Shen Yinbing thinks that this woman, like Stallone, is from Atlantis in the west, otherwise she would not have stopped Gao Qi from tracking them.

But the woman is very straightforward to tell Shen Yinbing, she is not Atlantis, she came because someone wants to see Shen Yinbing.

Who is Shen Yinbing now?

She is the wolf leader of the greedy wolf department among the three departments of killing and destroying wolves. She is the leader of Shura sect in the world of mortality. Under her command, there are eight King Kong who can turn honest monks into eunuchs, and tens of thousands of sons.

Identity, that's a different one. Even if you see Mr. Wang, who has great power on Treasure Island, you can keep her cool and arrogant... Who is qualified to see her except Gao Fei?

So after the woman told her that someone wanted to see her, Shen Yinbing just gave a cool smile and picked up the tea cup.

The woman knew what she was thinking in her heart, but she didn't ask for it. When she turned around and left, she said, "that person plays a very important role in whether Gao Fei can resist the pressure from all sides."

"You wait, I'll go with you."

Shen Yinbing immediately put down the cup and stood up: "where are you going?"

The woman stopped, turned and looked at Shen Yinbing. After staying for a while, she said, "you are not afraid that I am deceiving you. After deceiving you, will it be bad for you?"

"I can't think of any reason for a woman like you to cheat."

Shen Yinbing said, already went to the door, asked again: "that person, who is it?"

Shen Yinbing's words seemed to be very popular. The woman gave her a deep look and said softly, "have you ever heard of Maya new town?"

Maya new town, before 2012, is the name of a small town built with the fastest speed.

Just like many neighborhoods nowadays, even if there are only a few residential buildings, they will have a very popular name. For example, the one next to the seaside is called Hawaii fashion community; Next to a small bag, the name may have the word "Mount Tai".

What's more, a sugar gourd seller may name his sugar gourd "sugar Taizong.".

Therefore, when many people hear the name of Maya new town, they will take it for granted that it is just a place name that attracts people's attention according to Maya's prediction. It can be a small town, a community, or even a teahouse or bar.

Before 2012, if people hear this name, they will immediately associate with the doomsday theory predicted by Maya and care about this place.

But as 2012 has passed through so many years, and as the Maya prophecy that attracted worldwide attention was just a big joke, all topics with the word "Maya" are like Goubuli steamed stuffed bun. No one will pay special attention to it.

However, it would be a big mistake for someone to think that this small town is a teahouse, a hotel, or at most a residential area after hearing the name of Maya new town.

Because before 2012, Maya new town was a legend.

Maya new town is a city.

Located in Northwest China, it is a remote place known as the roof of the world.

Originally designed and built at the fastest speed, it can accommodate about 300000 people.

As for why it should be built, where it should be built, the speed of construction, and who will go and where to live after it is built, this is a secret for most people in the world.


As shown in the American science fiction film 2012, long before the end of the world, many countries, including China, had begun to build the "Noah's Ark" secretly as the only way to retreat after the end of the world, to preserve human civilization and the "seeds" of most of the world's animals and plants.

Maya new town was born in this situation.

However, it was not put into use after the arrival of December 21, 2012, as it is said in science fiction movies. That is to say, the small city, which consumed a lot of human and material resources in the world, was soon forgotten by the people who knew it existed after the winter solstice of that year.

After all, it is on the roof of the world, where the sky is very blue, but it's a pity that few ordinary people except local people can tolerate the thin oxygen content in the air.

As the vast majority of people survived the winter solstice of that year, people chose to leave one after another.

People go to Chengkong... With the evacuation of most people, the new town, which has been given high hopes, has become a ghost town. Moreover, because its location is too remote, even now few people arrive at that place.

Although Maya new town lost its original role, it was also because all the people who had lived here were ashamed to talk to others (no one was willing to tell others that he was really afraid of the end of the world, so he went to Maya new town for refuge at a high price, but nothing happened, wasted money in vain, and was regarded as afraid of death), However, the information about its existence has been listed as the top secret by many countries.

Mayan new town is currently quiet, but who can guarantee that it has completely lost its function of protecting human beings and human civilization?

Because a prediction that is more alarming than the Maya prediction has been quietly spreading from western countries two years ago: one day in 2019 will be the real end of the world.

The end of the world predicted by the Mayans seven years ago was just a drill before the real end: when human beings were overjoyed at the thought of surviving the winter solstice of that year, they did not know that they would completely perish in seven years

Does the end of the world really exist?

At the present level of science, people all know that a person is so small relative to the earth, and the earth is so small relative to the vastness of the universe: if all kinds of passing small stars kiss the earth, they may destroy human beings and even the earth itself.

But compared to the harassment of these little guys, the Andromeda galaxy, which is expected to happen in three billion years, the collision with the Milky Way galaxy, and the aging sun, pose little threat to the earth.

The sun is getting old, so whether human beings want to or not, the earth we live on will die one day, but the date of the end is calculated in billions of years, so human beings still have time to consider how to find a new breeding place before the earth dies.

If calculated in this way, the end of the world does exist.

Because when an object, even the earth, is beyond human control, as long as there is "age", it will not be eternal any more, and it will eventually die.

So far, human beings have basically studied the age of the earth, which is 4.6 billion years. Its life span is about 10 billion years. The current age of "46 years old" is middle-aged, just like us.

One day, the temperature inside the earth will not be enough for any living things to survive. When the sun, which has about 5 billion years of life, dies out as a star, it will inevitably lead to the increase of mass concentration gravity. At that time, it will not only radiate light that is difficult for the living things on the earth to survive, but also devour all the planets around it and become a black hole.

So, the end of the world certainly exists, but as for the day, whether it will come in billions of years, no one can guarantee it, just like a young man who should have lived to 80 years old died of a car accident.

The earth, too, will encounter traffic accidents, such as a collision with an asteroid - that is the early end of the world: the most authoritative astronomical research laboratory in the West submitted a report to its government two years ago.

According to the report, at 0:00 p.m. on August 15 of the Chinese lunar calendar in 2019, an asteroid named Chang'e will enter the atmosphere at a speed of 500000 kilometers per second and fall to the earth.

After the asteroid Chang'e hits the earth, it will cause the vibration produced by the explosion of explosive equivalent to 500 tons of TNT - because when it passes through the atmosphere, its speed is too fast, and the burning will make it almost disappear.

The explosion of 500 tons of TNT explosive, no matter in that corner of the earth, may cause devastating damage to the local area. However, for the earth, it is nothing at all. It is just a small earthquake of several magnitudes.

But the problem is that when the asteroid named Chang'e burns through the atmosphere, it will send out a strange command signal from an alien.

Just like the universal remote control, it can open all the opening mechanisms at the moment of combustion, including nuclear warheads.

No matter how complicated and top secret the opening order of the nuclear warhead is, the opening signal sent by Chang'e asteroid at the moment before the crash can easily accuse the nuclear warhead of entering self explosion mode.

Time, three seconds six nine.

That is to say, after the asteroid sends out a signal to turn on, all the nuclear bombs in the world will explode in three seconds and 69 seconds without any human instructions.

This unimaginable self explosion of a nuclear bomb was named "uranium self explosion" by scientists who studied all this.

Uranium is a natural radioactive element and the most important nuclear fuel. It is also the most intelligent and lethal chemical element in the world.

According to the prediction of the scientific team, on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival in 2019, after the asteroid Chang'e visited the earth for 3.69 seconds, all the nuclear bombs (all uranium) in the world will explode and split.

The world will perish in a very short time.

But it's not absolute, because there are always some places on the earth that can dilute the attacks of death. For example, in the Mayan prophecy, it is said that the end of the world in 2012 will be temporary, and only Africa and Northwest China will survive.

After receiving the Research Report of the research group on the end of the world in 2019, will a western country think of the Mayan new city, which has been the focus of high-level attention?

The answer is yes.

So, in order to survive, will they secretly tell the Chinese government the report of a celestial body research group after several years of research, so that they can come to the Mayan new city for refuge on the Mid Autumn Festival in 2019?

The answer is yes. No matter how true the report is, the only thing is certain: the more people get, the more they care about their own life and death, and never let go of any news that can threaten their own lives.

Therefore, what is more certain is that after the report was published two years ago, it seems that the Maya new town, which has been forgotten by the high-level of various countries, will become a focus again.

This woman, who looks like a Nightowl, is from Maya new town.

But Shen Yinbing didn't know.

Because according to her identity, she was not qualified to know the existence of the new city a few years ago.

She has nothing to do with the person that the woman is talking about. What does it have to do with Gao Fei.

"They may be allies."

The woman looked up and looked at the window in the distance of the corridor, with tenderness floating in her cold eyes, and said in a dreamy way: "natural ally."