Yun Shenwei was pleased to see so many dragon families. At least she spoke. The Dragon families here were very obedient and came here. Therefore, today, he suddenly used a powerful force to improve everyone's body, reduce their pain rapidly, and make them healthy.

"My God, I've recovered from all my problems. It's too powerful. This ability is directly more powerful than the previous Tyrannosaurus Rex king. It seems that this human not only has a strong combat ability, but also is beyond people's reach in other aspects. I have to say that I admire him very much for this. At least he has changed my life Problems, so that I can live for decades. "

"Originally, I still have one breath. My family dragged me here. I thought that after reading the last words of the strong man today, I would die quietly, but I didn't expect that he saved me, and he not only saved me, but also saved other people, even those old friends who have accompanied me sick for many years."

"It's really powerful. It seems that we must obey the arrangement of the strong man today. Maybe he can point out a clear way for us to strengthen our life and avoid shouting and killing like before. It's really meaningless."


After yunshenwei's action, the Dragon creatures below were amazed. They were very excited. How could they not imagine that the strong man of mankind could make so many dragon creatures healthy and get rid of the disease? In the past, they didn't dare to imagine, so they are very excited now, His eyes were all on the powerful man Yun Shenwei.

"In fact, you don't need to look at me so excitedly, because what I do is just a trivial thing. I help you transform your body every day, that is, I hope you can live a healthy life, but how to live in the future is still your business. I just think your lifestyle is not quite right. There is no responsibility to fight and kill every day What's the point? Why don't you do some business. "

Yun Shenwei suddenly thought of life on the earth, so he gave some examples to open his eyes to these dragon creatures and let them understand how to live, so he fell out of a void projector, and then summoned some CDs to start playing human life, human world and modern metropolis, After seeing it, all the Dragon creatures are quiet. After all, they have never seen it before. With the length of time slowly increasing, more and more dragon creatures yearn for the life on TV.

"Dear human adults, after you let us see these pictures, we are excited and want to feel that life, and we also know that you come from that great world, so please help us and let us complete our evolution. We don't want to fight every day. That's really cruel."

A strong man of the dragon family stood up. Although he didn't say he was as powerful as the king of the dragon family, he still had a certain voice in the life of the dragon family, so. After asking him to stand up, other dragon creatures also agreed very much. They all shouted loudly, hoping to improve the living environment, after all. Improving the environment still needs to start from themselves. If they don't even want to change, just like outsiders using more interest is futile.

"I call you here today so that you can change. Since you already have this idea, I must help you, but don't worry, because the change comes step by step, so I need to divide it according to the different characteristics of each Dragon creature, so that you have different occupations. Only in this way can you live a better life Stabilize down. If everyone has the same profession, it will be meaningless. I think some dragon creatures are suitable to be doctors and some dragon creatures are suitable to be car drivers. However, no matter what you do, the final result is the same and can contribute to everyone, so you don't have to belittle yourself. "

Yun Shenwei was very pleased. At least he saw that he had called the Dragon creatures in vain.

So he ordered the extraordinary love system to divide the Dragon creatures, and classify them according to their age and volume. Be sure to ensure that the next career arrangement must be rigorous.

There are some young dragon creatures. They are divided into the camp of students, because they still have to study in the future, and their age is relatively young. If they go out to help, it won't play a great role. As for those older dragon creatures, they don't arrange special jobs for them, but let them continue their old-age life, After all, it is inconvenient to do some things when you are old. Forced work is boring, the gains outweigh the losses, and even die.

There are some young dragon creatures. They are divided into the camp of students, because they still have to study in the future, and their age is relatively young. If they go out to help, it won't play a great role. As for those older dragon creatures, they don't arrange special jobs for them, but let them continue their old-age life, After all, it is inconvenient to do some things when you are old. Forced work is boring, the gains outweigh the losses, and even die.

As for those young and strong dragon creatures, they are arranged in the work of young adults.

Of course, there are also some with high IQ and strong physical strength. Some of them have become athletes and some can become executives of one company. However, no matter what they do, they are specialized in technology, and they are still in an initial state.

Yun Shenwei also found that some dragon creatures like to be lazy, don't like to do heavy work, and don't even like to take the initiative to help. There is nothing it can do about this phenomenon. Maybe just like the human world, some people like to do some sneaky things, and some people like to be positive, but anyway, their future is their own choice, so he won't interfere too much in the choice of these dragon creatures. As for the future outcome, Then we can only look at their own creation. That's all he can do.