It's been seven or eight hours since sunrise came out of Xishantou. It's more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

During this period, the Taoist priest of the world of mortals always sat in front of the hall with his knees crossed, just like a sculpture, motionless. It seemed that all the other Taoist nuns in the Taoist temple were missing, and none of them was there.

Nuo is big. There are only four of them in the dilapidated Taoist temple.

The Taoist priest of the world of mortals does not move, neither do they.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I dare not move.

Even if the man and woman behind Yang Xue are envoys of the west, they always keep absolute respect and silence in front of the Taoist priest.

Just when Yang Xue thought of her future life and hoped that it would be like the legend in a few words that she knew, the suffering of Jia Zi was just the price of immortality, and she would soon usher in the life she longed for, the Taoist priest of the red world slowly opened her eyes.

At the same time, Yang Xue thought of a noun: Gutan.

Since ancient times many years ago, there has been a pool.

How can a person's eyes be as clear as a baby?

Is this still the eyes of an old monster with white hair and eyebrows?

And the most important thing is that there is a touch of dissatisfaction in these baby like pure eyes.

Discontent with the secular world.

Subconsciously, Yang Xue stepped back.

The two envoys from the West behind her also stepped back, but then they bowed deeply and raised their hands to cover their hearts - this is the etiquette of meeting respected people in the place in Western legend.

The Taoist priest of the world of mortals did not look at them. He just stares at Yang Xue lightly. The dissatisfaction in his eyes has gone away. It becomes so vivid, but also extremely ethereal.

As if from the deepest voice of the earth, sounded: "your name is Yang Xue?"

Yang Xue has been living in Xianxia temple for more than 60 years, but the Taoist priest of the world of mortals seems not sure her name, which is an absolute insult to anyone.

But Yang Xue didn't have this feeling, because she knew that Taoist priest Hongchen never cared about her.

Bend down, reach out to cover the heart, Yang Xue respectfully answer“ Yes, my name is Yang Xue. "

Just when Yang Xue thought that the Taoist priest of the world of mortals would say something to her next, the woman who should not belong to the world said to the two western messengers, "in your west, there is the legend of Pandora's box. You have now opened the box. Disaster has begun to come from this moment. "

The female emissary slightly raised her waist, looked at the Taoist priest and said, "open Pandora's box, it's because someone needs disaster. Disaster is not a good thing for most people, but in this world, there are always disasters, which proves that the world needs disaster, needs it to destroy some things, and then regenerate from the destruction. After the rebirth, it will be as pure as the Taoist priest's eyes. "

"It's only more than 40 years since the last great disaster. We need to reorganize the order."

The white eyebrows of the Taoist priest of the world of mortals wrinkled slightly, and then said, "and the order of the eastern world doesn't need the intervention of the western world, does it? If you want to rectify order, you can do it in the West. It's necessary for you to come here? "

"Since ancient times, the western world has never stopped rectifying. Taoist priest has no doubt about this."

The voice of the female emissary seemed to have a touch of smile: "we meddle in Oriental things because you have invited us. Like those wars in the 19th century, how could the Western allied forces set foot on this ancient land without your permission from the east? "

"Some forces are like unfilial sons. When an unfilial son grows up, he doesn't know how to appreciate his parents and repay his kindness. He only relies on his own strength to ask for what he wants. As for parents, they don't have the ability to discipline their son. At this time, it's normal for them to discipline their unfilial son and teach him a painful lesson. "

The female emissary slowly stood up straight, her eyes under the veil were very bright and indistinct: "in the last century, you asked us to discipline our unfilial son, and we also admitted that we got rich rewards. We are very satisfied. But we really don't want to see that just after more than 40 years, the unfilial son has forgotten the past pain and started to persecute his parents. "

The male messenger took the words: "now, corrupt officials in China are like crucian carp across the river..."

The Taoist priest of the world of mortals interrupted him lightly: "can you find a country where officials are not corrupt or corrupt from western countries?"

"No, that's why we haven't stopped the clean-up. If necessary, we will launch the third world war with the Western battlefield as the main battlefield, so as to thoroughly destroy everything and reestablish a healthy order in the ruins. "

After thinking about it, the male emissary continued: "however, the bacteria produced in China have far surpassed those in the West. At present, fake goods are rampant in China, such as poisonous rice, poisonous capsules, and gutter oil, which seriously threaten people's health and life. More importantly, the moral quality here has declined too much. "

"When did the land of China start, when did an old lady fall on the road and no one dare to help her? Since when have people been disappointed in charitable donations? "

The female emissary then said: "these two points are the great decline of the moral quality of the Chinese people. We need to smash the current order and start afresh... This is our idea."

The Taoist priest snorted: "hum, it's just your idea."

"We came when your people invited us."

The male messenger raised his hand and lifted the veil on the felt hat, revealing a handsome and mature face.

As if he had not heard what he was saying, the Taoist priest of red dust looked up at the clouds in the sky and said, "after so many years of suffering, if we want to make the people rich as soon as possible, we must take some detours. But when they realize that the road they have taken is wrong, they will correct it by themselves. Why don't you give her a chance to correct it, and jump out after someone who is not calm sends out an invitation? "

"Don't you forget the fight more than 40 years ago? Forget the Korean Peninsula war that happened earlier? How many countries did you fight in that time? In the end, how did you leave in a mess? Have you forgotten all this? "

In the eyes of Taoist priest Hongchen, there was a sneer: "you have been beaten. You firmly remember the humiliation brought by the defeat, so you are not reconciled. Just more than 40 years ago, you made a tentative movement in a small area, and it turned out that you were defeated again. As a result, none of the nearly 200 masters came back to the western world alive."

"Alas, with these painful experiences, you should understand that the current China is no longer the one in the past two centuries. As your western Emperor Napoleon said, this sleeping lion will make the whole world tremble when it wakes up. Now, she has been shaking her head and tail to stand up. What good can a group of wild dogs get in front of the lion? "

When Taoist priest Hongchen said this, his tone was obviously lighter: "in my opinion, in the past few hundred years, there is only one person who can take the stage in the West."

"Who is it?"

The female emissary couldn't help asking.



In the eyes of the male Messenger, there was a look of disdain: "it's just a crazy executioner, a loser. I really don't understand why you value him so much, Taoist priest. "

"Because he has never tried to provoke Shenzhou, because he knows how terrible Shenzhou sleeping lion will be once it wakes up - even Liubo mountain can't calm its anger."

The red dust Taoist priest said softly.

Liubo mountain!

Is it the legendary immortal place that controls the Oriental world?

After hearing this word, Yang Xue's heart beat with a big bang.

"Taoist priest, you seem to be alarmist. In the past 200 years, the Chinese people have suffered too much humiliation - ha ha, this is enough for the sleeping lion to wake up."

Male emissary, but a face of disapproval: "besides, I really don't believe that Liubo mountain can't control the world."

The female emissary then said, "even if Liubo mountain can't discipline his useless children, there are us Atlantis."

"You've stepped in too many times."

The Taoist priest of the red world narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone became cold: "you will be punished."

But the male emissary looked leisurely: "Taoist priest, as far as I know, you respect Taoism very much. But why is the word retribution always mentioned? Isn't retribution a Buddhist term

"The Buddha is the Tao. Haven't you heard these words?"

The Taoist priest of the world of mortals still said faintly: "in addition, in the past two thousand years, several famous catastrophes in the history of China were actually related to the evil way. It is only in the past 600 years that the evil way has gradually declined. When you intervene in the changes of the East, the evil way is the most depressed time, and it has not caused you any trouble. "

"And Shura."

When the Taoist priest said these four words, he sighed softly: "Shura, you have joined the world. These are not controlled by the way of heaven. How can you have the confidence to fight against Shura, man and devil? "

The lightness on the male messenger's face slowly disappeared, and he said: "those are just your Oriental legends. Whether it's Shura or demon, it seems that they can't compete with us. "

"Atlantis, isn't it in legend?"

When the Taoist priest of the red world said this, his white eyebrows wrinkled slightly, sighed again, and murmured, "Alas, it's late, it's late, it's time to come, it's time to come."

"What's late? Who will come? "

When the male messenger asked this question subconsciously, he heard the light footstep outside the moon not far away.

When he looked back, he saw a little Taoist in a blue Taoist robe coming in from the door.

Little Taoist slightly bent down, did not say anything, red dust Taoist put a whisk, indifferent way: "invite guests to come in."


The little Taoist agreed softly, turned around and was about to leave, but the Taoist priest of the world of mortals said, "sit idle, tell the affairs room, let them prepare a coffin."

The little Taoist, who was sitting idle, answered respectfully once again, and then turned around and left quickly.

Prepare the coffin?

What did she have the coffin prepared for?

At this moment, Yang Xue, who has never spoken, suddenly has a strong sense of uneasiness and involuntarily approaches the female emissary.

Obviously, the male emissary was puzzled by the Taoist priest's command, but soon he seemed to understand something and looked up at the moon gate.

Outside the sound of footsteps, a group of people from outside to the moon door.