"I won't see him, you know."

The white veil on the woman's face shook slightly, and then said, "so, I'm leaving."

"Together, I don't want to stay, because he certainly doesn't like me very much, and he may force me to tell me where you are."

Zheng Fu sniffed and said, "I really feel his breath."

"I'm his woman. I can't feel his breath, but you can. It's amazing."

The woman seemed to chuckle and turned to the back of the room: "Zheng Fu, I don't think you should be hiding from him."

After the woman said this, she suddenly disappeared behind the house like a ghost.

"You mean it's Atlantis I should be hiding from? Because I used them and betrayed them, causing them too much loss? "

Just like talking to himself, Zheng Fu stood there for a moment, then shook his head and said in a low voice: "you are wrong. I can assure you that the first person who found me was not Atlantis in the west, but Liubo mountain - as for the person you tried to hide, he would not come to me at this time, because I had already let someone tell him the news. At this time, he must be blocking the knight Amy. "

Knight Amy was angry.

I'm really angry.

Amy, as a knight of the round table of Atlantis, actually obeys the command of the gladiator, which makes her feel humiliated and uncomfortable.

But there's no way. Who can make that Genie more beautiful than her and please the fairy of Atlantis?

According to Amy's idea, we can use the information provided by Zheng Fu, a traitor, to let all the servants who came to the Taklimakan Desert quietly attack the air outlet of the underground Loulan with all their strength. With powerful modern weapons, they can definitely win the wind.

But after careful negotiation with Zheng Fu, jiamarie adopted a "two-stage attack" strategy, so that her grand round table knights could only lead hundreds of divine servants to serve as the second echelon.

Amy knew that the reason why she agreed with Zheng Fu's battle plan was that she wanted to conquer the underground Loulan, hoping to be promoted to a knight.

This despicable way of doing things is to make it clear that we want to get rid of the dissidents.

Can Knight Amy not be angry?

Therefore, after Mary sent out a call for help in advance, Amy didn't start immediately. Instead, she slowly held a mobilization meeting for a few minutes, and then led hundreds of servants who were lurking two kilometers away from the tuyere to march towards the tuyere.

Knight Amy hopes: after she leads others to feel that, with her beauty and bravery, and her Kung Fu on the Kang, she has been killed by the people in the underground Loulan.

Well, it's better to lose both, so that she can invade underground Loulan without any difficulty.

People who are selfish and always want to take advantage of others always come to no good end.

Amy Cavalier rate people slowly to the tuyere, in the forward one kilometer, saw two people.

A man, a woman.

Because of the light at night and other reasons, Amy can't see how old a man is and what he looks like. She can only see that his eyes are very bright, so she can judge that he won't be more than 35 years old.

Knight Amy can't see what a woman looks like.

Because this woman was wearing all white clothes - her hair, eyebrows and all the skin outside were as white as snow.

White is like an elf, very strange, there are more than ten meters away from her, you can feel the cold sense of killing from her.

Two people, a man and a woman, were in the way of Knight Amy and others.

These two people, unless they are ghosts or fools, can not block hundreds of servants.

Amy Knights only believe that there is Atlantis in the world, that there are immortals there, but they don't believe that there are ghosts in the world.

So, she thinks that the men and women who are blocking their way are probably fools.

As for how these two idiots appeared in the ghost sand area of the Taklimakan Desert and why they blocked their progress, Knight Amy didn't want to think about it.

She didn't like to explain anything to a fool. She just waved her hand casually, and two divine servants came out of the crowd and rushed to the man and woman.

Knight Amy felt that this unreasonable fool really didn't need to live in the world and waste resources. It was cleaner to die.

Even, she didn't want to waste bullets for these two idiots.

What's more, only fresh blood can inspire the love of blood in the bones of the God servants, which is similar to the wildness of killing, isn't it?

Therefore, the knight let the servant to fight and kill the two idiots as cruelly as possible.

They need the stimulation of blood.

Zeus, the great king of all gods, satisfied the wishes of Amy knight, let her see the blood blooming in the night, and smell the fresh smell of blood.

But the blood was contributed by the servants she sent out.

The two idiots on the opposite side moved lazily when the servant of God cried and fell down in front of them - it was so lazily moving. It was like dancing tango when it was good, but it was like yawning when it was bad.

In a word, according to the eyes of Amy knight, we can see that the two idiots have a very skillful and tacit cooperation when they are doing it. In other words, they are dancing tango. They just turn around and raise their hands - the two energetic servants turn into two corpses after a scream.

Emmy Knight once heard from an immortal in Atlantis that killing is also an art. Only when his own strength reaches an unspeakable peak can bloody killing be as pleasing to the eye and feel no nausea as the beauty photo album.

When this pair of idiots kill people in front of them, will they be the legendary art?

The art of killing.

Knight Amy was stunned: my man, is that how he died?

Instinctively, Knight Amy waved again.

This time, she waved twice in a row, which means four people.

In the eyes of the servants, the order of the knight Amy was supreme and could not be refuted. So without hesitation, four servants rushed out. The ferocity of the order made people think of the dog who had been released.

However, the more vicious the dogs are, the less they will live. This is also the main reason why they don't live as long as the little pugs who are lazy in the arms of beautiful women.

In the face of the attack of four evil dogs, the man and the woman are still skillfully dancing the dance of death - especially the man, who can still put on a wind swept four after killing a god servant.

Four God servants, in that fool, oh, no longer a fool, if the other is a fool, he would have died at least five times, can only be said to be a master, absolute master.

In front of these two absolute masters who cooperated with each other skillfully, it seemed that the time for the four servants to persist was not much longer than that of the two who died before. They soon became four unwilling dead people, lying there like dead dogs, with their eyes open and looking at the dark sky.

"Shoot, shoot!"

After the knight Amy fell to the ground with his last servant spraying his neck, he finally figured out that he had to change the way of fighting and take advantage of his own advantage of many people and guns to eliminate the two absolute masters.

It's a fool's behavior to be killed by absolute masters instead of modern weapons.

Knight Amy is not a fool, so she dares to promise that even if the two masters are from the eastern Liubo mountain, they will be sent to hell after all the guns are fired.

It has to be said that the command of the servants to the knight Amy was absolutely forbidden.

With her order to shoot, immediately there are countless tongues of fire, fan-shaped at the two experts began to spray.

But just as the fire spewed out, the two masters suddenly somersaulted back and fell to the ground like tuxingsun.

Countless bullets, like low altitude meteors, swayed out of the charming blue trajectory and disappeared in the dark night.

Anyone here?

Well, what about the two men and women who killed six of my compatriots in the blink of an eye?

Why is it missing?

After the two men suddenly disappeared, all the servants subconsciously stopped shooting, and looked at them with some wonder: those who are still shooting after the enemy disappeared are absolutely stupid, and they are not worthy of being servants.

The servants of the gods were not fools, so everyone stopped shooting and waited for the enemy to appear, or the next order from the knight Amy.

The enemy appeared before the knight Amy gave his next order.

This time, it was not the two men and women, but a lot of people.

A lot of people with guns.

These people, as if they were coming out of the ground, sprawled on the sand and started shooting madly at the knight Amy and others as soon as they appeared.

Among them, there are at least a dozen heavy machine guns!


China's regular army!

Even if you are a fool, you can accurately judge that your opponent is a regular Chinese army from the unusual roar of heavy machine gun fire.

Because apart from the army, where can we get so many heavy machine guns?

We've been cheated.

We are caught in Zheng Fu's treacherous plan.

He didn't plan to cooperate with us at all. He just provided us with the right information to help him accomplish some ulterior purposes, but he also informed the Chinese military to ambush us in advance and kill us when we were unprepared.

This is absolutely sadism, one-sided sadism!

If hundreds of servants fight alone, they may be able to kill several or even dozens of Chinese regular soldiers.

But once a regular positional battle is formed, what choice can hundreds of unguarded servants have except to swing like a pendulum in a hail of bullets more violent than a storm... Death?

The desert is so flat that there are no trees or rocks to hide or dodge bullets. What's more, the ambush site chosen by the Chinese army is the highest place in the sand dune, shooting from a commanding height.

Amy Knight's heart, was a heavy machine gun bullets severely broken, burst out of boundless anger.

But what's the use of that?

No one cares about the anger of a dead man, even the ghost, and Chu Yang won't care any more.

The bullets were sprayed for at least five minutes without any stagnation.

In these five minutes, it is estimated that there are thousands of bullets, like rain, sweeping the sand dunes within 500 meters three times in a carpet style. It was only after the commander in charge of the battle gave the order to stop shooting that the gunfire stopped.

No one of the hundreds of servants, including Knight Amy, can survive.

Not even a complete body.

Chu Yang stood up from the trench, looked at the broken bodies below, sighed gently, and stretched out his hand to Col. Jin: "thank you."

With an excited look on his face, Colonel king raised his hand and saluted: "this is what we should do!"