"Bianca truth, it's great. I didn't expect to meet you here. When we went to your house to find you, they said you had gone out to perform the task. Originally, we thought you were going out to kill those mutated evil lives. Unexpectedly, you often came to another world. Why didn't you tell us these things? It's so fun It should have been said earlier. "

Before yunshenwei could react, he found that the lovely girl talking in the sky had hugged Bianca, and then said with a smile. Looking at the relationship between them, it seemed that they were playing very well.

"Yunshenwei, nice to meet you. In fact, we already know your name, and we know your information better. Of course, these are only the skills you have used. As for the things you haven't used, we haven't detected them. I'm glad to know you. I know you came to our three person team because of our flame ability, But since you are Bianca's good friend, we will help you anyway. "

Karenina came over and smiled. She spoke in the style of a woman man.

Karenina is wearing a long black dress and holding a gun in her hand. If she doesn't understand it, she will think it is a weapon for long-range attack, but only those who know him know that this gun is his magic weapon for close combat. Only when he accumulates energy to a limit can he launch the most deadly fire to destroy the sky from this gun!

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sophia. My position among them is auxiliary. My strength is not very strong, but my moving speed is OK. The most important thing is my auxiliary ability, which can greatly improve their attack efficiency. For example, a red energy ball of Karenina can only kill one enemy at most, but with my help After help, his ability will be improved a lot, and my ability can easily make the other party lose the defense ability of fire attribute. "

Sophia came over, introduced her abilities, and then pointed to the girl holding Bianca in the distance.

"Just because it's the most favorite of all of us. Its name is pulse. It's actually very interesting. Of course, you can also call it 70."

Yunshenwei listened to Sophia's introduction and felt a little strange. Few people would use numbers as names, but he also nodded. After seeing Bianca, he slowly understood many strange things and strange people in the world.

"You're Bianca's good friend. You look handsome, but I want to tell you one thing. If you dare to bully Bianca's little sister, I'll beat you later. See if there's a chainsaw in my hand, I usually don't use it, but if you annoy my friend, I'll let you taste the chainsaw. What's more, what I'm good at is flame growth My attack can weaken the enemy's fire defense. Frankly, the ability between Sophia and me is almost the same, but I have more armor ability. My flesh and blood are relatively hard, so it is difficult for the other party to break through my defense. "

Pulse came over and introduced his ability. Obviously, he regarded the other party as a good friend. Bianca smiled awkwardly because his friend spoke too directly.

"I'm glad to meet you, and I'm sorry to call you here in this way, but now that you have come and you have taken the initiative to introduce your abilities, we will be good friends in the future. I also believe that we will cooperate happily next. It's estimated that we will encounter a lot of trouble in the fire area, but I believe that as long as we go hand in hand and fight side by side , you can overcome any difficulty with all your heart. "

Before starting, Yun Shenwei also thanked this group of people, because he knew that he could not defeat all enemies by his own ability. It was the so-called technology industry that specialized. Even if he mastered the ability of fire, he was barely self-protection. It was really difficult for Na to put out the fire with fire, and he had to rely on the three person group of fire team to do this step.

"Come on, come on, you don't need to be so polite to them. Although they talk arrogantly, they are all good people and their personality is relatively calm. Therefore, we must go hand in hand in the next battle. In addition, if you really want to be my boyfriend, it's not impossible. In the future, there are opportunities. Of course, the premise is that you have to go through The assessment of the sky garden is OK, otherwise we are likely to lose contact. "

Bianca truth certainly knows what the other party means to himself, but he also knows that he is under the jurisdiction of the sky garden. He came to this world just because there is evil life here. If it is not for this, he can't come, and the sky garden can't allow him to leave suddenly.

"It will be fine after that. Anyway, I will go to the sky garden in the future, and I believe I can take you home."

Yun Shenwei smiled happily. At this moment, he felt how good someone around him was. He always relied on his own strength to fight outside, so. It's hard when he is in danger, but now with so many people around him, he is much more relieved, and there are strong people in every area, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

After the extraordinary love system saw that everyone was gathered together, it also began to carry out the transmission device. Soon, everyone saw a beautiful spaceship.

Yunshenwei or the colorful spaceship in front of him felt a little surprised, but soon he felt that there was some yellow. He went to the flame area from time to time and brought such a conspicuous spaceship. Wouldn't he be looking for trouble, but he thought that he was going to take the initiative to find the enemy, so. There is no vinegar at all. Anyway, as long as you can win.

Bianca truth took the lead in flying insects, and others were aerobics, and soon landed. When they got on the ship, the air here became dignified again. A moment later, the ship started, and everyone flew into the distant sky in the ship. After they left, the creatures in this area also welcomed each other. They knew that, It is precisely because of the emergence of this human being that they have been brutally harvested by the tiger king. Perhaps it is because of Bianca truth and cloud power that they can thrive.