In 1989, Macao was still a Portuguese colony. The city has always been known as "gambling city" and "gambling port". It is also known as the world's three major gambling cities together with Las Vegas and Monte Carlo.

Macao promulgated the legalization of gambling in 1947, and the gambling industry has a history of more than 140 years.

30% of Macao's government revenue and 50% of its tax revenue come from the gambling industry. More than 80% of tourists to Macao come for gambling. Macao's gambling industry directly maintains the employment of nearly 10000 people, and undertakes most of the passenger volume of water transportation in Hong Kong and Macao, as well as part of the expenditure on public works, social charity and cultural undertakings.

Of course, the biggest casino in Macao during this period was the Lisboa Hotel.

Located at the southwest end of Friendship Avenue in Nanwan, Macao, Lisboa Hotel is a comprehensive hotel, especially famous for its casino. Many tourists come here thousands of miles to gamble in the casino.

When he came to the gate of the casino, Chen Xiaodao was a little worried. He took Guo Lingfeng and asked, "is chocolate OK? Won't anything go wrong?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "don't worry. Ah Zhen bought so many chocolates for him. He is in a good mood and will win money!"

In the film, Gao Jin lost his memory like a 10-year-old child. Once Chen Xiaodao took him to gamble. As a result, because they didn't buy "feodora" bitter chocolate, Gao Jin was angry and deliberately lost money, almost abandoning Chen Xiaodao.

After entering the casino and exchanging 20000 yuan chips, they went straight to the gambling table of Baccarat. They have tried many times at home. If it's Soha gambling, Gao Jin's performance is not stable, but gambling on baccarat is absolutely 100% win.

"Baccarat" is a playing method of playing cards, which is the most common in casinos. This method will use three to eight pairs of playing cards to wash together, and the charge officer will deal cards to gamblers in turn.

Baccarat is recognized as the most civilized and fair entertainment in the world gambling industry. Whoever has the closest total of two cards to 9 wins. K. Q and j cards with portraits and 10 words can be scored as 0, so baccarat means zero in Italian.

At Guo Lingfeng's suggestion, they dared not go to a gambling table with a high bet, so they started at a gambling table with a minimum bet of 100 yuan. Although Gao Jin was stupid, he still had the instinct to gamble and soon won more than 30000 yuan. Guo Lingfeng took them to the leisure seat next to the casino.

"What are you doing?" Chen Xiaodao complained. "Can't you see that chocolate is killing all sides? Why stop?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "are you stupid? You haven't won much now, but if you win too much at a gambling table, I'm afraid the people in the casino will come? We're here to win money. Should we keep a low profile?"

Guo Lingfeng's caution is very necessary, because if a new face gambler wins too much money at a gambling table, the casino manager or supervisor will invite you to a higher standard gambling table. If the amount involves millions, it is estimated that you will be invited to the VIP Hall.

Guo Lingfeng's goal this time is very simple. It's just enough to win more than 200000. There's no need to show off in the casino.

After resting for about half an hour, they came to another gambling table, where the bet limit is higher, and the minimum bet is required to be no less than 500 yuan.

Gao Jin ate a piece of chocolate and continued to fight. After dozens of games, he won about 100000 yuan. Then they went to the leisure area to have a rest.

After repeating this three or four times, they have nearly 500000 chips in their hands. Chen Xiaodao was excited to win and wanted to bet again. Guo Lingfeng persuaded him.

"Well, listen to you!" Chen Xiaodao said with a smile. "You see, we have changed several gambling tables, and the casino won't notice us! Let's change a gambling table and bet ten more games, just ten games! OK?"

Chen Xiaodao is also poor and afraid. How can he willingly miss such an easy opportunity to make money this time? Of course, take this opportunity to make more money!

"Well, I'm afraid of you!" Guo Lingfeng was worn helpless by him and had to promise him, "just ten innings? We'll go right after ten innings!"

Of course, Gao Jin has no problem. He will be obedient as long as he has chocolate. Like Chen Xiaodao, Jane is also poor and afraid. She also wants to win more money and improve her life.

In order to win more money, Chen Xiaodao found a gambling table with a minimum betting requirement of no less than 1000 yuan. Guo Lingfeng thinks it's a little high-profile. It seems a little inappropriate. But they've already sat down and started gambling. It's not easy to say anything.

Gao Jin was very lucky this time. He won eight innings in a row. They have more than 800000 chips in their hands. At this time, a middle-aged man in a black suit came over and directly replaced the charge officer of the gambling table.

"I'm sorry, everyone! The official in charge was a little sick just now. I'm the director in charge of the playing method of Baccarat. Now I'll deal you cards. I hope you can have a good time!" the man said with a very professional smile.

After only looking at him, Guo Lingfeng felt a bad feeling in his heart - it seems that the casino has noticed Gao Jin.

Although they have kept a low profile as much as possible, they have changed the gambling table several times since the beginning, and they always go to the leisure area to have a rest every time. But they didn't notice that Gao Jin won't raise as long as his cards were bad. He won money in every game at other times. He has played two or three hundred games tonight and never lost. How can there be such an ordinary gambler?

There's no way. Gao Jin is now in a state of amnesia. He's just gambling according to his instinct. Guo Lingfeng is also a layman, and Chen Xiaodao gets carried away by winning money. They never thought that after winning eight or nine innings, they should deliberately lose one or two innings, so that the casino may not notice them, but at least they can delay for a while.

The director's licensing speed is not slow, but obviously he has a very good gambling skill. Gao Jin still played normally and won another game.

The supervisor looked a little worried. He was drinking coffee in his office when his subordinates reported that he suspected someone cheating, so he came to the monitoring room to watch the video of Gao Jin's gambling. He watched it carefully and slowly for a long time, but he didn't find any cheating behavior. However, he is still not sure. Although he thinks he is good at gambling, he also knows that some experts in the gambling industry are very powerful. Even if he makes thousands, you may not be able to see through it. So he volunteered to come to the gambling table and wanted to have a close look.

It's close enough, but I still can't see anything.

After another game, Gao Jin still won. After winning the money, Gao Jin was also very happy and ate another piece of chocolate to reward himself.

Seeing that Gao Jin was leaving, the supervisor thought they were going to "strategic retreat" in the leisure area, so he called a charge officer to deal cards and stood in front of them.