The effect of purple soil is still unknown, and it may be necessary to save enough, but the flesh and blood intensity of the purple bat has far exceeded that of ordinary bats. In the dark shadow, it finally continues to grow.

This elusive purple bat is a huge tonic for Xu Xian.

At the moment, the blue water Holy Son is a little lost, and the people behind him are also restless. Especially recently, Xu Xian's reputation is not good. He has cheated people everywhere, and the blue water holy land has suffered a loss.

But I never thought that Xu Xian had become so strong that they could break the battle array. If Xu Xian shot at this time, they had no room to resist.

Speechless, everyone's eyes were locked on Xu Xian, as if waiting for the sentence.

But now Xu Xian is not in the mood to take advantage of the fire. These purple bats are the greatest good fortune!

Xu Xian's step flashed and directly passed the people. The three Qingguang sect immediately followed behind him. Looking back at the people who looked at the blue water holy land, they felt in a trance. Which of these holy land disciples was not high in the past, but their holy sons are so passive today.

From beginning to end, Xu Xian didn't even have a face-to-face with the son.

"Son, we..."

After a while, someone finally broke the silence. The blue water son picked up the halberd and sighed. Only after the storm can he see the unyielding grass.

"Go or stay, you decide. Go to the transmission array."

In the silence, all the few remaining people firmly said, "we'll stay!"

"Good! The holy land of blue water is not weak!" the son of blue water walked away with a long halberd.

Along the way, Xu Xian kept absorbing the blood gas of bats. Purple bats had killed more than ten. Purple clay praised the size of his fist, and the dark shadow in his body became more and more solid.

Three days passed.

Since purple bats joined the battlefield, some holy places have no support. Some people choose to leave directly from the transmission array, while others choose to find more powerful imperial holy places to seek refuge.

The forces originally scattered in the battlefield outside the region have to gather and surround the transmission array. There are bats where there are people and Xu Xian where there are bats!

There is about a day before the transmission array here. Xu Xian has encountered more than ten bats large and small. The three of Qingguang sect are glad to have chosen to follow Xu Xian at that time. Otherwise, with their strength, it is impossible to go to the transmission array.

In these three days, Xu Xian was filled with a layer of purple light, which was the change brought by the purple soil. As for the use of the purple soil, Xu Xian still didn't understand, but with the blessing of the purple soil, his spiritual consciousness was unprecedentedly sober.

After absorbing a lot of bat blood gas, Xu Xian found a problem. The bat's breath is strange and does not belong to any known race. This is a demon.

Among the four ancient families, the most rebellious family, even in flesh and blood, also has this will. Over time, it is easy to become a heart devil, but the purple earth suppresses all this evil nature.

At the moment, in addition to the three people of Qingguang sect, more than ten people have joined behind Xu Xian. Several of them are even a friar of Donghuang holy land. They have cut off contact with the holy land among the bats.

Xu Xian acquiesced that these people followed, of course, not because they were kind-hearted, but because their blood and Qi could attract a large number of bats, and these people also handed over all the star roots under the arrangement of the three people of Qingguang sect.

With Xu Xian's acquiescence, the three of qingguangzong seem to have become the identity of talkers, which makes them sigh. There are sacred figures here. At the moment, their flattering eyes make them feel a little unreal.

However, they also understand that this flattery and awe is not for them, but the figure standing in the front.

Xu Xian's black hair is flying at the moment. Although purple earth suppresses demons, the rebellious nature of demons can't be covered up. At the moment, Xu Xian's eyes have a trace of purple, which is more profound. His whole body is hazy with a layer of black light, which seems to be a black wind robe.

This attitude of Xu Xian completely subverts the obscene and cunning image of the rumors, and makes these people more firm. Those rumors are false, maybe a scam by people with ulterior motives.

"The magic of this bat is really tenacious... It also needs a lot of purple soil, a lot of purple bats."

The devil's breath could not be completely suppressed. The proportion of purple soil and bat flesh and blood did not reach equilibrium. Suddenly, the sky appeared again. In front of Xu Xian was a group of bats that had just been encountered. One finger went away and burst open one after another. A large amount of blood filled the air. Xu Xian's black hair was in a frenzy, and the people who looked at it with light purple pupils shuddered.

Like the blood demon, under the change of the sky, in all directions, all bats are screaming and flying to the sky, with the sky, falling black raindrops

"This... It's not rain, it's blood!"

The monk looked at the sky. The raindrops were sticky. Someone was directly dripping on him. An inexplicable sense of bloodthirsty killing impulse covered his heart!

"There's something wrong with the rain! It can affect intelligence!"

The monks held up their body protection aura to isolate the contact of the blood rain, but the blood rain became bigger and bigger.

The flying bat, bathed in blood rain, slowly changed its body! Become more demonic, more violent and more powerful!

Wave after wave.

In just a few days, the rhythm has advanced beyond everyone's imagination. If this trend continues, they, the testers, can leave 10% even if they are lucky.

This time, the immortal hall must have undergone unprecedented changes.

This blood rain can also be absorbed by Xu Xian, but now the absorption will be affected by its magic. The top priority is to find purple bats and maintain balance with purple soil.


These bats shuttle through the blood rain and send out harsh sound waves. Even with the buffer of Xu Xian's field, some monks are pale and have a splitting headache.

Three purple bats came in a row. After the baptism of the blood rain, they were more powerful. Their movements were as fast as lightning. Xu Xian slapped them. Although the purple bats were seriously injured this time, under the blood rain in the air, these purple bats had abnormal resilience. They would hardly die if they were not killed at one blow!

"Xu Daoyou, let's come too!"

In the crowd behind Xu Xian, several people from the holy land came out and took out their weapons to fight against a purple bat. At this time, it is possible to survive only by condensing into a rope!

The friar of Qingguang sect also shouted: "you Taoist friends, don't hide. As long as you spend today, you can reach the transmission array! We involve these demons and make time for Lord Xu!"

He took the lead and took out his weapons. The three shot together. The remaining monks looked at each other and shouted to fight away.

Xu Xian doesn't have weapons on him. He has always killed the enemy with the talent of casting star family, but he hasn't used the technique of separation of yin and Yang.

And the ground thundered!

Since Xu Xian's side, there are eight diagrams rotating and thunder splitting. You can be evil and evil. The thunder method is the most powerful. You learn some methods to reverse Yin and Yang after competing with Mo Bai.

An arm thick thunder ran through the head of the purple bat in front of him, and then burst. A pinch of purple soil was taken back by Xu Xian.

Xu Xian frowned. Some of the bat's blood rushed directly into the sky and flew behind the clouds.

Xu Xian ran through the bat's head with thunder and found that nearly 30% of the flesh and blood power of each bat was floating in the sky.

It's OK to have one or two, but there are almost countless bats here. What happens to such a large number of flesh and blood?

Looking up at the clouds, those huge hands

Xu Xian's pupil shrinks rapidly! The hands were more real than before, and gradually condensed into arms!