The long sword roared away. On the long sword, there was a dark shadow. You can see that it was the mountain soul pattern of Yongfeng City, which was the last means of hard stone to save Xu Xian's life.

But Xu Xian also knows that the last remaining power of the mountain soul is the key to saving the stubborn stone. Xu Xian doesn't know how sure he is, but there is only such a way at the moment.

In Yongfeng City, the situation is very delicate at the moment. They never thought that Xu Xian should chase Huachen all the way. At the moment, they dare not speculate about the victory or defeat of them. If Fuyuan wins, everyone will be happy, but if Fuyuan loses

This possibility makes everyone unwilling to believe that Xu Xian's means are strange, but after all, they are different from each other. They still have a different dust melting realm. They have never heard of a friar expanding the sea, especially a friar in the early stage of expanding the sea who can pour down the dust melting power!

But Xu Xian's ferocity has deeply shocked them, leading them to hesitate now.

There are only a few people around Feng Wuyue, and there are more than a dozen people on the side of China magazine to expand the sea. At the moment, there is a great disparity in combat power.

And they can be sure that the stubborn stone is indeed dead. Now the only stumbling block is the wind and moon in front of them.

Fengwuyue is even more tangled in their hearts. If they want to go, Huazhu and others will not stop him, because their purpose is Yongfeng City, not them.

However, once they leave, those monks and many family mortals in Yongfeng city will be expelled and squeezed, which will inevitably lead to another bloody storm.

"The wind has no moon, and the hard stone is dead!"

Huabao looked at the statue on the huge green bird, and his expression gradually became cold and crazy.

Yes, the stubborn stone is dead. He has always been the rock of Yongfeng city. He is dead. The Yongfeng city is really going to change.

Feng Wuyue said nothing. He also promised to protect the integrity of these families. Some of the people behind Feng Wuyue looked hesitant and some had decided to fight.

The friar who has been following Feng Wuyue even pointed to China magazine and scolded: "well, you dog who eats inside and outside. Don't forget that the old president led you to be the shopkeeper, otherwise you would have died in the mouth of monsters. What's the difference between your behavior and animals!"

"And you Lujiang! If master stubborn stone hadn't rescued you from the restricted area, you would have turned into dead bones in the restricted area. Now you're so grateful that you're not afraid to go to hell after death. You can't even enter reincarnation!"

This secret was rarely known by outsiders. At the moment, it was uncovered naked, and their expressions changed one after another.

Heiyu sneered in his heart and stepped out: "the wind has no moon. The hard stone is dead. Do you expect that boy to kill Huachen and come back to solve the siege? It's ridiculous."

With his words, several sea expansion friars surrounded the wind and the moon.

"Feng Wuyue, we also respect your identity. If you leave here, we won't embarrass you. If you are still stubborn, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Shit, a group of animals! We fight with them, and the big deal is death!" the people behind Feng Wuyue now sacrifice weapons to kill, but Feng Wuyue stopped him.

Feng Wuyue's always straight back seemed slightly bent at the moment. His eyes hovered over the Bird Statue and took back his eyes for a long time.

"I have two conditions. If I promise, we'll leave."

"This... Is a popular auction house. It's a foundation for thousands of years. You can't..."

"Don't be dead. There are enough dead people." Feng Wuyue interrupted him. The man clenched his teeth and stared at the ugly faces in front of him.

"First, the statue can't be damaged at all."

"Second, I want to take away the people of the family here who are willing to leave with me."

Feng Wuyue didn't ask for resources and didn't compromise. This sentence fell around several monks who opposed him. They were also stunned and immediately became a little complicated.

But Lord Heiyu hated Xu Xian very much. He naturally understood that what Feng Wuyue wanted to take away was the mortal family who came here with Xu Xian.

He sneered: "there is a family that you can't take away."

There must be a good relationship between that family and Xu Xian. If Xu Xian is killed by the chemical dust, it will undoubtedly leave a good impression to keep this family to Tianxiang mountain. If Xu Xian really narrowly escapes, leaving the people of this family as hostages is enough to make Xu Xian throw rats and avoid weapons.

Feng Wuyue naturally knew his plan. At the moment, he drank in a deep voice: "there are some mortals in the family. Our friars can't fight mortals!"

"Now you are not qualified to negotiate terms with us!" master Heiyu waved in his hand and lost patience.

When the two sides were deadlocked, suddenly, a sword puffed and went straight to the public.

That's a long sword. The black feather patriarch is too familiar with this long sword!

This is Xu Xian's sword!

The hearts of the people were more worried. Xu Xian's sword appeared. Did Xu Xian lose or lose?

The sword danced over the heads of the people. The idea of huff and puff made everyone cold. A sword made the sea friars present tremble. The sword swept one by one in front of the people and finally stopped in front of the wind and the moon.

The people looked at the sword and dared not take a step closer.

Not long after, the black feather leader spoke again: "the wind has no moon, what are you going to do..."

As a result, as soon as he was halfway through his words, he suddenly saw that the sword was facing him and cut it directly!

The speed of a sword that no one controls was so fast that the black feather patriarch was shocked. He immediately stepped back and waved the feather fan in his hand, but it was crushed by the light of the sword.

"Ah!" with a scream, master Heiyu was directly pierced through his chest.

"No, it's impossible..." his eyes began to relax. There was a strong and outrageous sword intention in the long sword, which broke his Dantian in an instant.

This is what Xu Xian left. The sword intention in the gourd is enough to deal with these people.

In full view of the public, the arrogant and domineering black feather patriarch had lost his vitality and fell to the ground. The long sword still hovered at the moment.

The scene was quiet and terrible. Their amazement at Xu Xian had turned into fear.

Obviously, he was just a friar who spread the sea. It was amazing that he could fight with Huachen Da Neng. As a result, a sword in his hand could also kill friar spread the sea in an instant.

Is this really sea expansion?

The sword can't speak, but at the moment, silence is better than sound. The long sword slowly flies to the Bird Statue and stops in front of the petrified hard stone. The power of the mountain soul on it now flies out and integrates into the hard stone.


The whole mountain was humming inexplicably at this moment.

The wind was excited in the moon's eyes. At the moment, he turned back and stared at the bird statue.

The statue of the hard stone still looked at the distance calmly, without any sign of recovery.

Feng Wuyue's fist clenched tightly and weakly loosened, and sighed for a long time.

The long sword stopped in front of the statue, and the long sword sound covered it. It seems to tell everyone that if you want to enter this area, you have to pass it.

The situation was reversed in an instant. The more than a dozen sea expansion friars were stunned that they didn't dare to approach the statue. Just now, the end of the black feather sect leader appeared in front of them. They didn't dare to bet their lives.

Feng Wuyue's eyes swept in front of the crowd, and a word came from the sword just now, which was left by Xu Xian in advance.

If this sword comes here, it will prove that his life is at least unimpeded. When he returns, he may be able to save the hard stone.

Fengwuyue now leads many families into the bird statue. Few people know that there is also a huge area in this statue, even connecting more than half of Yongfeng city.

The rest is to negotiate with their respective families. At least within ten miles of the Bird Statue, they dare not step half a step.