"A Xing? Who is Qimeng?" Mengluo is a little unclear, but the handsome man has just saved herself. Her tone is very polite.

"Qimeng, what's the matter with you? Don't you know me? I'm a Xing?" Zhou Xingxing hurriedly said.

Mengluo understood a little. It seemed that the man in front of him recognized the wrong person, so he said, "Sir, I think you recognize the wrong person! I'm not Qimeng, I'm Mengluo! Does that Qimeng you said look like me?"

As like as two peas, Zhou Xingxing is still incredible, though he can almost still be sure that this woman is not a dream, but they are so alike.

"Yes... You as like as two peas!" Zhou Xing slowly said, "it's exactly the same! If you are not a dream, then I doubt that you are the twin sister of the dream!"

Mengluo smiled: "really? But I'm sure I don't have a sister or sister. It can only be said to be a coincidence! By the way, Qimeng... Is she your girlfriend?"

Zhou Xingxing said sadly, "yes, she... Used to be my girlfriend! But she has gone to the United States! I haven't seen her for about a year. I thought you were her just now!"

Mengluo hurriedly said, "sorry, I mentioned your sadness!"

Zhou Xingxing smiled: "it's all right. In fact, after so long, I don't care so much. By the way, why were you bullied by that man? Who is he?"

Monroe blushed and said, "I'm a bar owner. I owe a lot of money to the boss of the ship, so he caught me on the ship and said he wanted me... To accompany him for a few days to pay the debt. This man is his subordinate. It seems that he can't help but want to... Rape me. It's estimated that his boss doesn't know, otherwise he won't let this guy go!"

Zhou Xingxing said with a smile: "so it is. I'm here to participate in the 'charity poker king' competition. How much do you owe Hussein?... you don't have to worry. I'll help you pay your debt when I win the competition!"

Meng luoleng asked faintly, "Why are you so good to me? Are you so good to every girl you just met?"

Zhou Xingxing felt his head a little embarrassed and said, "maybe it's because you look like Qimeng? Even if I already know you're not her, I always think you're her. Don't mind! As for you saying that I'm like this to the girls I just met, how can it be? I don't love one when I see one!"

Mengluo burst out laughing and said, "you're so cute! I'm sure many girls and children like you?"

Zhou Xingxing laughed at himself: "who can see a poor boy like me?"

Mengluo said with a smile, "you underestimate yourself too! With your courageous behavior just now, there are too few men who can do this!... by the way, the bad man won't wake up? Let's leave here first!"

With that, she took Zhou Xingxing and quickly left the guest room area to the second deck.

When he met Guo Lingfeng on the road, Zhou Xingxing came forward to say hello. Guo Lingfeng was also surprised to see Mengluo. He thought that Zhou Xingxing and Mengluo really had fate, so he could meet them.

Mengluo behaved decently in front of Guo Lingfeng, but she was always close to Zhou Xingxing. Guo Lingfeng couldn't help sighing at this state. I'm afraid the two people are not far away from holding hands and hugging shoulders.

Guo Lingfeng didn't book a room (mainly because they didn't have enough money), so they had to stroll around on the boat. It was easy for the casino hall to open the door and they went in at the first time.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Hussein standing in front of the door in the captain's uniform to greet the guests. When I saw Guo Lingfeng coming, Hussein showed a smile that he thought was very gracious. He came forward and said, "Sir, welcome to the casino. Are you coming to participate in the 'charity poker king Competition'?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "yes, it's said that it takes three million dollars to compete, isn't it?"

Hussein said with a smile, "yes, anyone can compete as long as he has three million dollars. Do you have it?"

Guo Lingfeng took a note from his body and said with a smile, "no, I only have this 100 dollars! I don't know if it's enough for the minimum betting requirements in your casino?"

Hussein was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing. After a long time, he stopped laughing and said, "enough, of course! As long as there are 100 Hong Kong dollars, you can gamble here! I just don't know... Hahaha... Sorry, I can't help laughing! Aren't you? You want to win 3 million dollars with this 100 dollars?"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "what's wrong? Today there are three of our martial brothers, each of whom has only $100. When your 'charity poker king' competition starts, you'll see if we have enough $3 million to participate!"

Hussein said with a smile, "well, I can't wait to see how you win three million dollars!"

Guo Lingfeng said, "well, let's start now!" then he took Zhou Xingxing and Mengluo into the casino.

Hussein was surprised to see Mengluo, but he was very deep in the city and didn't express anything. He just looked at her with his gloomy eyes.

"Second elder martial brother, let's do it separately?" Zhou Xingxing said. "The eldest martial brother should be coming soon. We don't have much time. Hurry to gamble!"

Guo Lingfeng didn't talk nonsense, just nodded. After the two separated, Guo Lingfeng came to a gambling table for dice and sat down. When he saw that the collector rolled the dice and put it down, he directly put the $100 bill on the "small".

"I'm sorry, sir. Our casino doesn't accept cash. Can I change it into chips for you?" the charge officer reminded politely.

Guo Lingfeng curled his lips and said, "OK, I'll bet 100 dollars and buy all small!"

The official nodded, took the hundred dollars, then took the corresponding number of chips and put them on the "small", and then said, "please leave your hands, three... Two... One, go!"

When the dice cup was opened, it was impressively three or three. At eight o'clock, Guo Lingfeng won. Then Guo Lingfeng bought all 200 US dollars and won again.

In this way, Guo Lingfeng won 13 in a row. In just half an hour or so, he already had $1.638400 in his hand.

Hussein noticed the power of Guo Lingfeng, so he motioned the army to stop him. Guo Lingfeng smiled and left the gambling table with a small basket full of chips.

Guo Lingfeng stopped gambling, but Hussein saw that Chen Xiaodao had won hundreds of thousands of dollars on the gambling table on the other side. He was shocked and quickly called the army to stop him.

As soon as Chen Xiaodao saw the army coming, he stopped gambling and left with chips.

After a while, Zhou Xingxing won a million dollars and laughed with joy. Hussein's eyes turned red with hate and called the army up again.

Zhou Xingxing and Da Jun fought for a special function. As a result, they were successively hit by each other's hypnotic illusion. First, Zhou Xingxing sang a song "a smile in the sea" with a fat woman's leg in his arms. Then the army also dressed up as a woman and danced a pole dance on a gambling table, which made it very embarrassing.