Han Xuan is dead.

The dead can't die any more.

Of course Tang Peng can see it.

But when Xiaoyue said these words in a dumb voice, he felt that his heart was stabbed by several nails.

It was so painful that he could hardly breathe.

As everyone knows, Han Xuan was accepted by Tang Peng because he kidnapped pan Dongdong for money when he was in Shencheng. Since the first World War in the Middle East, he has been cited as a confidant.

It is said that Han Xuan is Tang Peng's confidant. In fact, Tang Peng never treats him as a subordinate, but as a friend or brother.

It turns out that Han Xuan didn't disappoint Tang Peng either: in the past few years, he gave Tang Peng as much help as possible to resist the crisis together——

In a word, it can be said that Tang Peng has survived the most difficult days. Now he has finally settled down and has his own fixed capital. In the future, Han Xuan should have lived the happy life he had imagined from the bottom.

Now, he's dead.

Killed in a most brutal way.

Tang Peng vowed that he would "repay" the people who killed Han Xuan in a way more cruel than this.

That's all he can do.

"I know. Xiaoyue, do you really want to cry? "

Tang Peng looked at Xiaoyue, and a touch of worry flashed in his eyes.

He can see from Xiaoyue's face that she hasn't cried up to now - she and Han Xuan are lovers.

Their love is different from the love of men and women in modern cities, which is full of vigor and vitality.

They are more like a tree or a vine. From the moment they fall in love with each other, they are closely linked, holding each other tightly in silence and yearning for the sunshine together.

Low key and sincere.

Now the tree fell, but the cane didn't cry.

It's not that she doesn't want to cry, it's the sadness that has made her forget: after her sweetheart's sudden death, she should use tears to express her sadness.

Great joy, great sorrow.

Especially when people are extremely sad, they don't cry, which will not only hurt the spirit, but also the body.

Tang Peng knows this truth very well, so he hopes that Xiaoyue can have a big cry, which may relieve her nervous system that is about to break, otherwise she will walk into the magic barrier, and the whole person will be destroyed.

"Cry? Young and old, should I cry? "

Xiaoyue's dull eyes turned slightly.

"Yes, you should cry. If you want to cry, cry."

Tang Peng raised his left hand and gently took Xiaoyue and Han Xuan's bodies into his arms.

When Xiaoyue lies on his heart and hears his powerful heart beat, tears appear from the sea like a huge wave, which drowns the whole world in an instant.

Xiaoyue cried.

She finally cried.

It's not the hysterical cry, but it sounds like the cry of a kitten: the kitten, who was born just a few days after the severe winter, died of her mother and was alone under the dead wood in the wilderness, meow, meow.

Tang Peng closed his eyes, hugged Xiaoyue tightly, and Han Xuan did not move.

Outside the door, pan Dongdong stood up, supported Lian Chunfang and gave orders to Hercules in a low voice.

Hercules nodded to show that he understood. After wiping the tears on his face, he waved to the crowd.

The rapid and slight footsteps sounded like silkworm eating in the corridor.

Soon, apart from white porcelain, only pan Dongdong and Lian Chunfang were in the corridor.

Pan Dongdong looks at the white porcelain.

She had never seen white porcelain before, but after watching that video, she knew who she was.

Although the current environment and atmosphere are not suitable for the existence of a smile, pan Dongdong gave Bai Ci and others a bitter smile and said in a low voice, "Mrs. Bai Ci, please come with me to sit there?"

White porcelain didn't see what happened in the room, but knew it was not suitable to stand here now. She quickly nodded and whispered her thanks.

"Don't worry, aunt, uncle Tang. He'll be fine."

Pan Dongdong took Lian Chunfang's shoulder again and said in a low voice.

She can understand what kind of feeling Lian Chunfang has in her heart at this time. She knows that no matter what she says now, it's superfluous. It's better for her to leave here and let Tang Peng deal with it by herself.

Lian Chunfang sucked her nose, then raised her hand to cover her mouth, nodded but didn't say anything.

Without waiting for Pan Dongdong to say anything, Wang Dawei, who looked in from the door, said with a heavy tone: "Mr. Pan, I'll go to the hall below first, and I'll come up later."

There was an extremely cruel murder at the scene. As the top leader of the powerful department in the urban area, Wang Dawei naturally bears certain responsibilities and responsibilities, but he knows that this is not the time to stay.

Pan Dongdong didn't say much, just said with a strong smile: "that's the trouble for Wang Ju."

Wang Dawei nodded and walked quickly with the executive deputy.

From yesterday afternoon to now, Wang Dawei has been plagued by troubles - and still super troubles: the case of Tang Peng's wounding has not been solved, and then the murder happened.

These four words can not describe his current situation.

"Xiao Xiao, go with your wife. I'll stay."

Huo Tianqing whispered to Xiao Xiao.

Pan Dongdong took a look at him.

She didn't know Huo Tianqing, but from his calm eyes, she could see that he was not an ordinary person and didn't say much. She took Lian Chunfang's shoulder and walked to her room with Bai Ci and Xiao Xiao.

Silent crying, is the most sad performance.

I don't know how long it took Xiaoyue to stop crying. She raised her head from Tang Peng's arms, looked at him and said in a dumb voice, "I want to change his clothes."

Tang Peng nodded, picked up Han Xuan's body with both hands, and stood up from the ground.

Xiaoyue stood up with her left hand against the wall and took a slow breath. Then she picked up Han Xuan's body and walked to the door like a wooden man.

Tang Peng stood there and watched her walk out of the room. Then he turned and looked at the words on the wall, word by word. He looked at them so seriously that he seemed to find Han Xuan's life in the blood written words.

The handwriting written in blood is a bit sloppy, but even Tang Peng, who doesn't understand calligraphy, can see from this line that the calligraphy skill of the person who wrote this line is very deep, seemingly graffiti at will, but every stroke shows his excellent skill.

Several characters in this line are written in traditional Chinese.

Compared with the simplified Chinese characters, traditional Chinese characters undoubtedly have its unique charm.

It's just like the word "state" of a country. Simplified Chinese is the word "jade" in the square frame, which represents wealth, or the wealth of a king.

In ancient times, the word "or" represents the meaning of a city-state. In the word "or", it represents not only the mouth of the population, but also the Ge of weapons. The implication is that people take weapons to protect the country.

Therefore, in a sense, the meaning of traditional Chinese characters is more subtle and thought-provoking than simplified Chinese characters. At the same time, the font itself is also highly ornamental, which is the favorite of calligraphy lovers.

Tang Peng, of course, doesn't care whether traditional Chinese characters are simplified or not. He just stares at this line of characters.

After looking at it for a long time, Huo Tianqing's voice sounded from behind: "this person should not come from the mainland. Judging from the typeface, when he wrote this line of words, he was spontaneous and did not hide the slightest meaning. "

There is a murderer who wrote as a memento after killing. He doesn't care whether his handwriting is exposed or not, which proves that he is either a fool or a confident person.

A fool can't kill Han Xuan.

Only those who are quite confident in some aspects will not mind if Tang Peng (or the police) can infer his trace from this line.

"Yes, this man is very proud. Almost. It's from treasure island or Hong Kong. "

Tang Peng turns around, takes out a cigarette and hands it to Huo Tianqing.

At present, the two places most used to traditional Chinese characters are Baodao and Hong Kong.

It seems that this person may have come from these two places.

However, it can not be ruled out that the murderer intentionally used traditional Chinese characters to make inscriptions in order to mislead Tang Peng (police), but this is no longer important.

The important thing is that no matter who this man is, after he killed Han Xuan in such a cruel way, he has become a living dead man - even if he is the God of the west, even if Tang Peng is broken, he will seek justice for Han Xuan.

Han Xuan also killed people before, and he ended up being killed, which is also very normal.

But that man should not have killed him by such cruel means.

Han Xuan's death is a spur for Tang Peng: from this moment on, he has found the murderer and killed him in a more cruel way, which has become one of the biggest goals of living.

"You wait, I'll come."

Tang Peng said and went to Tang Wenju.

Just as Lian Chunfang could see that Tang Wenju was asleep, when Tang Peng came into the room, he also stopped for a while. Only when he heard that old Tang's breathing was normal could he feel relieved.

Old Tang is asleep.

Maybe he didn't see Han Xuan's massacre. Otherwise, no matter how deeply poisoned he was, he couldn't be asleep with a sweet smile on his lips.

Han Xuan died to protect Tang Wenju, but he was sleeping happily.

Tang Peng didn't blame his father.

As he knows very well, Lao Tang is also a victim.

Now, like Lian Chunfang, he regrets having his parents come to Beijing.

Otherwise, how could their husband and wife encounter these accidents? Until now, old Tang is still immersed in his own world, which is the most unfilial place for Tang Peng to be a son.

So he had no reason to blame his father. He picked him up and walked into the apartment.

Huo Tianqing sits on the sofa and doesn't care about the bloody smell in the room. She smokes silently and occasionally looks at Song Huiqiao from the corner of her eyes.

Wearing white pajamas, song Huiqiao is still sitting at the door of the bathroom.

She no longer vomited, but her face was pale and frightened, and her whole body trembled.

With a squeak, Tang Peng came out of the apartment. After slowly closing the door, his eyes stayed for a moment on the line of blood on the wall. Then he came to song Huiqiao, just like he just came in, and slowly squatted down.

With a low tone when speaking to Xiaoyue, Tang Peng asked softly, "Song Huiqiao, what secret are you hiding?"

There was no threat in Tang Peng's tone.

But Song Hye Kyo has a strong feeling: if she talks about him again, he will tear her to pieces like a lion!

This is Tang Peng's last chance to tell the truth to song Huiqiao.

He would never ask again, never.

Song Huiqiao's teeth cackled again. She didn't dare to have a little hesitation. She trembled and said, "Exorcist, Exorcist."


Tang Peng didn't hear clearly.


Song Hye Kyo hard swallow spit, dare not let Tang Peng ask the third time.