"You can't think!"

The middle-aged sanxiu was very angry. He was the daughter's cousin. Originally, he wanted to take his niece into the sect, but they were trapped here by the sudden invasion of heavenly demons. There were demons everywhere outside. Once they were besieged, they had the highest cultivation in the middle of Yongquan and had no chance to survive.

But here, I met these sects who took the opportunity to blackmail. In troubled times, human nature is naked and undisguised.

The woman's face became more and more pale, her body trembled slightly, and the man's evil eyes made her feel sick and powerless.

"Don't be shameless. If you don't hand her over, you'll all stay here today!" the sect disciples show their accomplishments one by one. Their accomplishments are basically in the middle of Yongquan, and the sect disciples' cultivation skills are naturally better than ordinary casual cultivation. Under the same accomplishments, the sect disciples' aura is more solid and their strength is stronger.

These casual monks just met on the road. At the moment, they looked at each other and walked slowly away from the female monk and the middle-aged monk. The middle-aged monk's face was even more ugly, but there was nothing they could do. They could only meet by chance. It would be good not to fall into the well at the moment. They didn't expect to fight together at all.

"You're wise, go away!" the sect disciple sneered, looked at the two isolated people and licked his lips.

"Uncle..." the nun bit her lips. Her beautiful face was full of despair at the moment.

The middle-aged friar took out a big knife: "your father gave you to me and asked me to take you into the sect. Now maybe I can't take you. If you fight later, you have to escape at all costs. As long as you can run out of this area, even falling into the mouth of demons is better than falling into the hands of these animals!"

"Run?" the sect disciple sneered, "but I'll see how you run today."

"Go!" the middle-aged friar waved his big knife and chopped away. The disciple of the sect just waved his hand and a lightsaber. The middle-aged friar retreated at the festival, and his blood surged. There was a difference between them, and their cultivation skills were even different.

Just one move, the middle-aged friar felt overwhelmed. The disciple of the sect was a sword again. The middle-aged friar groaned and was cut aside. The corners of his mouth overflowed with blood and had been injured internally.

"Today, I will let you loose the way of cultivation, the gap between you and the sect!" the sect disciple now pointed his sword at the middle-aged friar, which was about to kill.

"Evil things are rampant, but you harm your fellow people here. Even if you are a ghost, I will not let you go!" the middle-aged friar kept cursing, and the sect disciple was cold in his eyes and cut off with a sword.

The middle-aged monk roared and took up the long knife to deal with it. But the disciple's sword was obviously much stronger than his weapon. At the moment, he heard a sound of fragmentation. The long knife broke. Seeing that the sword was about to be cut on the middle-aged monk, the female monk sacrificed her magic weapon, which was a piece of silk and satin. At the moment, she rolled the blade and worked very hard to dissolve the sword.

"Let's go!" the middle-aged monk roared. Although the hope of leaving is very slim now, he can't see his niece fall into the hands of these animals.

Nun Xiu's face was full of tears. Her beautiful face was so sad at the moment. She shook her head desperately and looked at the previous sanxiu. But her eyes swept. These people avoided their eyes one after another. Although they couldn't bear it, in this troubled world, people were in danger and could not be saved.

The nun's expression became more and more desperate. In the end, it became resolute. She picked up the middle-aged monk, bit her lips and said hard, "I'll stay, you... Let my uncle leave."

"No!" the middle-aged friar got excited and had to pick up the broken knife and continue to work hard.

"Your father gave you to me. If I let you fall into the hands of these animals, I will not close my eyes even if I die!

The disciples of the sect laughed: "you have no choice. You don't have to struggle. It's not far from the immortal hall. Unless there are gods to save you, you'll have to die!"

Then he raised his sword again. The female nun had closed her eyes. Even if she died here, she couldn't be humiliated by these animals.

"This... Alas."

Scattered cultivation around can't help feeling a little sad. Scattered cultivation is the bottom. Once you meet these sects, you often end up in a tragic end.

At this moment, a sudden chill suddenly shrouded in the air. This chill was accompanied by a sense of startling heaven. The sword in the hands of the disciples of the sect was like seeing the ancestors. At this moment, the light was dim and the sword sounded low.

They were shocked and looked up. On the sky, the space fluctuated slowly, and a figure suddenly appeared in the air!

This person is like a tall and straight figure with a boundless light. Just standing in place, he makes the world turn pale. The strong breath makes everyone afraid.

To their dismay, this place is very close to the immortal hall. Due to the unique rules of the immortal hall, it is impossible to move. Even the transmission array is built in a distant area. There is only one possibility that there can be transmission signs here!

In particular, the disciples of the sect were breathless and full of unbelievable colors. His language was astringent: "immortal Hall... Experimenters... But all experimenters in immortal hall had left months ago. Who is this person?"

The powerful pressure made everyone weak and almost fell to his knees.

As the figure got closer and closer, the disciples of the sect retreated and didn't dare to look directly at it. The light was too dazzling. It was like an immortal coming to the world, accompanied by a bone chilling chill.

The disciple of the sect thought of what he had said before, and suddenly felt his heart jump wildly. He just said that he could do anything unless the immortal came. As a result, in the twinkling of an eye, there came one who should beat his crow's mouth.

The nun grabbed the last hope and fell to her knees at the moment: "please help me!"

The disciples of the sect looked at each other and wanted to leave, but as soon as they moved, they heard a voice: "settle."

Suddenly, they felt that an inexplicable force twisted all their space together, and all their spiritual power could not work. One by one, they could see each other's frightened expression.

The coldness and sword intention became more and more sharp. The figure slowly appeared in front of the people. Just at the moment of seeing the coming person, they were all stupid again.

The other party is not just a fairy or a magnificent immortal, but a disheveled earth face. His clothes are more ragged, his dust is all over, and he can't even see his face clearly. The wine of the whole person comes to the public at the moment.

People, look at me and I look at you. You can't connect the man in front of you with the horror of just now. It's more a beggar than a beggar.

This man is Xu Xian. After leaving the immortal hall, Xu Xian didn't even have the Kung Fu to change and wash clothes. He immediately sent it. This continent was invaded by heaven demons. This is what has been obtained. Xu Xian looked around and had a rough guess in his heart.

"Where is the nearest transmission array here?"

Xu Xian belched the wine. The wine from the ice gourd was countless times stronger than before. The taste of the wine made Xu Xian unable to completely lift it up to now.

Xu Xian's eyes swept among the people. The disciples of the sect were still bound by the immobilization technique and could not speak at all. At the moment, it was like the meat of the chopping board. The female monk had just experienced the sense of helplessness. Now it was their turn to experience it.