Early in the morning, Xu Xian got up early, but Yu Lao got up earlier. There was dew on his coir raincoat and a fat fish strung with a straw rope in his hand.

The air is thin in the morning. If fish want to breathe, they must come out of the water from time to time. This is also the best time for fishing.

"Blacksmith Liu told me about yesterday. You go first with tiger in these three days. Don't worry about fishing."

The old fisherman put down his fish and arranged for Xu Xian.

Xu Xian nodded and went with the tiger after breakfast. Blacksmith Liu was chopping firewood in the backyard. When he saw the tiger coming, he threw the axe over.

"Tiger, you come to chop firewood today."

"Who will make a fire?"

Blacksmith Liu pointed to Xu Xian: "boy, you'll light a fire for me these three days."

Xu Xian came into the house with firewood. These firewood are dried peach branches on the mountain. In the past, taking fire was just waving, but here Xu Xian's strength is not enough to use large-scale techniques.

Moreover, the peaches produced by the peach trees here are so magical. Naturally, these peach trees are not ordinary. They can be used to refine magic weapons outside.

"Today's firewood are all old firewood. They have the most firepower, otherwise the temperature is not enough to repair your broken sword.

Blacksmith Liu said that it is not difficult to burn firewood by constantly looking through the materials on one side, but it takes a long time to accumulate experience on how to control the actual, proportion and fire of air.

However, these are for ordinary people. Friars cultivate the aura of heaven and earth, open spiritual knowledge, and have a much better understanding of everything than ordinary people.

Blacksmith's fire will not be extinguished in general. There are always some introductions. First, it is a kind of hope. If there is a continuous heat preservation of the fire, there is no need to heat up in advance the next day. Xu Xian took the firewood and sent it in little by little.

It's really different from the firewood in the past. Yesterday, both faces were smoked black, but today's firewood doesn't have much smoke, and even a faint smell of peach wood flows, but the temperature of the flame is higher.

Blacksmith Liu turned out a box. The sound of metal collision was continuous. It was filled with all kinds of incomplete ironware. Blacksmith Liu turned out a long stick. To be exact, it was a broken long gun with rust.

"Boy, I'm lucky. The material of this broken gun matches your broken sword. Although it can't match perfectly after repair, it won't lose the wind."

With that, blacksmith Liu threw the broken gun into the smelting furnace.

"Whether it's hoes for farming, wood for chopping firewood, or knives and arrows for hunting, each item has a unique meaning for us blacksmiths. The people who really understand ironware are not users, but forgers, because every trace of its shape, every hammering and every second of fire come from our hands, so we can better know how to use it Use, how to destroy. "

Blacksmith Liu's loud voice spread. He said these words to Huzi countless times, but Huzi didn't understand it every time. Angry blacksmith Liu scolded him several times as "rotten head".

"Not all broken things can be repaired. Although this sword is broken, it contains a complete consciousness. Just like a person at the foot of a slope, he is eager to rebuild. Since this sword has chosen you, you should give it a rebirth!"

Blacksmith Liu sounded in Xu Xian's ear word by word. These words are not profound, but they all reflect blacksmith Liu's respect for these ironware and his constant awe. This may be the reason why a person can reach the peak of a road.

"Let me... Give this sword a new life." Xu Xian touched the broken sword in his hand. This sword is his first weapon in the real sense. It has solved many crises for Xu Xian since the wulingzong sword tomb.

If the sword still has spirit, Xu Xian will repay his kindness.

Looking at Xu Xian's solemn eyes, blacksmith Liu nodded with satisfaction: "so this broken sword needs to be repaired by yourself to verify what you have learned in the past three days."

"The younger generation is taught!" Xu Xian bowed her hands deeply.

In the hearts of the people here, the goodwill of the outside world has almost disappeared. The old fishermen will release the fish and seedlings with bad seeds. When cutting firewood, the people here will only look for the fallen incomplete branches instead of cutting down new trees. The blacksmith is also so awed by the weapons made.

This mind is also a treasure.

On the first day, Xu Xian sat in front of the fire, his eyes always staring at the beating of the fire, when to add firewood and when to blow

But at this moment, there was a violent roar in the smelting furnace, which was deafening and constantly impacted the furnace wall.

"Any weapon, especially the weapon stained with blood, will leave a evil spirit. After a long time of accumulation, it will become a evil spirit. Although there is no flexibility of the weapon spirit, the evil spirit that six relatives don't recognize can increase the strength of the weapon. Therefore, many people like to refine the evil spirit. Tomorrow your sword will fight with the evil spirit in the furnace. One weapon can't tolerate two spirits. There can only be one." Blacksmith Liu said slowly.

Xu Xian's heart was shocked. Unexpectedly, the smelter still said so, and the roar in the smelting furnace was very powerful. Can the spirit of the broken sword defeat each other?

Towards the evening, Xu Xian opened the smelting furnace and finally smiled when he saw the metal liquid flowing inside. At the moment, his eyes were dry. If it weren't for the fact that the peach wood was not ordinary, I'm afraid his eyes would not stand staring at it for such a day.

"Go back today and let the evil spirit bake in the stove for one night, which can greatly weaken its evil spirit."

The next day, blacksmith Liu ordered that if you want to repair the sword, you must also reshape the sword, and the reshaping process is also to melt the sword.

There was still a roar from time to time in the smelting furnace. Although the momentum was much smaller than yesterday, the crazy evil spirit could not be covered up.

Xu Xian stroked the broken sword. Blacksmith Liu had said all the dangers yesterday. Xu Xian was not sure whether the broken sword could fight the evil spirit in the stove.

"You and I are destined for this. If you don't want to today, I promise to restore you in the future."

After a while, Xu Xian spoke slowly. He wanted to let the broken sword choose by himself. If he refused to take the risk, Xu Xian would repair it in the future.

Blacksmith Liu nodded to himself. The broken sword was silent for a moment. Immediately there was a sharp sword sound. At the moment, the blood on the blade became red and flew out automatically.


In the smelting furnace, the ghost also felt the breath of the weapon spirit. They were two extremes. At the moment, they both made a duel sound.

The broken sword makes a leisurely sound and flies into the smelting furnace in an instant. The sound and roar of the sword fluctuate constantly at the moment.

"Bold!" blacksmith Liu couldn't help but praise.

Xu Xian looked more carefully and finally knew why blacksmith Liu was so awed by these instruments. Even if people came, how many people could do it?

The pupil in Xu Xian's eye changed slowly. He took out a peach from his arms, which he specially brought. At the moment, he took a bite. The strong immortal spirit made Xu Xian's blocked cultivation a little loose. Under the magic sky, a trace of grain of firewood and a trace of change of fire fell into his eyes.

Xu Xian has settled down, and now he is devoted to the smelting furnace.

Blacksmith Liu nodded aside. He is a blacksmith. He has special feelings for the forged ware. Xu Xian's current state makes him very sad.

He remembered something. He went out of the door and said to the tiger practicing hammer outside: "tiger, go, come with me to the back mountain."

"What are you doing in Houshan?" tiger was excited when he mentioned Houshan. He heard that there were big cats there. Grandpa told him not to run to Houshan every day.

"Don't you want to know what the big cat in the back mountain is? Come on, I'll take you to roll the cat."

Blacksmith Liu smiled, picked up the sledgehammer from the side, raised his feet and walked over.