The reason why Guo Lingfeng tries to lead the team is mainly because he has to complete the task. His Li Yunlong said with a smile, "I'm afraid, so I have to stay at home this time. This time, our political commissar is leading the team. Brother Chu dare to go to watch the war together?"

Chu Yunfei said with a smile: "Brother Guo led the team? Why don't you dare to watch the war? Of course Chu has to follow and see the excitement!"

In the afternoon, Li Yunlong just ordered all the first battalion to get ready, and the superior's phone came.

Guo Lingfeng dared not hide it. After all, it was difficult to hide such a big thing, so he called brigade commander Chen Geng to report the action plan. Chen Geng only considered it for a moment and agreed.

However, the situation soon changed. The fourth and ninth brigades and regiments of the Japanese army were marching rapidly towards the huting stronghold. The headquarters of the Eighth Route Army transferred an independent regiment to chenjiayu as the security work of the headquarters. On the one hand, Li Yunlong was depressed and couldn't fight the battle. On the other hand, he was secretly happy. After all, even if he fought the battle, he didn't command it.

Li Yunlong, Chu Yunfei and Guo Lingfeng studied in front of the map for a long time. They all thought that the arrangement of the two brigades and regiments was strange, even a little strange.

They didn't know that neither of the two brigades and regiments was the protagonist of the play. The protagonist of the play was Yamamoto yiki, a secret service team with only more than 80 people. They wanted to behead. The target was Peng Dehuai, the current Deputy commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army.

The three of them discussed for a long time. Finally, Li Yunlong decided that he should take the risk. He decided that Guo Lingfeng took the first battalion out according to the original plan, and he himself led the remaining three battalions to chenjiayu.

Before leaving, Guo Lingfeng grabbed Li Yunlong and told him, "Lao Li, don't be careless when you take charge of the security work of the headquarters this time! I have a hunch that the enemies of our independent regiment are likely to appear this time. The monk said that they are all experts who can defeat ten with one. Don't lose Jingzhou carelessly. President Peng is right behind you!"

Li Yunlong's face didn't mean to joke. He said angrily, "don't worry. Although Lao Li's culture and Kung Fu are not as good as you, he's never ambiguous in war! If these devils really dare to come, I must leave them all!"