Li Ao turned his head and saw that the light spot representing Wang Yuan in the fourth floor suddenly disappeared and appeared on the fifth floor. For a moment, Li Ao was also excited. He knew the difficulty of the fourth floor.

"It's wulingzong again. What's the luck of wulingzong this year? There are so many talented disciples."

The disciples of other sects could not help muttering. Elder Yaofeng had a great scenery. He touched his beard and nodded: "yes, yes, this is Wang Yuan's little child. Although his qualification is not top-level, he must have made great efforts to get to this step. There is a lack of talent and diligence along the way. You should also study hard."

The disciples of wulingzong said that one person had a bitter cucumber color on one face. He was Liu Wangyang. His talent was not low, but he usually followed Yang Lin and ran down the mountain to the brothel. Let alone practice, his body was almost empty.

Before practicing, Wang Yuan pressed him. Unexpectedly, his qualification finally opened the distance. In the twinkling of an eye, he was crushed again. He looked around with a bitter face and just looked at him again. He hated iron and steel. He was staring at Liu Tiandong. He trembled again and quickly bowed his head and dared not move.

In the crowd, mu ranbing's indifferent face was a little more dull and reminiscent, and a little more natural than the usual breath thousands of miles away.

She was looking at the top light spot in the scroll and didn't know what she was thinking.

Xing Tiantian also has a small mouth, and his face is unwilling and unconvinced: "this smelly Xu Xian, he must know what to do, cheapskate."

"So sour, who ate lemon?" a teasing laugh came, and mu ranyan blinked and walked over.

"Annoying! Sister Yan, you still laugh at me!" Xing Tiantian jumps onto mu ranyan.

Mu ranyan is tall and a head higher than Xing Tiantian. Xing Tiantian hugs her willow waist and rubs her small head on her plump chest. She can't help complaining again. What's the matter with this woman? Her waist is so thin, but the two evil groups are so big. It's unreasonable. It's deformity!

Mu ranyan gently grabbed Xing Tiantian's hair and told her to be calm. Then he came to Mu ranbing's side. Seeing that this always indifferent sister was in a daze, her eyes flashed a strange light.

"Sister, who are you looking at?" Mu ranyan deliberately lowered his voice and fell in Mu ranbing's ear.

Mu ranbing's body trembled slightly. When she turned her face, she saw that it was almost carved out of the same mold as her, with an unidentified smile, her twin sister.

Mu ranbing leaned over his face and said plainly, "I didn't see anything."

"It's not Frank at all." Mu Ran's Yan chuckled and also focused on the sixth floor. Yun Qingmiao and the two great talents of the dynasty are juxtaposed, which is a miracle. The power of the patriarchal clan can't compete with the dynasty. The dynasty enjoys many unimaginable resources, and the marriage is in accordance with strict rules, and the next generation must have more qualifications than ordinary people.

From generation to generation, his qualifications are frightening. For example, guangkaiqing's parents are the nine grade qualifications of the earth level, and he is half step into the heaven level. On the day of birth, he attracts heaven and earth visions, and the bright sun in the air drops divine brightness. He can speak on the third day of birth. His understanding is also unique. It takes months and years for others to get started. He can make a small achievement in just a few days.

It's amazing that Yun Qingmiao can come to this step. After this trial, he will be thrown olive branches by the two dynasties. If Yun Qingmiao makes a choice, the five lingzong can't force him to stay. It's Yun Qingmiao's choice to go or stay, and no one will accuse him of such a choice.

An ordinary secret place trial unexpectedly provoked such a great secret. The comparison of the four major gates formed the confrontation between the two dynasties, but there was another cloud Qingmiao with rebellious qualifications in the four major gates. At the moment, Yun Qingmiao is very hot.

Of course, this is not the end. Yun Qingmiao is just. Xu Xian, who came out of nowhere, is a genius who crushed the two dynasties from beginning to end.

Mu ranyan quietly looked at his sister who was secretly worried. Her shining eyes turned, grabbed Xing Tiantian, who was still plotting against her two groups of "evil", and walked away.

However, at this time, the scroll changed again, and there were two guesses in the hearts of the people. One was Xu Xian's breakthrough again, because Xu Xian created too many miracles, one after another, which was unexpected every time. The other was the breakthrough of guangfuqing and guzhan. It had been three days since they entered the sixth floor, and the calculation time was almost time.

However, in the next scene, people's eyes will stare out. Xu Xian is still alone on the seventh floor. In the sixth floor, the light spots of guangfuqing and guzhan are also shining. However, the light spots representing yunqingmiao burst out a dark blue light, which is dazzling but not dazzling.

Suddenly disappear, look again!

Yun Qingmiao, seventh floor!

"This!!" the whole audience was in an uproar. Yun Qingmiao entered the sixth floor much later than guangfuqing and guzhan. If it could be said that Yun Qingmiao was a potential explosion before, what does it mean to enter the seventh floor faster than the two?

For a moment, the old face of the hundred insects forest in the black soul hall was black, and the face of the hunchback old man was also black. Even the sending elder looked bad. The elder Yaofeng's old face was distorted. He didn't know whether to be happy or cry.

This girl gave me too much surprise.

"Good, good! What a genius! It's my order city base that covers my eyes!" the hunchback old man bit his teeth, and the elder Yaofeng felt overwhelming pressure. He just smiled bitterly and couldn't help it.

This time, the elder didn't speak. The genius of the Tang Dynasty, who should have crushed the existence of these sects, was overtaken by a disciple of the sects. He was really ashamed.

The hunchback old man threw out two jade slips and urged the scroll for the third time. The jade slips broke and scattered light in the air.

"What a genius! Let the old man open his eyes today!" the hunchback old man looked ugly like a black charcoal.

The scroll shows a picture. On the sixth floor, guangkuqing and guzhan are fighting with a group of strange fish. When the picture turns to yunqingmiao, they only see a light blue dress surrounded by an endless ocean. When they look carefully, there is a wave that completely blocks their sight.

The picture can be blocked. The hunchback old man feels a touch in his heart. This is the refining of the commander and carries the will of the nether emperor. This can't happen.

The hunchback old man has noticed something wrong. He waved his big hand and 77 small flags around him. There was a black awn in the old man's eyes. He urged the secret skill.

He saw a woman in a long dress, a quiet flowing river and an exquisite palace in the vast ocean.

When he saw this scene, the old man was shocked. He was in good order. The elder of the city base and the great friar in the dust period even felt the disaster of destruction in this woman. It seemed that he would be driven out of his mind if she had only one idea.

At this time, the woman turned around. There was a faint light on her face. She couldn't see her appearance at all. What almost stopped the hunchback old man's heart was that the woman looked a little into the air.

"It's only for people to repair. Go to your centenary. If you are unwilling, you can try it."

The huge and incredible power made the hunchback old man tremble suddenly. Seventy seven small flags around him suddenly broke thirty-three. The hunchback old man stepped back several steps, his eyes were red, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

The camel old monster's body appears gray silk, which is a manifestation of the passage of life.

"Camel elder!" the disciples of order city base quickly helped them, and everyone was shocked. The camel old monster was the elder of order city base. His cultivation was unfathomable. He was the top combat power of order city base, and suddenly spit blood.

"Nothing." the camel old monster stood firm, and he was still shocked. The woman was so terrible. From her, the camel old monster felt the power of Tianwei. Even the commander could not give him such heavy pressure.

Who the hell is this man? Is it true that you have reached that level?

Elder Ji was also surprised to see the changes of the camel old monster. When they reached their strength, there were few threats to their existence in the world. What did the camel old monster see?

The camel old monster just looked at the elder Yaofeng with deep meaning, and his eyes were uncertain.

That woman doesn't seem to want the disciple's age this time. Is it