What does he mean by that?

Why didn't you catch up with me? Did you really think I would swim in shamelessly?

Seeing Dr. Casta standing there with his hands open, it seemed that as long as he did so, the brave and beautiful master Shen would take the initiative to throw himself in his arms. Shen Yinbing was strange, but also had a kind of inexplicable fear.

Of course, no matter how charming Dr. Casta's open hands look, Shen Yinbing would rather drown in the water than take the initiative to swim past as he hoped.

She tried to swim to the middle of the warm pool, hoping to get ashore from other places, and then run away with the help of the coconut trees on the bank.

But she just rowed a few times into the water, but suddenly she heard a loud noise like thunder coming from behind, which made her ears numb and continuous.


Shen Yinbing, who was startled, looked back in a hurry and saw the gentle falling place of the waterfall when she came in the morning. At this time, she turned over the waves!

The falling waves, like a restless devil, roared and soared for more than ten meters, then smashed on the water and made a thunderous sound.

Originally, there were only layers of ripples on the surface of the water, which immediately set off the waves in the angry sea, whistling to the edge of the hot spring pool. All the objects on the water, including Shen Yinbing, were swept by the powerful waves and rushed to the shore.

No wonder Dr. Casta was standing on the bank and didn't come after him. It turned out that even if he had arrived early, he would have such a situation. He just had to stand there and wait for Shen Yinbing to be pushed by the waves. He didn't have to go after him at all.

No wonder Dr. Casta just said that Takaya hot spring is a man's venue in the afternoon. He just came an hour and a half earlier than others. It turns out that after the fairies leave, the hot spring will have a water change period of one and a half hours.

In this one and a half hours, the originally gentle waterfall will roar like a lunatic, making heaven and earth change color, vigorously washing all the "polluted" water, and pushing the remaining petals and other things on the water to the shore.

Just like the rising tide and ebbing tide, the water in the pool is churning and pushing those things to the shore. After an hour and a half, the water level will go down again, and the pool water will be calm again. Then the male immortals will come here to play leisurely.

Shen Yinbing doesn't know the water exchange rules of Takaya hot spring, but the immortals all know it. Therefore, on the eve of the high tide, the female immortals will withdraw, while the male immortals will appear only one and a half hours after the high tide.

In other words, in this one and a half hours, there were only Dr. Casta and Shen Yinbing on the side of Takaya hot spring pool in nuota.

"Go away, you villain!"

Driven by strong waves, Shen Yinbing screamed and struggled, hoping to earn the thrust of boiling water and swim elsewhere.

But there is no doubt that her little strength is not worth mentioning compared with the power of the waterfall. What's more, she still has to hold her clothes with one hand. What else can she do except passively being washed by the water and "throwing" into Dr. Casta's arms?

"Baby, come here quickly, cluck, I've noticed you since you came to Atlantis, and I'm fascinated by your unique oriental lady temperament. Do you know who gave you the skin of a Western beauty? That's me, the great Dr. Casta of Atlantis - ha ha

The roar of the pool water couldn't suppress Dr. Casta's crazy laughter. Seeing that Shen Yinbing was rushed over, she suddenly bent down and jumped on her, with her hands open, just like a disgusting big toad.

"Go away!"

Seeing Dr. Casta coming, Shen Yinbing cried out in despair.

How she hoped that a thunderbolt would break Dr. Casta in two?

But how can this be possible? She is not immortal, and has no magic power to drive lightning at all.

But Shen Yinbing was lucky that she didn't even believe in it. She saw that Dr. Casta was about to fall on her, and even she could smell the peculiar mutton smell of Western men... But there was a black shadow that really flashed in front of her like lightning, and then Dr. Casta's complacent laughter came, with a speed faster than that, You fly back upside down.

"Ah, what's the matter? What's he playing?"

When Shen Yinbing was stunned, she was already swept to the shore by the waves. She quickly raised her hand and grabbed a cane. After wiping the water stains on her face, she found that there was a woman who didn't know when she appeared on the shore.

The woman's face was full of anger and disgust. In her hand, she was holding a black ribbon (which should be used for waist binding). The other end of the ribbon was rolled around Dr. Casta's neck. Dr. Casta collapsed under her feet like a dead dog, with his tongue sticking out and his eyes almost staring out.

It turned out that when Dr. Casta was about to jump on Shen Yinbing, the woman arrived in time, wrapped a ribbon around his neck and pulled him back.

After seeing this woman, the tears in Shen Yinbing's eyes flowed out with a loud cry, crying and shouting: "he, Hera!"

The woman who prevented Dr. Casta from tarnishing (even if she was held by him) at the critical moment was Hera, who went to treasure island to invite her to visit Atlantis.

"Don't be afraid. You'll be ok with us."

Hera looks at Shen Yinbing with guilt in her eyes: she invited Shen Yinbing to Atlantis, but she almost humiliated them. She will feel guilty.

"Madame, Madame!"

At this time, with a ball of clothes in her arms, Lily ran out of the coconut forest, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Fortunately Lily found me."

Hera, in a simple word, gave the reason why she came here.

It turns out that after yesterday's discovery that Casta's eyes on Shen Yinbing are not right, Lily has a sense of vigilance, especially when Mrs. Cullen takes the initiative to invite Shen Yinbing to Takaya's hot spring, she realizes that things are not good.

Dr. Casta has a lover relationship with Mrs. Cullen and miss Demi. These two women are likely to help Dr. Casta calculate Shen Yinbing. When Mrs. Cullen invited Shen Yinbing to come here, Lily wanted to remind her, but before she could open her mouth, she was reprimanded and could only leave.

As Miss Demi said, lily is not qualified to come to Takaya hot spring, but she hides in the dark and observes whether Shen Yinbing has come out with Mrs. Karen.

When Takaya hot spring comes to the water exchange period, and everyone else comes out, but she doesn't see Shen Yinbing, Lily feels that something is wrong. Before she decides to come here secretly, she sees Dr. Casta running quickly.

Seeing Dr. Casta running excitedly, Lily guessed what he was going to do. It didn't help to go to the hot spring at this time. Fortunately, she thought of Hera in time.

Shen Yinbing is a guest invited by Hera for the great king Zeus. Lily also knows that Hera never wants to see Shen Yinbing bullied, so she immediately looks for Hera.

Because Hera invited Shen Yinbing to make a contribution. Although she failed to take part in the mission of attacking Loulan tuyere led by jiamarie, she was promoted from a divine servant to a housekeeper after returning to Atlantis.

She was promoted to housekeeper together with Stallone, the priest who went to treasure island with her.

After learning from Lily what Dr. Casta was going to do, Hera was very surprised. She came as fast as she could, and finally stopped Dr. Casta in time.

"You, you lowly servant (housekeeper, still belonging to the class of God servant, at most a monitor and so on), dare to offend me. Are you not afraid to be put into the volcano of Osaka?"

At this time, Dr. Casta finally broke away from the black belt, and then pointed to Hera and yelled.

Osar volcano is an active volcano in Atlantis. It is because of the existence of this active volcano that we can have such a pleasant environment here.

It is said that standing on the highest Mount Olympus, you can see the rolling red magma in the crater of the volcano.

In Atlantis, the God servants who made mistakes, servants and so on, are not as lucky as Immortals (immortals who made mistakes will be thrown into the world for punishment at most, and will never be killed). They will be thrown into the crater of Osaka volcano, and they will turn to ashes in an instant.

The wonderland of Atlantis is undoubtedly charming, but its hierarchy is also very strict: right or wrong, as long as the servants and subordinates dare to offend the "superior leaders", they will definitely be thrown into the crater of oza.

Therefore, Dr. Casta dares to be so arrogant after he has done something wrong.

Sure enough, lily, who just helped Shen Yinbing put on her clothes, changed her face.

Even Hera and Daimei frowned: "Dr. Casta, don't forget that you've offended the great guest, even if I - ah, get out of the way!"

As soon as Hera said this, she saw that Shen Yinbing suddenly pushed Lily away, bent down to lift a big stone from the ground, and hit Dr. Casta's head with all his strength!

After being reminded by Hera, Dr. Casta was absolutely instinctive. He suddenly tilted his head and hit the stone on his left shoulder. In pain, he let out a Scream: "ah!"

Shen Yinbing, who is that?

Even a few years ago, when she was the second generation of the little rich, because someone Gao offended her (just tripped her, blackmailed her several hundred yuan, and ate tofu while carrying her to the parking lot), she issued a "wanted order" to break his leg.

What's more, she is now a greedy wolf master, with thousands of children under her command. A word can stop her life. Now she is a guest invited by King Zeus. How could she be humiliated by Dr. Casta?

Seeing that Dr. Casta was not killed by a single blow, Shen Yinbing did not hesitate for a moment. Like an angry leopard, she jumped on him, picked up the stone again and held her head high.

Although Hera was angry at Dr. Casta's attempt to defile Shen Yinbing, she knew that he was an immortal and respected. Of course, she didn't dare to let him die in Shen Yinbing's hands. With a shake of her wrist, the ribbon danced like a snake again, wrapped around his neck again and pulled back abruptly.

After Dr. Casta was strangled again, he instinctively grabbed the main ribbon with both hands and tried to break away with both feet to stand up. At this time, Shen Yinbing raised a stone and smashed it between his legs.

Just like Tang Peng in the VIP lounge of the imperial club, she chopped Mr. Yamaguchi's eggs with one foot. Shen Yinbing may be a bit more ruthless than him. After all, she used stones, and she smashed everything in Dr. Casta's crotch.