When she first came to Beijing, Zheng Shanshan once ran into a woman on the street.

It was a lady with a pure white pug, sunglasses on her face, a gorgeous mink coat on her body, and high-heeled shoes. Behind her were three or four bodyguards in black suits.

A beggar kneeling on the side of the road begging for food raised his hand and pulled the corner of the Lord's clothes when the lady passed by, imploring her to give her some pocket money to buy food.

The beggar didn't ask for money. He only "got" the Queen's hard high-heeled soles. Then several bodyguards jumped on him and punched him. When he was dying, the queen, who was always wearing sunglasses, gently spat out a word from her beautiful red lips: go.

Then the lady left, holding her pug and her bodyguard, leaving the bloody beggar lying on the cold road, motionless.

Zheng Shanshan clearly remembers that there were many onlookers at that time, and there was a police car not far away, but no one came to dissuade her from beating a beggar, because her powerful ostentation proved that she could do whatever she wanted.

Zheng Shanshan didn't know who the lady was.

She only knew that the lady was like the queen in the story she heard in the mountain village - since then, Zheng Shanshan has made it her biggest goal in her life to become a woman like the queen.

She made it.

Without any hard work, she became the queen in the unimaginable superior living environment.

Forgetting Zheng Shanshan's difficult life before she was 13 years old, she was more arrogant, stubborn, indifferent and cruel than anyone else.

The lady she saw when she was 13 years old was the biggest idol in her heart.

Over the years, Zheng Shanshan has stepped on people with strong backgrounds. Even when she went home to visit her relatives last year, she shot and killed a traffic policeman on the highway who was checking her for speeding.

What happened?

The leader of the traffic police department came to Beijing to apologize to her.

The traffic policeman who was shot not only died in vain, but also was expelled from the police force after his death.

The reason is very simple. He committed treason - any act that dares to confront Zheng Shanshan will be regarded as treason. As for the punishment, it depends on Zheng Shanshan's mood.

When Zheng Shanshan is in a good mood, she breaks the leg of the person who makes her look uncomfortable at most. When she is in a bad mood, she will die - but no matter what she does, no one or unit will expose her behavior.

Because all she did was to carry out a high-level "top secret mission.".

Dead people, people's lives, in Zheng Shanshan's view is a symbol, so when the third lady stopped her plotting against Gao Fei, she would be angry and sent Qiangzi and others to kill the extremely annoying old woman.

Just as the saying goes, Zheng Shanshan's domineering, indifferent and even cruel way of doing things without knowing it will naturally be imitated by his subordinates. Therefore, Qiangzi and others have no hesitation when they receive the order to kill the third lady.

And they stabbed Mr. Jackson.

What's the difference between killing a foreigner and killing a dog?

Zheng Shanshan thinks so, and so do the three of them. So after the police arrived, even after the big director, Lao Hao, arrived in person, the three of them didn't panic and even scolded the police to get away.

After being arrested by Jinghua police, Zheng Shanshan was very angry. She immediately called the relevant units and asked them to release people!

As for foreigners killed, it was his own fault, intent to steal State secrets!

In the past, as long as Zheng Shanshan called in person and showed the 1973 brand, all units immediately gave the green light - but this time, the Municipal Bureau ignored it.

Zheng Shanshan knew that the foreigner Jack Sai who was killed was not an ordinary person, but a diplomat who came to China.

But what's the point?

Who let him spy on the top secret of China?

This kind of person should die!

After Zheng Shanshan's call didn't work, she immediately ordered dozens of soldiers, armed and ready to rush into the Municipal Bureau to rob people. Since you are not obedient, let's show you how invincible 1973 is!

But what surprised her even more was that as soon as her Hummer drove out of the barracks, she found that there were three tanks parked side by side on the only road out of the mountain!

Behind them are more fully armed garrison soldiers.

These people are the real strength to guard Beijing. The elite of the 2.3 million Chinese soldiers can see that they are ready to fight at any time from the bloody murderous atmosphere they can emit when they stand there.

The fierce murderous spirit of the soldiers suddenly defeated the arrogance and anger of Zheng Shanshan.

For the first time, they didn't dare to be arrogant and domineering, waving guns and shouting - because they knew very well that they were a group of scum in front of these real soldiers.

Zheng Shanshan was suppressed back to the barracks.

After seeing the tanks blocking the road, Zheng Shanshan felt bad.

But she was not afraid, because she was the only force in the military in 1973. Even if a diplomat was killed by mistake, no one would dare to do anything to them.

The soldiers who sealed the roads were at most a warning of their arrogance.

As soon as my uncle appears, even if I make a phone call, these soldiers will disappear, and the Qiangzi three will be released by the Municipal Bureau. Later, I will find a chance to retrieve the parking lot. By the way, I will put the Yu Liqing three who died in the parking lot on these annoying policemen!

Zheng Fu appeared.

He came late at night, with a face of extreme fatigue.

Zheng Shanshan saw with her own eyes that when her uncle's car entered the camp, it was stopped by the soldiers. She negotiated there for half an hour before it was released.

Uncle, what kind of person is that? That's the leader of 1973, the greatest meritorious person who saved a large number of veteran cadres in the civil society decades ago.

At ordinary times, not to mention these little league level cadres (the top commander of road closures is a league cadre), they are the leaders of the major military region, and they are respectful in front of their uncle.

Uncle's qualifications are there!

But now, a regiment level cadre blocked his uncle and let him go half an hour later.

What's the matter? Are these humble soldiers going to rebel?

Zheng Shanshan is very angry.

It's just anger without thinking about what's going on.

After Zheng Fu's car drove into the barracks and just got out of the car, Zheng Shanshan said angrily, do you want to pull out all the firepower of the whole army and kill all these soldiers!

Zheng Fu answers Zheng Shanshan with a loud slap.

Zheng Shanshan was confused. Her soul seemed to have drifted to Taixu. She didn't know how to follow her uncle back to the office.

Out of her wits, Zheng Shanshan hears that her uncle is talking to someone. She talks to someone in a calm, angry tone.

The general content is very simple. It's questioning someone. Is that how Zheng Shanshan was taught?

When did Zheng Shanshan become like this?

After she became like this, why didn't that person tell Zheng Fu, but hid it for her for so many years.

In these years, Zheng Shanshan did a lot of angry things, until she caused this terrible disaster.

When Zheng Shanshan was in front of Zheng Fu, she looked like the good girl when she first came to Beijing. Was it the person who taught him that his niece was excellent? Until old man Gao mentioned her (she sent someone to rob white porcelain), Zheng Fu had a bad feeling.

Is that man deliberately doing this to cultivate a arrogant and cold-blooded woman?

The purpose is to make the force controlled by 1973 disappear completely from the military.

If you want a man to perish, you must first make him crazy.

Zheng Shanshan heard his uncle say that sentence on the phone, but the man did not answer, a long time later, he stopped the phone.

After Zheng Fu's phone was turned off, he kept a motionless posture and sat there for a long time until four o'clock in the morning.

If Zheng is corrupt, Zheng Shanshan will not dare to move.

She is not afraid of heaven and earth, but she is only afraid of Zheng Fu.

Because she knows very well that Zheng Fu has given her all these things.

If Zheng Fu is no longer good to her, then she has nothing.

For a long time, Zheng Shanshan's dignity made her feel uncomfortable. When she secretly moved for a while, Zheng Fu looked at her.

His eyes are so cold, just like the dead stone in the thick fog outside.

Zheng Shanshan didn't dare to look at him and looked away in a hurry.

At this time, Zheng Fu finally said: "is it still painful?"


Zheng Shanshan a Leng, looked up and blinked his eyes, just realized that uncle this is asking her, last night hit that slap in the face, still hurt.

Immediately, just like a drowning person holding a life buoy, all Zheng Shanshan's worries, doubts and fears disappeared: as long as my uncle still cares about me, it proves that I will be OK!

"Ah, it doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt for a long time!"

Zheng Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes became active, and she said in a low voice, "uncle, I'm sorry that I made you angry and caused you trouble. If you don't feel relieved, you can beat me up again? "

Zheng Fu shook his head, and his tone was still so gentle: "I have regarded you as my favorite child for a long time. How can I be willing to beat you again? You can go now, and you'll never have to worry about it again. "

"Oh, I'll have a rest. Uncle, you should have a rest early."

Zheng Shanshan agreed, got up from the sofa and walked briskly to the door.

She knew that her uncle didn't like other people's ink. Since she was told to leave, she had to leave quickly.

It's just that my uncle's words seem strange. What do you mean I'll never have to worry about it again?

When Zheng Shanshan thought of this, she heard a slight "jingle" - and then a kind of pain that she had never experienced came from her heart.

She opened her mouth wide, looked down, and saw a bullet, a bloody bullet, coming out of her front heart, flying out of the door, through the window across the corridor, into the thick fog.

She raised her hand to cover the blood hole, slowly leaned on the doorframe, slowly turned and looked in the past: uncle's hand, there is a pistol, the muzzle seems to be still smoking.

"Uncle, Uncle..."

Zheng Shanshan spits out the title difficultly, leans on the doorframe and slowly collapses to the ground.

She didn't understand, really didn't understand, why uncle wanted to kill her.

She understood and understood why her uncle had said such a thing just now.

He let her go, not to rest, but to go to another world.

Did I really do something wrong?

The bright color in Zheng Shanshan's eyes slowly floated on a layer of fog and became dim.

Her breathing, too, stopped.

As early as a few decades ago, Zheng Fu was a good murderer. He could make people die in agony and sleepwalking. He would only feel a pain in his heart and then get rid of everything.

The gun in Zheng Fu's hand falls to the ground after Zheng Shanshan's last consciousness disappears.