After Kong Jie and Ding Wei left, Li Yunlong really began to strengthen the linkage with the defense areas of the New 1st regiment and the new 2nd regiment. The famous "Northwest Shanxi iron triangle" in the original plot has begun to emerge. Guo Lingfeng finally did a lot of things that a serious political commissar should do. For example, he went to the women's rescue association to tell women comrades about our party's proposition of equality between men and women, or to teach everyone to use guns. From time to time, he also went to the county brigade and District teams to talk about the "advanced experience" of the independent regiment.

In fact, when it comes to the experience of fighting guerrillas, people's County brigade and district team are experts. The independent regiments have lined up in separate companies. Over the past year, they have learned from people.

Guo Lingfeng mostly talked about the topic of fighting will.

Compared with the independent regiment, its equipment must be much better than Kong Jie's new second regiment, but it is much better than Ding Wei's new regiment. After all, that's what Li Yunlong saved. All kinds of heavy and light firepower can almost break the wrist with Chu Yunfei's 358 regiment, which can definitely be counted in the main regiments of the Eighth Route Army.

However, if we really want to fight, the new regiment is certainly not the opponent of the independent regiment. Not only is the independent regiment now crowded, but the head of the independent regiment is Li Yunlong!

It's mysterious to say, but it's really true.

Li Yunlong is really inferior to Ding Wei in tactical literacy, which can be seen from the papers they wrote when they graduated from Nanjing Military Academy after liberation. Li Yunlong's graduation thesis was on the spirit of shining the sword, while Ding Wei's graduation thesis was a very macro analysis of the deployment ideas at the junction of Xinjiang, Northeast China and the Soviet Union, and directly regarded the eldest brother of the Soviet Union as an imaginary enemy. This military layout was quite shocking at that time.

Li Yunlong is stronger than Ding Wei because his troops are always full of fighting will. Even if there is only one soldier left, he will never give up the attack. Sun Desheng, the former cavalry company commander, explains this very well.

Therefore, even if the independent regiment now has the same number as the new regiment, its combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be stronger.

During this time, Yang Xiuqin didn't come to the League Headquarters much. Every time she met Guo Lingfeng and Li Yunlong, it was the same as usual. The girl was a little careless and straightforward.

After receiving the order from the superior, Yang Xiuqin wants to perform a joint task in the county.

Just in case, she hid the browning given to her by Guo Lingfeng, carefully filled the cartridge case and closed the insurance.

The puppet soldiers did not search when they entered the city gate. These days, as long as they have good citizen certificates, they don't bother to search one by one. It's better to have a little wine with several brothers after work!

When Yang Xiuqin came to the daily grocery store in the south of the city, he met the waiter and said, "I'll go back to my mother's house and bring my mother two bottles of old vinegar!"

The guy's face was dignified. He looked out the door and said carefully, "old vinegar? There's no goods now!"

Yang Xiuqin said, "what should I do? I'll leave tomorrow. Can you imagine a way?"

The man said, "well, I'll ask our boss to tell you!"

Then the man turned and entered the inner room. After a while, a middle-aged man with glasses came out and looked up and down at Yang Xiuqin.

Yang Xiuqin asked, "are you boss Wang?"

The humanitarian: "yes, I'm wang Zhipeng. Are you Comrade Xiuqin? It's hard on the road!"

With that, Wang Zhipeng shouted, "tiger, go to the door and watch!"

The man was obedient.

Wang Zhipeng was a little relieved and asked, "Comrade Xiuqin, what's the matter with you this time?"

Yang Xiuqin said: "Secretary Duan sent me to accept the instructions of the county Party committee. Our district has received information. The devil is ready to go to the countryside to grab food. Our district team obeys the instructions of the county Party committee!"

Wang Zhipeng pondered a little and said, "you tell Secretary Duan that the county Party committee has made a request to the military sub district to ask the independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army to sing the main play. The county brigade will cooperate with the district teams of several districts to launch a large-scale anti Qingxiang action!"

Yang Xiuqin said happily, "great. If the independent regiment comes out, we will have a bottom in our hearts!"

Wang Zhipeng said, "the military sub district has agreed to the request of the county Party committee, and the combat order will be issued to the independent regiment immediately. The anti youth team, women's Rescue Committee and children's regiment in your district must do a good job in the logistical support of the troops!"

Yang Xiuqin nodded and said, "yes, we promise to complete the task!"

Wang Zhipeng looked at the door and said, "time is pressing, I won't keep you. Be careful on the way back!"

"OK, I'll go first!" Yang Xiuqin was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly she saw several bottles of "Hengshui Laobaigan" on the counter. She remembered that Guo Lingfeng and Li Yunlong liked to drink two cups when they were free, so she pointed to the wine and asked, "by the way, how much is that wine?"

Wang Zhipeng was stunned and asked, "what? Do you want to buy wine?"

Yang Xiuqin was a little embarrassed and nodded.

Wang Zhipeng took two bottles down, directly stuffed them into the basket she was carrying, and said, "take them!"

Yang Xiuqin took a few banknotes from her body and said, "no, I have money!"

Wang Zhipeng said with a smile, "they are all comrades. Two bottles of wine are not rare things. Just take them!"

Yang Xiuqin insisted: "no! You don't own this shop. It's all organizational funds. We can't break the rules! Take the money!"

With that, she couldn't help but insert a few banknotes, and Wang Zhipeng had to receive them.

Leaving, Wang Zhipeng came out of the miscellaneous store in the south of the city. Yang Xiuqin didn't dare to delay and went straight out of the city to zhaojiayu.

She didn't expect that even if she didn't wear the flower cotton padded jacket she usually wore, her whole body was covered with ashes and her face was deliberately soiled, she was noticed by two enemies.

A puppet army officer accompanied the devil's second lieutenant shopping. He didn't expect to see such a beautiful woman in the street. He hurriedly grabbed the devil's second lieutenant, pointed to Yang Xiuqin's back and said, "Taijun, Yamaguchi, there is a flower girl!"

The devil second lieutenant surnamed Shankou felt refreshed and said with a smile, "flower girl? Go, follow up!"

They followed them all the way out of the city and walked more than ten miles. Seeing that there were no people around, they gradually caught up and stopped Yang Xiuqin.

Yang Xiuqin actually found someone following her after she left the city. She couldn't help but speed up her pace and hope to get rid of them, but no matter how fast she walked, it didn't help. The two people who chased her never got rid of her, but chased closer and closer, and finally stopped her in a wild mountain.

Before being stopped, Yang Xiuqin had opened the pistol insurance and pulled the gun. She was ready for battle.

Although she has never participated in the battle, Yang Xiuqin is not a timid little girl. She is the director of zhaojiayu village women's Rescue Association. Moreover, he has lived around these tough soldiers of the independent regiment for a year, and has been strongly influenced by his experience. Facing the coming danger, she was only three points afraid, and the other seven points were uncontrollable excitement.

"Girl, what are you running for?" the traitor asked with a smile.

Yang Xiuqin pretended to be afraid and said, "I'm afraid..."

The traitor smiled and said, "what are you afraid of? You have no ghosts in your heart. What are you running for? We have to check you!"

Lieutenant Yamaguchi smiled brilliantly and said, "don't be afraid, flower girl! We don't mean any harm. We just want to see if there are prohibited items in your clothes!"

With that, he approached slowly, and the smile on his face became more and more prosperous