Guo Lingfeng did this mainly to complete the first task. How many devils did he kill now? It's far from 200 missions! In the next few months, in addition to hard training, the independent regiment dispatched a small force every two or three days to do some harassment. Either pull down a devil's turret, or rob the devil's transport team, or destroy the railway or telephone line. Anyway, come as you make the devil uncomfortable.

At the beginning, Guo Lingfeng felt that he had little experience. He moved within tens of miles around the independent regiment's residence. Gradually, he became more and more courageous and the scope of activities became larger and larger. Sometimes he had moved hundreds of miles away.

With Guo Lingfeng's practice, the devils and puppet troops in this area will feel bad, and there will be new losses in three or two days. Guo Lingfeng made a "roster" and arranged the attack order of the ten companies of the independent regiment. He took one company with him every time. Sometimes he took two companies when he encountered a hard stubble, and he could gain something every time.

Li Yunlong couldn't close his mouth with a smile. Guo Lingfeng brought back a lot of materials these days. He likes both food and equipment ammunition. The character of the goods is similar to that of the landlords. When they see good things, they want to go to their own house.

The independent regiment has gradually become much better equipped. More than half of the individual equipment of the regiment has been replaced with "38 big covers". Each company has at least three or four light machine guns and one heavy machine gun. As for the devil's mountain cannons and grenades, the number has tripled. Li Yunlong directly established an artillery company to concentrate heavy firepower.

Guo Lingfeng and his team also seized more than 30 US made Thompson submachine guns, which consumed too many bullets, and the Eighth Route Army always kept a distance. However, now that the independent regiment has gradually enough ammunition, it simply changed part of the equipment of the regiment guard company, and there is a whole row of submachine guns.

In the past, the independent regiment had only one guard platoon, but now the manpower is gradually sufficient. Li Yunlong expanded one more battalion and expanded the guard platoon into a company.

Monk Wei changed his guns. In addition to two 20 ring German rifles, he was also equipped with a Thompson submachine gun. He brought as many ammunition as possible. He alone had no less than 300 bullets.

Li Yunlong really looked at Guo Lingfeng with new eyes. It only took more than two months for the independent regiment to take on a new look. The quality and quantity of equipment and ammunition were a little better than his original new regiment.

Moreover, the independent regiment is not only better equipped, but all officers and soldiers are no longer as thin as before. Over the past two months, we have been practicing hard and eating well. Everyone's physical quality, energy and spirit have been greatly improved, and various individual skills and tactics have made great progress. Li Yunlong felt that the soldiers of the independent regiment were no longer under the ordinary devil soldiers because of their bayonet skills.

On that day, the regiment headquarters suddenly received a call from its superiors, saying that Chu Yunfei, head of the 358 regiment of the Kuomintang Jinsui army, and several officers of the regiment headquarters would visit the independent regiment. Please receive the independent regiment well.

Li Yunlong has heard of Chu Yunfei. He was born in Huangpu Military Academy. He used to be a member of the central army. Later, he was assigned to the Jinsui army because he was deeply appreciated by Yan Xishan, commander of the World War II region. Chu Yunfei is different from most incompetent officers in this period. He is a very strong professional soldier with great courage and accurate shooting skills.

Chu Yunfei's 358 regiment is strong, and its paper strength is much stronger than that of the independent regiment. The independent regiment now has only more than 1500 people, which has recruited many new soldiers in the past two months after fighting the Yamazaki brigade. The 358 regiment has more than 5000 people. In fact, it is an enhanced regiment, with a number equivalent to the four normal regiments of the Eighth Route Army. Moreover, Chu Yunfei has always been appreciated by Yan Xishan. His 358 regiment is also an ace in the Jinsui army. All kinds of equipment and ammunition are the best, even compared with the devil.

Li Yunlong had a deal with Chu Yunfei before. They cooperated in the war of Xinkou meeting, but they didn't meet face to face. It can only be said that they all sympathize with each other.

This year, the Eighth Route Army launched a "hundred regiments war". The regular army alone mobilized 105 regiments, which directly alerted Chairman Jiang in Chongqing.

Niang xipi, isn't your Eighth Route Army under the jurisdiction of three divisions and six brigades, with only tens of thousands of people? Who gave you the right to expand your army? It's over 400000! Chairman Jiang's displeasure made the problem somewhat complicated.

On the surface, Yan Xishan sent a delegation of officers to visit and study the "friendly forces", but in fact, it was also to explore the reality of the Eighth Route Army. Originally, the visiting group was to visit the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, but Chu Yunfei named to visit the independent group. He wanted to meet Li Yunlong for a while.

Li Yunlong's defeat of Bantian United is famous. Even Chairman Jiang has heard of his name. Chu Yunfei is of course more interested in him. In that year, the 358 regiment had a frontal confrontation with the Bantian united team. However, the Japanese army was well equipped and its combat effectiveness was really strong. Chu Yunfei failed to take any advantage.

Li Yunlong defeated the Bantian united team and killed the captain of the Bantian united team with the strength of a regiment, and there were only more than 1000 people in the regiment. This record is really the best, and Chu Yunfei has to admire it.

Following the reception personnel of the Eighth Route Army to the station of the independent regiment, Chu Yunfei was shocked when he passed the training ground.

Is this the training facility of Tuba road? Why does it look better than our 358 regiment?

When they came to the regiment headquarters, Li Yunlong and Guo Lingfeng greeted them. Chu Yunfei and his party were eight, mostly school level officers.

"Welcome!" Guo Lingfeng gave him a military salute and said with a smile, "we welcome the Chu regiment to grow up and come. Our independent regiment is really magnificent!"

Chu Yunfei had heard that Li Yunlong, the head of the independent regiment, was in his thirties, but political commissar Guo Lingfeng was less than 25. Today, he was still surprised by Guo Lingfeng's young appearance.

"Where? Are you commissar Guo?" Chu Yunfei returned with a salute. "Chu came abruptly today, mainly to take me officers to visit and study in your army. I hope you will give me some advice!"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "Captain Chu, you're welcome. Let's go to the house first."

After entering the regiment headquarters, Li Yunlong asked Li Jun to serve some cups of tea. These are good things seized from the devil. Usually Li Yunlong is reluctant to drink. He has to face up when entertaining guests today.

As soon as he sat down, Chu Yunfei said, "head Li, political commissar Guo, you two Chu have heard a lot about you!"

Li Yunlong said with a smile, "where? Commander Chu, you are welcome! Your 358 regiment is the main force in the World War II area and the trump card of chief Yan! Our independent regiment doesn't even have a title. In case we make a contribution one day, chairman Jiang doesn't know where to reward us! You, commander Chu, can come to our small temple to see it. It's to give me Li Yunlong's face. Li is lucky!"

Chu Yunfei: "Captain Li, don't mention it. Although Chu has never met with Captain Li, his name has long been like thunder! In the World War II area, all officers from the chief to all divisions and regiments know that Captain Li led his troops to defeat the Sakata regiment. In the first World War of lijiapo, your department wiped out the Yamazaki regiment. It can be said that he became famous in the first World War. Chu admires it from the bottom of his heart! Everyone is under Chairman Jiang and chief Yan We should fight against the Japanese invaders as brothers. Can I call two brothers Yunlong and Lingfeng? "

Li Yunlong said with a smile: "no problem!"

Guo Lingfeng said with a smile, "brother Chu is older than me. It's a little inappropriate to call me brother? You'd better call me a Feng!"

Chu Yunfei said with a smile, "so you can't get what you want!"