With the help of yunshenwei's system, the retreat is still going on, and the duel between the two sides is still going on. The transformer robot has a very large body and continues to launch a full set of heavy attacks in the front. It can be said that his mechanical power has brought him a huge force advantage, which is also the only advantage of the armored infantry transformer robot, But for the wasp monster, these are nothing, because the skin can have a certain rebound force, and the other party can even destroy the steel plate through some terrible stingers.

"If we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid our advantages will disappear, so my suggestion to you is to directly ignite the mechanical power source of the transformer and turn it into a burst form. You should know that under the burst form, the strength of your transformer robot will be greatly improved, but doumi will also be reduced from 500000 years to 100000 years, so You have to think clearly. In addition, after the use of armored infantry and transformer robots, you must carefully recover, because the trauma suffered during the battle is very serious, and this transformer will be the only one to fight in your rear. "

The extraordinary love system also hopes that its owner can cherish the equipment. After all, not all equipment can accompany human beings. In the end, some equipment is actually very strong, but it is because there is no good protection, so it gradually ages in the process of fighting, then loses the fighting energy and is abandoned by human beings, In fact, some people are always selfish in the process of fighting, always thinking about their own life safety, but don't take good care of their equipment. In fact, equipment, like humans, are alive. Only by protecting them well, can they prolong their life and continue to fight.

The of yunshenwei company nodded. Of course, she understood that this time the transformer robot was her only dependence, so he understood.

The duel between the transformer robot and the king of the Hornet is still going on. It seems that it understands that its owner is in danger. After the transformer robot ignites the burst form, its armor begins to change and become more violent. Its power is still improving and its speed is becoming faster. At this moment, The king of the hornet obviously didn't have the advantage as before. Even his calf couldn't break through the steel plate. At this moment, the king of the hornet was worried, scared and even wanted to leave.

"Is it absolutely impossible for you to leave? Today, I will use my power to completely destroy you, seize your dragon power and let my master complete evolution."

Transformers is absolutely impossible for the other party to have the chance to escape, so he punched out and called the body of the wasp king to hit the ground in a short moment, but the wasp king is still unwilling to give up and is still fighting back, hoping to escape through the strength of his wings, but. This is still of no use.

"You have brought us a lot of trouble here today. Just imagine, if we hadn't come here before, you must have sneaked attacks on some dragon creatures here. Otherwise, how could you have such a powerful dragon power? Moreover, according to the information I know, any creature can complete the evolution of evil and even justice by acquiring the power of the dragon In fact, you Hornets just need to live a good life. There is no need to do some evil things because of greed in your heart. In that case, it will bring great trouble to other creatures. "

After thinking over and over again, Yun Shenwei still issued an order to make the transformers robot attack more decisively, but the king of hornets was not happy. He finally survived. Today, he even absorbed endless peer forces to complete the evolution, and even secretly attacked many dragon families to obtain some dragon blood, But today he is going to be defeated by a human being. How can he be willing to accept it.

The transformer robot will not give the king of rent any chance to fight back, punch again and again, and hit the body of the king of Hornets on the ground. After each attack, the body of the king of hornets will be flattened and spit out green blood, but he is still unwilling to give up or even separate his body, The wasps who turned some wings into small ones began to escape, but this was only part of it, because his main body had no chance to escape. He could only watch himself die. At this moment, the king of wasps regretted. She even felt that she should not take the initiative to provoke such humans, but now she really had no chance.

"Let me deal with the escaped wasps. Kill the king of wasps here first. Remember, don't be merciful. Your kindness to the enemy is cruel to yourself. Moreover, the dragon power on this guy is very powerful. If you absorb it, you can complete a higher level of recent situation. Don't waste your deformation gold in vain Just power, you forcibly exchange these from the heaven mall. Not all things can be exchanged casually. If you waste resources at this moment, you will encounter danger again next time. I can't guarantee that you will have the opportunity to exchange such powerful power. "

Before the extraordinary love system goes to hunt down the fleeing wasps, it reminds its owners that sometimes they have to act separately. Otherwise, the king of wasps will be solved here. However, although those fleeing wasps are unlikely to pose a threat in a short time, they will recover again after a long time, After all, these wasps have evil will and are likely to do some evil things. If they make a comeback, those who enter here in the future will definitely be hurt. Imagine how pitiful those innocent people will be. It was because many people didn't know there was the king of wasps that they died here for nothing, Even some dragon creatures were secretly attacked.

Yun Shenwei nodded. He was still very willing to accept what the system said.

Transformers are also quick to kill the king of yellow wind.