Gao Cui and Shen Yinbing have a look of wonder and fear on their faces. When they see Shen Yinbing suddenly take out his gun, their nerves are tense and instinctively prepare for all kinds of drastic changes.

Whether Mr. Shen, who seems to be suffering from some demons, suddenly shoots them or herself, Gao Cui and her husband must stop Mr. Shen's behavior as quickly as possible.

What makes them feel relieved is that after Shen Yinbing takes out his pistol, he just takes off his cartridge clip and looks at the bullet in his palm.

Mr. Shen, what's the matter?

Did you come to Xianxia temple, and then you were bewitched by the strange looking Taoist priest?

Otherwise, she saw us kill Yang Xue, but asked who killed Yang Xue?

When Gao Cui and Shen Yinbing were worried, she said, "Yang Xue was killed by you together?"

Gao Cui quickly replied: "yes, Xiaoling fought against both sides first, consumed most of her physical strength and severely damaged her, and then I killed her in one go."

"Oh, so it is."

Shen Yinbing eyebrows slightly shaking a few times, as if in a dream, asked: "I, what do I do?"

"You are sitting on the futon in front of the hall, drinking tea with Taoist priest and President Wang, and watching the war."

Gao Ling told the truth: "after Yang Xue died, you and Taoist priest Hongchen talked in a low voice for a long time. Mr. Wang wanted to go down the mountain with us, but he had an emergency meeting to attend, so he left first. "

"I didn't shoot when I was in Xianxia temple?"

Shen Yinbing tilted her head slightly. When she asked this question, she looked like a fool.

This time, Gao Cui shook their heads together: "No."

"No, I didn't shoot. Yang Xue didn't die under my hands."

Shen Yinbing nodded, slowly turned around and looked at the cliff again.

In the dark, Shen Yinbing seems to see a big face smiling at her in mid air.

That's ridicule.

She mocks Shen Yinbing for killing Yang Xue and saying so many impolite words to Taoist priest Hongchen. In fact, she didn't do that. As for what she did, for example, after Yang Xue died, she talked with Taoist priest Hongchen in a low voice. Gao Cui and Gao Cui didn't dare to listen, but she didn't know.

I shot and killed Yang Xue. After talking with Taoist priest Hongchen for a long time, I told her that I would spare no effort to support Gao Fei and fight against the so-called bullshit fate!

But why, there are still three bullets in the pistol, not a few?

Yang Xue was killed by Gao Cui!

I shot her to death and said those words to the Taoist priest of the red world, but they were all fake.


It's just my idea!

But why is the process so real? What I said to the female Taoist is still firmly in my mind?

So, what's the matter?

I, in evil, or suffering from mental illness?

Shen Yinbing's mind is in a mess, and she looks at the darkness. She only feels that a monster is so huge that it covers the sky that she can't see any face clearly. She is under pressure from the night.

She wanted to escape, but there was no place to escape.

Can only watch, the monster slowly revealed a pair of eyes, a big mouth, is at her grimace.

The fangs were exposed in the corner of the mouth, and there was a drop of bright red blood.

Slowly, the monster opened his big mouth, took a deep breath at her, and then pounced on her!

"Get out of here!"

Instinctively, Shen Yinbing let out a scream, jumped forward, raised his hand to the monster's eyes, and smashed out with a hard blow.

"Mr. Shen, be careful!"

When Shen Yinbing's fist is about to hit the monster's eyes, Gao Cui's voice is heard.

Then she felt as if she had been caught in her arms by several hands and pulled back.

Shen Yinbing instinctively struggled, then stopped and blinked. When she looked ahead again, the sky was full of bright stars and distant lights. The night sky was clean and pleasant. What kind of monster was there staring at the blood red eyes?

On the contrary, she was standing on the edge of the cliff. If Gao Cui had not found something wrong with her just now and rushed to catch her in time, she would have jumped down the abyss and smashed herself to pieces.

"I know, I know, all this is the evil way in Xianxia temple."

Shen Yinbing bit his lower lip and suddenly understood something. He broke Gao Cui's hand, turned around and walked quickly to the gate of Xianxia temple. He patted the gate and cried, "red dust, red dust, come out, come out!"

Shen Yinbing's cry is particularly harsh in the night on the mountain. It's estimated that you can hear it on the top of the mountain ten miles away. There's no reason why the Taoist priest hiding in Xianxia temple can't hear it.

No matter how hard Shen Yinbing slapped and yelled, the Xianxia temple was always quiet. The gate was not opened, and there was no ghost. Only the more powerful night wind blew by.

"Mr. Shen, do you want us to go over the wall and open the door?"

Gao Cui and Shen Yinbing don't know why they have to call, but they know that if Shen always has to enter the temple, the walls of Xianxia temple can't stop them.


Shen Yinbing put down the door calling hand, looked up at the lantern on the left wall, a sinister smile floated on the corner of his mouth, and said slowly, "do you think it's a good day to set fire in late autumn, a windy night?"

In late autumn, when the sky is high and things are dry, all things begin to gather energy and energy for the winter. Therefore, no matter the weeds or the trees, the leaves of the grass begin to zero. At this time, if a fire is put on, it is estimated that the Xianxia temple, surrounded by waist deep weeds, will soon be submerged by the fire.

"Set fire to the temple?"

Gao Cui and her husband look at each other. They really don't understand why Mr. Shen is so abnormal today: when they go out, Mingming says goodbye to the Taoist priest of the red world who is sent to the moon gate. How can they become demonic in the blink of an eye? Now they want to set fire to other Taoist temples?

If Gao Cui and Gao Cui were ordinary people, they would certainly be rejected by President Shen's command: Although Xianxia temple is not as old as the legend (in the ancient legend, it existed before human civilization existed on the island of Xianxia Temple), it is undoubtedly the oldest local Taoist temple.

And most importantly, the Xianxia temple has a different meaning in the eyes of the people of Baodao. Otherwise, Mr. Wang would not have been so careful after entering the temple.

Xianxia temple is not only the continuation of some ancient cultures on the island, but also the wealth of the whole Chinese nation. If a fire is put on at this time, no matter how powerful the Taoist priest is, it can't be saved - it's definitely a disaster.

But Gao Cui didn't care about it. They only knew that no matter what order Mr. Shen gave them, even if they were to go through fire and water, they would not give up, let alone set a small fire?

"Set fire to the temple."

Shen Yinbing took a few steps back and spit out these four words in her beautiful little mouth.

God said, let there be light, and there will be light in the world.

Master Shen said that he began to set fire to the temple. The fire soon lit up the sky above the Xianxia temple.

"Gone, ha ha!"

Looking at the Xianxia Temple trapped in the fire, Shen Yinbing laughed wildly, waved his hand and turned to walk down the mountain.

As the saying goes, "wind helps fire power", it seems that wind likes fire very much (in fact, when the fire burns, it burns the oxygen in the air nearby, and the air from other places will be quickly replenished, increasing the wind force). It also seems that she understands Shen Yinbing's mind at this time, and after she walks more than ten meters, she screams.

Shen Yinbing's laughter mingled with the dragon's teeth and claws.

This laughter, with the wind spread far away, has been floating to the ear of the king who is taking his classmates fishing at night by the stream.

Today is definitely the most memorable day in the life of royalty.

Because he saw with his own eyes the leader of Shura who was adored by thousands of hot-blooded youths on treasure island. Together with her, he was pointed at by the same group of special police officers with a gun. Is it a friend in need?

But at least, is it the capital to brag with others in the future?

Like Wang Quan, his college classmates are also afraid even when they are pointed at by many special police officers during the day. However, the bragging capital gained from this false alarm is very worthwhile.

Everyone was very excited, so at the suggestion of the king, they went to the wild riverside Creek for night fishing.

Sitting by the stream, leisurely holding a cigarette, or eating snacks, happily talking about the experience of the day, with their own imagination, to guess the legendary Shura leader, to the legendary Xianxia mountain, can you find the legendary Taoist priest of the red world - this is absolutely a great joy in life.

"Oh, look, there seems to be a fire on the mountain!"

When Wang Quan and a good friend were talking vigorously there, someone suddenly pointed to Xianxia mountain in the West and cried out.

"What, there's a fire on the mountain?"

After eating, the king stood up and looked up.

Sure enough, there is a red cover on the top of Xianxia mountain, which is very conspicuous in the night.

"Scared, it seems that there is a real fire!"

Others began to shout, shouting: "quick, call the local authorities!"

"Don't shout!"

Just when someone picked up his mobile phone and wanted to call the police, Wang Quan suddenly exclaimed excitedly: "this is not fire! This is Xianxia. Only in Xianxia mountain can we see it in the dark! It's said that every 60 years, when Camellia bloom, Xianxia mountain will appear in the dark night. There is a fire like Xianxia mountain in the dark night - God, God, I didn't expect to let us see it! "

The king was very excited and incoherent. He bent down and pulled out a high-power telescope from his pocket. He stumbled to the bank, stood on a big rock, and raised his telescope to look up at the sky.

While looking, his body trembled: "ah, look, the thousands of rays, just like the morning glow, bring me into a fairyland that I have never seen before..."

"How can it be a glow? Where does it come from at night? It's not a mirage."

The big guys didn't believe what the king said. They took out their binoculars one after another and looked up at him: "eh, eh, strange, it's really a glow, not a fire!"

"Ouye bought it. Get the camera quickly. I have to take a picture of the glow!"

"How can it be? After dark for so long, there will still be a glow - probably reflected from the atmosphere far away from the sea behind the mountain. Mirage, yes, this is mirage

The sky above the top of Xianxia mountain is suddenly shrouded by a large amount of rays in the dark. Whether it is a mirage or not, it will certainly attract people's attention.

Auspicious, this is absolutely auspicious.

Legend, auspicious, disaster is over.

Let people talk about the color of the serial homicide, from Xianxia appear this night, should be over?