It was empty and silent. Xu Xian felt that her voice was far away, but there was no echo.

It's like shouting on the grassland and the wind blows the grass. This should be the body of the giant whale. There is no imagined smell of foul gastric juice, but the fragrance of Qingcao lake water.

The water murmured in her ears. Xu Xian used the pupil of Yan Tao. It was still dark in front of her eyes. It was not that the light was too low, but there was no light at all. Black was also a color. The world of the blind was not dark. Open one eye and close the other. What the closed eye saw was the world of the blind, nothing.

The darkness in front of us is only the residue of the light before. Slowly, there is really nothing in front of us. This is a complete deprivation of the light. If it is not for the sound of water in our ears, this feeling of nothingness can make people collapse.

This... Xu Xian took a deep breath, not only his sight, but also his aura was slowly suppressed, which was digesting him.

Xu Xian directly burned several drops of golden holy liquid and covered his whole body with scales. At this time, he found that he could resist this strange energy. He shouted, "senior, can you see it!"

After a long silence and a long sigh, all the power covered on Xu Xian disappeared, and a trace of light began to appear. To Xu Xian's surprise, there were coral grasslands everywhere. The light spots were shining like diamonds on coral. There were luminous fish and transparent jellyfish floating in the air.

This is an incredible landscape. Xu Xian waved. This is not a water area. These fish are not afraid of people at all. They shuttle through Xu Xian's fingertips as if they had no place to swim. At their feet is a road paved with coral, quiet and peaceful.

"I was born. The first drop of rain between heaven and earth melts the ocean, lights everything, and the awn of rice grain finally becomes the light of the bright moon... Swim three thousand circles and shake thirty thousand miles. I am... Kunpeng!"

Such as singing and weeping, the voice of vicissitudes makes people heroic and sad. A short sentence seems to witness the vicissitudes of all ages, as if you can see the surging meaning of Kunpeng on your back in the past.

Kunpeng, the legendary Holy Spirit, is the overlord of the ocean in the first half of his life. Every time he absorbs water, he can make the whole ocean sink for tens of feet. When he exhales, the water column rushes into the sky, which can be seen for thousands of miles. The latter half is turned into a flying Peng. The master of the sky, whose wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. Every time he waves his wings, he can shuttle through a world.

This is already the power of God. Xu Xian inhaled deeply and bowed deeply to the sky: "younger Xu Xian, I don't want to disturb my predecessors' retreat. I dare to see you."

The voice in the air was silent for some time before it came: "Xu surname... No wonder, white blood, Xu soul, it's a miracle that you can be born."

Hearing the speech, Xu Xian was shocked. He asked excitedly, "senior, please solve your doubts!"

Xu Xian felt that she had a sense of God. She knew that the sea had swept through her body. She couldn't resist it at all. She was like a Squilla who didn't know the spring and autumn, facing the largest Kunpeng in the world, with an almost infinite life span.

Only when he came to know the sea, the little black man opened his eyes, but he just calmly waited for the divine knowledge to sweep, and in silence, he arched his hands slightly in the direction of the divine knowledge and closed his eyes again.

"Eh... You know that there is a soul in the sea, and this breath is familiar to me." the voice of the vicissitudes of life was a little surprised.

Xu Xian was a little stunned and immediately thought of the world saint. He had no voice since he entered the bone tower. Xu Xian said uncertainly: "elder, I should know a soul body in the sea. He... He claims to be the world saint."

When it comes to the title of the saint of the world, Xu Xian is embarrassed to speak for a moment, which is really some boastful fame.

But the voice suddenly smiled happily: "the saint of the world? Yes, those guys of the crossing family have been longing to become the saint for thousands of years."

"Didn't the elder recognize him?" Xu Xian never thought. He naturally knew that although Jiesheng had a good background, Jiesheng always talked with a bit of boasting. Xu Xian was really not sure.

Now such an unfathomable and even the legendary holy beast Kunpeng knows each other. Is it true that this bragging guy is so powerful?

"The Holy Spirit is in chaos, and no one has escaped. This family is best at the art of escape. It has been passed on by future generations. It is also a good thing that it has not become the Holy Spirit for thousands of years."

The voice was about to stop, and a path suddenly appeared on the ground. There were many white fish wandering around: "I don't have to solve your confusion. Your body is accompanied by soul breath. I have a reason with your ancestor, and I will give you a good fortune today!"

"My body is divided into three. This body is Kun, born from the first drop of rain between heaven and earth. It is already the first fish. Your ancestral power is not weak with heaven and earth. I won't interfere too much, but I, the Kunpeng family, are invincible in the water!"

"When a big fish dives into the abyss, the sea moves when the body moves. I am the ocean. Water can reach it. Nothing is invincible!"

"This is one of the sacred skills of the Kunpeng family - kunyou!"

Sound reverberated, countless transparent fish surrounded Xu Xian, and slowly a sudden sense of fatigue emerged. He fell asleep. In a nothingness, Xu Xian felt that he had become a drop of water, fell from the air, fell into the Starry Sea, turned into a small fish, and roamed aimlessly in the ocean

Outside, Xu Xian was placed on a bed made of coral, and the voice sighed long and long.

"Xu Xian, what a fairy word, white clothes and Xu Laomo. You pushed forward the cleaning in those years. The heaven collapsed and the immortal fell. In this world, the heavenly way has long not allowed the existence of immortals, this little guy..." the voice seemed to have a trace of pity, and finally calmed down slowly.

I don't know how long it took. Xu Xian has been sleeping. In his dream, he became a fish and never died. Maybe after an hour, a day, a year, or a hundred years


In the outside world, the light spot on the scroll has changed a lot in the past day. The front light spot is still Xu Xian on the sixth floor. However, in the fifth floor, guangkuqing and guzhan enter impressively, and there are four people on the fourth floor, namely Yun Qingmiao, Yafeng, Lu Chuan and Xiang Qimai, of which Yun Qingmiao is the first to enter, It was five hours ahead of Luchuan, the second to enter.

"What's the matter with Xu Xian? It's been a day, or there's no news at all“

"Yes, it can be a little moving on this day. It's not moving on the sixth layer. Shouldn't it be..."

Some disciples whispered that hundreds of disciples directly chose to send it back that day. They knew too much about the danger of the secret place. They didn't think they could stay in the same secret place for a day.

When they talked again, they heard a cold hum. Elder Yaofeng looked at these talking disciples and said in a cold voice, "what are you talking about? Pick up a life and don't absorb any lessons!"

These five lingzong disciples were silent for a moment. They all know the temper of Yaofeng elder. If they annoy him, they will have good fruit to eat in the future.

However, the disciples of Baichong forest and heihun hall had a natural hostility to the sudden emergence of the genius of the five lingzong. The guy who suddenly appeared crushed their Luchuan and Yafeng in an instant, and even the talents of the two dynasties were crushed.

"The boy probably can't do it. I think he rushed so fast in front of him. He probably used some methods to overdraw his vitality. If he doesn't have enough stamina, he will stagnate."

"I guess so. Otherwise, the five lingzong already has a cloud Qingmiao who is more rebellious than the geniuses of the two dynasties. Will it make people live?"

"You see, our elder's face is green. If this boy really dies in it, it's good news“

All the disciples of the black soul hall in the hundred insects forest were gloating, and all kinds of comments were full. Elder turbid snake and elder light soul looked at each other and saw a trace of happiness from each other's eyes.

God opened his eyes. I thought there was an immortal genius in the five spirits sect. That's good. Maybe I'll die directly inside.

Guangmiaosi looked at the light spot of the scroll and unconsciously grasped it with a pair of jade hands. She was also full of thoughts. She was still very fond of the young man. What she saw from the young man's eyes was incomparably pure and comfortable. This is an existence that can be used as a close friend.

Elder Ji also noticed Guang Miaoshi's concern, but she couldn't hold the situation and had to keep silent.

The hunchback old man also narrowed his eyes, and his old face could not see his expression.

Suddenly, the scroll still shines, isn't it!