside the door is too retarded: even if you want to hide, don't stand in front of the light, your reflection has exposed your position.

The man came in. She was a woman in a black robe with a mask on her face. This was Shen Yinbing's imagination. In fact, no one came in, and the figure on the ground was still motionless.

Shen Yinbing frowned. Since other people refused to come in, she had to walk.

She walked slowly to the door and looked out - it was a passageway, just like the corridor in a residential area. It was as wide and long as 100 meters.

The long roadway was made of black black jade. Except for the top, the top and the black room were all water flowing slowly.

Now Shen Yinbing has seen it clearly. The reason why there is water and fish swimming above is that the black house is built underwater, just like the undersea tunnel. It's just covered with glass. It's nothing unusual.

In the long passage, there are seven lights, all above the passage. All the spotlights are towards the door of the black house, but these spotlights are not a single line. They are very zigzag, and the distance between them is also different.

In the black lane, there are seven spotlights. The spotlights emitting soft light are very eye-catching, especially the orientation of their arrangement is very similar - very similar to the constellation in the sky, the Big Dipper.

Shen Yinbing, who had a good academic record since childhood, often went to the children's palace when she was in primary school. She was very interested in astronomy and always dreamed that one day she would be able to take a spaceship to those distant stars. So she was very familiar with the constellations in the sky. After looking at them for a moment, she could see that the seven spotlights were arranged according to the orientation of the Big Dipper.

The Big Dipper is a spoon style. The seven spotlights above the passage are arranged in this way. The spoon head is in the corridor in the distance, and the spoon tail is at the door. Under each spotlight, there is a person standing.


The women in the golden robes were dressed in the same way as the ancients. They didn't wear masks. They only wore humble and respectful smiles. All of them bowed slightly, put their hands on their waists, and bent slightly towards the door.

This action should be the etiquette of ancient women when they met guests: Wanfu.

The seven women are very beautiful. They dress up exquisitely and dress appropriately. They are just like the young grannies among the rich families. They only have golden faces one by one. No matter how modest they smile, they are not angry. Although their eyes are open and there is no focal length, they just stand there and face the door.

"Who are you?"

Shen Yinbing went to the door, after seeing these women, his heart felt cold for no reason.

No one answered, and no one moved. They were like puppets, squatting and standing there, looking at Shen Yinbing.

"Who are you..."

Shen Yinbing seemed to be aware of something. Her voice began to tremble. She took two steps forward, raised her hand and slowly rubbed it against the woman's nose. After a moment's stay, she drew back like an electric shock, and a cold sweat came out of her forehead.


dead person!

This woman, or these seven women, are all dead people who are cold and not angry at all!

The reason why they still smile after death is that someone fixed their cheek muscles with steel needles. They can stand here and keep the action of Wanfu. That's because they are all fixed by long steel nails, just like specimens!

As the distance got closer, Shen Yinbing found that the tail of the steel needle existed on both sides of the woman's mouth and near the tip of her eyebrows, but the steel needle was also dyed gold, which could not be seen carefully.

Seven dead women, very beautiful, very temperament women, dressed in fairy like costumes, facing the door to maintain the position of Wanfu, standing in the light of the Big Dipper - what a strange scene?

Because of the existence of these seven women, there is a kind of silent silence floating in the long passage. The whole world, including time, solidifies in an instant and becomes silent.

Only Shen Yinbing's mind is booming and blank.

I don't know how long it took for Shen Yinbing to return to normal. She was surprised to find that she didn't paralyze on the ground when she faced seven strange corpses of women in full dress. She still stood at the door and kept her mouth open.

Seven immortals welcome guests.

Suddenly, this word appeared in Shen Yinbing's mind like an alien.

Shen Yinbing knows the word "seven immortals welcome guests" from Gao Fei.

Gao Fei once said that seven immortals greeting guests is the etiquette of a cult to welcome guests. The most respected greeting etiquette has quite strict requirements for the seven women who welcome guests. The seven women should not only be beautiful, but also the most important thing is that the seven women must serve a man together!

The first woman among the seven fairies, Hua Kui, must be the most beautiful of the seven. Just like the woman standing at the door, even Shen Yinbing, with a critical eye, thinks that her appearance is not inferior to those movie stars.

Gao Fei once said that Xie Hongyan, whom he knew unintentionally, was chosen by an evil organization as the leader of Huakui. That's why Xie Hongyan was kidnapped by the evil cult in order to meet the seven fairies among the seven immortals.

However, the two women were rescued by Gao Fei. Later, Yan Hong died forever on the land of Lingnan. Qincheng city no longer appeared after returning from Beijing. Since then, the cult has no longer thought about the women around Gao Fei, and Shen Yinbing has forgotten the so-called seven immortals greeting guests.

Now, seven immortals suddenly appeared, outside this strange black house, after she was in a coma.

"Seven beautiful women will be killed after they are selected as seven fairies, and then they will be made into specimens by special means, which will not rot for a long time."

What Gao Fei once said, just like thunder, flashed through Shen Yinbing's mind, making her fall into a daze again.

She is afraid now, not because of the seven dead women, not because of seeing the legendary seven immortals welcoming guests, but because Gao Fei once told her that the seven immortals welcoming guests is the etiquette used by some cult to welcome the most distinguished guests!

Now, Shen Yinbing, even a fool, can see who the seven fairies are greeting.


The seven fairies of welcoming guests, made by a cult that harms people's lives and violates Trina Solar, are actually welcoming her, Shen Yinbing!

"Originally, I was the guest who was welcomed by the seven immortals?"

Shen Yinbing stares at the seven women who are very modest and strange. She is dizzy in her head. She quickly raises her hand to hold the Moyu wall and suddenly wants to cry.