Seeing that Gao Fei has drunk enough, Liao Shuifen suddenly comes out. This is to embarrass him.

Gao Fei knows that although he has full reasons to refuse, he can't refuse in the past because he doesn't want to offend this woman.

A woman who wants to be capable, resourceful and from a rich family should not offend her if she can't.

What's more, after learning that she is going out with he Xiucheng, Gao Fei hopes to cooperate with her and get some surprises. That's why he generously meets Liao Shuifen's challenge.

"Sister pink."

Before Gao Fei's words came down, Gao Yunhua stood up and said with a smile, "Gao Fei has drunk enough for me. Since sister fan is interested in drinking with him, how about I take his place? Hehe, you are a big sister, and you don't agree with the suggestion of being a brother, do you

Among the people present, Gao Yunhua's identity is undoubtedly the most "noble". He yelled one by one, which has given Liao Shuifen a lot of face.

Liao Shuifen will not refuse as long as he is not stupid.

Sure enough, Liao Shuifen said with a smile: "ha ha, Yunhua, are you playing" fighting tiger brothers "? Think of me as a female tiger? OK, since you have said that, I have to agree naturally - Wu Si, bring the wine! "

Liao Wusi sighed in his heart. Knowing that it was useless to say anything at this time, he had to give Liao Shuifen a bottle of wine.

"Little Sister Zhang Jia has set an example for us just now. Let's hold on to the rules she set. One person and one bottle of wine, I'll come first."

Liao Shuifen smiles and shakes Gao Yunhua with a bottle. Then he looks up and drinks.

At the wedding banquet, it's normal for two people who are close friends and unhappy to drink together.

However, it is rare to open the bottle with wine, especially for those who have a long history.

So seeing that Liao Shuifen, who was very coy in general, began to blow on the wine bottle, everyone slowly gathered around him, holding his arms to watch.

Gao Yunhua didn't expect Liao Shuifen to be so "domineering". He also knew that he had drunk enough. If he continued to drink, he would lose his temper. But his words had already been exported and there was no possibility of taking them back. He had to take a bottle of wine and blow it face to face with Liao Shuifen.

Gudeng, Gudeng.

Liao Shuifen's wine is very good, just like her drinking posture. Even if she blows at the bottle in public, it won't make people feel that it's beneath her identity. Moreover, not a drop of wine flows out of her mouth, and a whole bottle of wine can't be dropped.

After drinking, she turned the bottle upside down, with a bright red on her bright face, but not the slightest intoxication.

It turned out that she could drink like this!

Gao Yunhua, who was frowning and drinking, felt bitter in his heart and forced himself to drink the wine.


When he also poured the bottle to indicate that he was dry, I don't know who clapped like a good drink, and then there was applause.

"Yunhua, you're a good drinker. I admire you, sister fan. It seems that I'll have to bow down."

After the applause stopped for a while, Liao Shuifen said with a smile: "originally, we should take advantage of he's second birthday to drink freely, but I also know that the nature of your work in Yunhua is different from mine. It's really a pity to drink more. It seems that we have to find another chance in the future."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Gao Yunhua bit his teeth, nodded and sat down slowly.

He's really afraid that if he moves a lot, he will open his mouth and blow out.

It's certain to pour the wine, but we have to wait until we go out.

Although the taste of pouring wine is very hard, it's worth it to block the disaster for Gao Fei.

But Liao Shuifen's next words made Gao Yunhua have an impulse to hit the wall: "Mr. Gao, I've had a bottle of wine with Yunhua just now. It's up to us next."

Just now, when Gao Yunhua came out to block Gao Fei's drink, Liao Shuifen didn't refuse, just as she didn't give up the idea of sharing wine with Gao Fei after the event.

From the way she was calm after a whole bottle of wine, the woman was a bucket.

Gao Yunhua took the initiative to stand up, in addition to find their own suffering, she did not cause any impact.

Gao Fei has to fight, just like Zhang Muhan: Liao Shuifen has dried a whole bottle, so he doesn't take advantage of him.

Looking at Liao Wusi with a bitter smile, Gao Fei knew that he couldn't escape at all. He took a deep breath and said with a smile, "sister fan, do you have to drink?"

"You can say no, too."

Liao Shuifen smiles and says softly, "but I also have a request. That is, you have to be in front of the big guy and shout you can't do it."

It's well known that women can't say no and men can't say no. if Gao Fei shouts "I can't do it" three times in order to avoid fighting, it's better to kill him and pull him down.

"Whether I can or can't, I believe you know better than anyone, sister fan?"

Gao Fei evil smile, eyes in Liao Shuifen body swept one eye.

Liao Shuifen's face turned red.

She knows what Gao Fei means in this sentence, but others think that Gao Fei's doing so is that he recaptured Tianya group to run on her.

Goofy did not give you too much thought. He took a soup dish that had been made into soup, poured the soup in another dish, washed it with tea, opened a bottle of Baijiu and poured it in.

At first, we didn't know about the action of goofy. So when he saw that he had poured second bottles of Baijiu into it, he finally realized that he was fighting for Liao Shui powder.

Don't you want to force me to say no?

OK, then I'll show you. We don't need to drink wine bottle, we use soup plate instead!

This soup plate can hold four bottles of wine.

After Gao Fei put down the fourth empty wine bottle, he put up the soup tray with both hands and looked at Liao Shuifen with a smile: "sister Fen, I'll do it for you first, and you can do it later."

Without waiting for Liao Shuifen to say anything, Gao Fei took up the soup plate and put it on his mouth. It was like a whale swallowing the sea water, and he began to drink it.

Gao Yunhua wanted to stop him, but as soon as he raised his hand, he felt the sky spinning.

Liu Xiaolong also wanted to, but just moved, he was pulled by Liao Wusi.

Liao Shuifen's eyes are more bright, smiling and standing there, also did not say.

Goofy slowly tilts the soup plate and holds it up a little bit.

Now he's forcing his brain to accept the wrong message: it's beer.

He Baijiu Baijiu more than four pounds of liquor before that. Even if he drinks more heavily, he will be drunk and become unconscious if he drinks any of the spirits.

However, the arrow is on the way, so we have to do it. If we want to spray Liao Shuifen, we can only use this method.

In the middle of the drink, goofy felt that he was going to vomit. Even if he drank another drop, it would come out.

But he can't spray, he can only take a deep breath and continue to pour.

When he drank more than a half, he felt that he felt a deep cold in his heart, and blew out the flames that seemed to be burning. He had never experienced any sense of comfort. He made Lingtai look like a drink. It was like drinking wine instead of Baijiu.

Gao Fei doesn't know what makes him feel like this, but he can guess that it's related to his special constitution, which was transformed by moxie Zhengdong into "invincible".

People have heard of such a word, called alcoholism.

Although the Baijiu Baijiu liquor is all high grade grain wine, not the kind of alcohol blending of inferior wine, but in general, the alcohol content of liquor itself is here, drinking too much will still be poisoned.

If Gao Fei drinks only one or two bottles of Baijiu, depending on the amount of alcohol he drinks, the alcohol in his wine will not form any threat to his body immunity.

But when he drank the Baijiu alcohol degree, far beyond his function of self immunity (anti alcoholism), he had been poisoned by his evil spirits after he had been poisoned by his own body, and immediately acted as a tool to remove all the alcohol that had been transformed into toxic substances.

Goofy secretly guessed these, his heart was fixed. In the low voice and admiration, he drank all the four bottles of white wine, put down the soup pan, and still stood there firmly.

Liao Shuifen's face finally changed.

Although she has a lot of alcohol, she can drink three or four bottles of it with a certain hatred for Gao Fei.

But I've already had a bottle with Gao Yunhua just now. If I drink four bottles with Gao Fei like this again, I think she will lose face on the spot if she can't finish it.

"How can this boy's drinking capacity change so much, just like his kung fu!"

When Liao Shuifen thought of it, he saw that Gao Fei took four bottles of wine, opened them and poured them into the soup plate.

As we all know, this is for Liao Shuifen: you are not pinjiu, so come on, it's your turn!

"Sister, let me do it."

Liao Wu came up to Liao Shuifen and said in a low voice, "this boy has been drinking a lot. It's like taking stimulants..."

"No, I'll do it myself."

Liao Shuifen pursed the corners of his mouth and shook his head.

When Gao Fei fills the soup plate again, Liao Shuifen reaches out his hand and is about to take it up. He decides that even if he drinks to death, he can't lose to this guy, but he is frightened to see that Gao Fei takes it up again and drinks it, just like drinking cold water.

Goofy had already consumed about six Jin of Baijiu, and now he began to drink.

All the people in the hall are petrified: I've heard of something to drink, but I've never seen anything like it. If you drink this basin again, it will be ten jin!

Don't mention Baijiu, it's cold water. Who can drink ten jin at once?

In perfect silence, everyone looked at the eyes of the aliens and watched Gaofu slowly and once again drank a high degree of Baijiu.


After putting down the soup plate, Gao Fei burps, raises his hand and pats his obviously swollen stomach. He smiles and asks the stunned Liao Shuifen, "sister fan, do you still want me to say no?"

Liao Shuifen would like to shout: wine, drink!

She moved her mouth and said in a hoarse voice, "you are much more powerful than me. I lost."

"Haha, it's just a joke. There's no one who wins or loses. It can only prove that I'm a barrel, ha."

Gao Fei gave a big smile and saluted everyone with his hands arched fist. He said in a loud voice: "let's laugh, and delay everyone's drinking. Sorry, I think I'll have to dodge first

After drinking so much wine, even if I didn't get drunk, I almost had to die. Naturally, I had to go to drain the water.

"Good, Gao Shao, good boy!"

Someone started clapping again.

In the applause, goofy walked out of the hall like a rooster who won the fight.

Just out of the hall, a waiter came over and asked politely, "excuse me, are you Mr. Gao Feigao?"